Dolton School District 148
Strategic Planning – Grade 1
Cycle 2 (Oct.) / Cycle 3 (Nov. – Dec.) / Cycle 4 (January) / Cycle 5 (February)1.A.6 Use knowledge of letter-sound correspondences and high frequency words to orally read age-appropriate material.
1.B.1 Make predictions before reading and relate to personal experiences (e.g. illustrations, title)
1.C.10 Create illustrations to answer questions about a story
2.A.4 Imitate rhythm/rhyme patterns
2.A.5 Distinguish between “real” and “make believe”.
2.B.3 Re-enact and retell stories, songs, poems, plays & other literary works.
3.B.5 Attempt to write text that is related to the picture.
3.C.2 Retell a focused story.
6.A.6 Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers
6.A.7 Connect Number Words to Quantities
6.B.1 Solve 1-Step Addition / 1.A.4 Recognize 100 high frequency sight words including environmental print.
1.B.2 Discuss prior knowledge of topics and relate to the text before reading.
1.C.11 Use information in illustrations or text to make predictions and relate to prior knowledge.
1.C.12 Use text provided in functional classroom messages to get information.
2.A.2 Tell a story with a beginning, a middle and an end.
2.A.3 Define unfamiliar vocabulary
2.B.4 Produce simple evaluative expressions about the text, “I like the story because. . . “.
2.B.5 Make simple connections from the story to events or people in their own lives.
3.A.1 Write simple 2-3 word sentences.
9.A.1 Identify and draw 2-D shapes.
9.A.2 Identify, build, draw and name 2-D shapes
9.A.3 Solve problems involving spatial visualization.
9.A.4 Recognize shapes with line symmetry
9.B. 2 Compare and sort 2-D/3-D objects.
9.C.1 Recognize geometric patterns / 1.A.5 Use appropriate strategies of decoding (e.g. illustrations, phonics, word patterns, context clues) to recognize unknown words when reading.
1.B.3 Connect the elements of character, setting and plot to the text.
1.B.5 Begin to check for understanding (e.g. reread, read ahead, use illustrations and context clues) during reading.
3.A.1 Continue to write 2-3 word sentences.
3.A.2 Use beginning capitalization
3.A.3 Use end marks (e.g. period, question mark)
6.B.1 Solve 1-step subtraction
6.B.2 Compute using fact families
6.D.1 Compare two or more sets, using manipulatives
8.C.1 Solve simple number sentences with variables / 1.A.7 Begin to recognize miscues that interfere with meaning and use self-correcting strategies.
1.C.1 Recognize questions can be used to gain information.
1.C.3 Begin to recognize the author’s purpose across a broad range of materials.
1.C.4 Recognize the motives of characters in various works.
10.A. 1 Collect, organize describe and display data using bar graphs and tallies.
10.A.2 Compare numerical information derived from graphs.
10.C.1 Describe events as certain, impossible, more likely or less likely to occur.
Dolton School District 148
Strategic Planning – Grade 2
Cycle 2 (Oct.) / Cycle 3 (Nov. – Dec.) / Cycle 4 (January) / Cycle 5 (February)6.B.5 Demonstrate fluency with basic addition and subtraction facts
6.B.1 Solve 2-step addition and subtraction number sentences and word problems
6.B.2 Demonstrate relationship between addition and subtraction
6.C.1 Use mental math to solve simple addition and subtraction / 1.A.3 Recognize 300 high frequency words.
1.A.4 Use a variety of decoding strategies to recognize new words (phonics,word patterns, structural analysis
1.B.5 Recognize when you need to reread to clarify meaning.
1.B.6 State facts and details of text.
2.A.2 Tell a story with a beginning, middle and end
2.A.3 Define unfamiliar vocabulary
2.A.4 Identify the topic or main idea (theme)
2.B.3 Re-enact and retell selections (e.g. stories, songs, poems)
2.B.7 Compare two works by the same author
3.A.2 Use correct subject/verb agreement
3.A.3 -4 Use appropriate capitalization and ending marks.
6. B.1 Solve 2-step addition and subtraction number sentences and word problems
6. B.2 Demonstrate relationship between addition and subtraction
6. C.1 Use mental math to solve simple addition and subtraction / 1.B.7 Answer age appropriate questions, before, during, and after reading, to clarify understanding
1.B.11 Read age appropriate material orally with accuracy, rhythm, and volume
1.C.9 Summarize or retell text read or herd
3.B.1 Use appropriate pre-writing strategies
3.B.6 Use phonetic clues to spell unfamiliar words
1.C.1 Identify the author’s purpose and the main idea.
