Horizontal Teams

Setting-Up Horizontal Teams

Step 1 Team Member Introductions – Get to know your teammates.

Step 2 Elect a Team Leader – Team leadership will rotate weekly. Team leaders will be in charge of completing the Horizontal Teaming Form whenever the team meets, turning in lesson plans with a rating of 2 or below, and disseminating information from instructors and the director to the teams.

Step 3 Set Group Norms – Decide how meetings will be run (procedures & meeting agendas), and how will you address each other (i.e. first name, or last name) etc. Create a group norms poster with your group’s name, the procedure and/or agendas etc. Keep is simple. Post your poster on the wall.

Step 4 Assign Content Areas – Everyone should have one content area or grade level unless told otherwise. Special Education Teachers will work primarily with Math and Reading.

Step 5 Discuss Unit Plan Overview – The task is to order the objectives on your assignment sheet. Objectives in each content area must be spiraled correctly in order to plan and teach effectively. Make a group decision about the unit overviews. For example, “Will each person plan for their content area?” or “Will the overview be planned by the group?” These are questions to be decided by the team.

Horizontal Teaming Form

Week: ______Objective: ______

Team Name: “Queen Bees” Group 1 – EC-4

Team Members / Content Area
Team Leader
1. Laila Nabi
2. Miriam Lee
3. Elizabeth Morrison
4. Bryan Vinson
5. Megan Walton
6. Lalitha Shetty

Goals (20 Minutes):












Horizontal Teaming Form

Week: ______Objective: ______

Team Name: “Grupo Infantil” Group 2 – EC-4

Team Members / Content Area
Team Leader
1. Veronica Rodriguez / EC-4 BG
2. Emilce Paez / EC-4 BG
3. Lydia Nava / EC-4 BG
4. Yolanda Argueta / EC-4 BG
5. Carrie Lewis / SPED
6. Alexandra Becker / EC-4 BG

Goals (20 Minutes):












Horizontal Teaming Form

Week: ______Objective: ______

Team Name: ”Sensational Six” Group 3 – EC-4

Team Members / Content Area
Team Leader
1. Olga Negrete / EC-4 BG
2. Mercedes Newman / EC-4 BG
3. Dina Hernandez/Mena / EC-4 BG
4. Amrit Ramos / EC-4 BG
5. Selda Camarena / SPED
6. Kate Moorhead / EC-4 BG

Goals (20 Minutes):












Horizontal Teaming Form

Week: ______Objective: ______

Team Name: “A-TEAM” Group 1 – Science

Team Members / Content Area
Team Leader
1. Michelle Broussard / Math-Science 4-8
2. Lauren Field / Science 4-8
3. Danielle Lassman / Science 4-8
4. Raini Lott / SPED – 6th grade resource
5. Brad Meckley / SPED – 5th grade resource
6. Katherine Irvine / EC-4 BG

Goals (20 Minutes):












Horizontal Teaming Form

Week: ______Objective: ______

Team Name: “Team Awesome” Group 2 - Science

Team Members / Content Area
Team Leader
1. Erica Poole / Math-4-8 Science
2. Zoe Howard / 4-8 Science
3. Wan Lim / 4-8 Science
4. Logan Pearce / 4-8 Science, 8-12 Science
5. Andee Knutson / SPED

Goals (20 Minutes):












Horizontal Teaming Form

Week: ______Objective: ______

Team Name: “Wizzy Wig” Group 1 – Math

Team Members / Content Area
Team Leader
1. Anita Tansil / 4-8 Math
2. Lara Huff / 4-8 Math
3. Kevin Brown / 4-8 Math
4. Matt Armstrong / SPED, 6th grade resources
5. Rolando Negrete / 4-8 BG

Goals (20 Minutes):












Horizontal Teaming Form

Week: ______Objective: ______

Team Name: “Olympics” Group 2 – Math

Team Members / Content Area
Team Leader
1. Julie Edgeworth / 4-8 Math
2. Margaret Matchett / 4-8 Math, 8-12 Math
3. Pam Brown / 4-8 Math
4. Steven Anderson / 4-8 Math
5. Stan Vinet / SPED, 7th grade resources
6. Braulio Gonzales-Alvarez / 4-8 Math

Goals (20 Minutes):












EDTC 3000, Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Center for Teacher Certification, ACC