2.A.1 Describe and compare characters, settings, and/or events in stories or pictures.
2.A.6 Compare different versions of the same story
3.B.2 Compose a focused story using pictures and/or basic text
6. B.1 Solve 2-step addition and subtraction number sentences and word problems
6. B.2 Demonstrate relationship between addition and subtraction
6. C.1 Use mental math to solve simple addition and subtraction
8. C.2 Apply the inverse relationship of addition and subtraction to solve for unknown quant / 1.A.7 Use context, previous experiences, and dictionaries to clarify meanings of unfamiliar words.
1.B.3 Recognize informational text structure (sequence, list/example) before and during reading.
1.C.7 Summarize information in illustrations and charts
3.B.3-4 Use a series of pictures and basic text to tell a focused story in the proper order.
3.B.6 Begin to self evaluate their own writing
6. B.1 Solve 2-step addition and subtraction number sentences and word problems
6. B.2 Demonstrate relationship between addition and subtraction
6. C.1 Use mental math to solve simple addition and subtraction
8. C.2 Apply the inverse relationship of addition and subtraction to solve for unknown quantity
Dolton School District 148
Strategic Planning – Grade 3
Cycle 2 (Oct.) / Cycle 3 (Nov. – Dec.) / Cycle 4 (January) / Cycle 5 (February)1.3.03 Identify words with same beginning sound
1.3.17 Identify explicit/implicit main ideas
1.3.18 Locate information using graphic organizers
1.3.19 Make comparisons across reading passages
1.3.21 Distinguish main ideas and supporting ideas
1.3.22 Identify main idea when not explicitly stated
1.3.23 Identify or summarize the order of events in a story
2.3.10 Identify genres
6.3.09 PS addition & subtraction with regrouping
8.3.01 Determine a missing term in a pattern and extend a pattern.
8.3.02 Write an expression in a given situation.
8.3.03 Represent simple mathematical relationships with number sentences (equations and inequalities).
8.3.04 Solve 1-step addition and subtraction equations with a missing number or operation sign.
8.3.05 Solve for unknown in word problems / 1.3.05 Identify rhyming words with different spelling
1.3.06 Determine meaning of compound words
1.3.20 Make a literal or simple inference
1.3.24 Draw inferences, conclusions or generalizations about text with support
1.3.26 Draw conclusions from information in maps/charts
1.3.27 Determine whether a set of instructions is complete
1.3.28 Identify the author’s purpose
2.3.10 Identify genres
9.3.01 Identify & draw 2-D shapes
9.3.02 Identify & describe 3-D shapes
9.3.03 Identify points on grid
9.3.04 Identify & draw line of symmetry
9.3.05 Flips, slides, turns
9.3.06 Identify parallel lines
9.3.07 Components of 3-D shapes
9.3.08 Use nets to identify 3-D shapes
9.3.09 Predict the result of composing and decomposing shapes.
9.3.10 Congruent & similar figures
9.3.11 Distance of 2 points on number line / 2.3.01 Differentiate plot, character, setting
2.3.02 Identify main/supporting characters
2.3.03 Identify events important to plot
2.3.04 Identify setting
2.3.05 Identify author’s message
2.3.06 Explain outcomes, problem/conflict, resolution
2.3.07 Determine what characters are like by what they say + how the author portrays them
2.3.08 Determine character motivation
2.3.09 Identify & compare characters’ attributes
2.3.10 Identify genres
.3.01 Elapsed time problems
6.3.03 Model common fractions
6.3.07 Locate whole & halves on number line
7.3.02 Select and use appropriate units and tools to measure length
7.3.03 PS with perimeter
7.3.04 PS with area
7.3.06 Determine the volume of a solid figure in cubic units.
7.3.05 Compare & estimate length, area, and weight/mass using referents.
7.3.07 PS with measurement, time & length conversions / 2.3.05 Identify author’s message
2.3.06 Explain outcomes, problem/conflict, resolution
2.3.07 Determine what characters are like by what they say +how the author portrays them
2.3.08 Determine character motivation
2.3.09 Identify and compare characters’ attributes
2.3.10 Identify genres
10.3.04 Probability and classify events
10.3.05 Probability and describe chances
6.3.04 Multiplication
6.3.11 Model basic multiplication facts and apply them to related multiples of 10.
6.3.13 PS involvingmultiplicative identity of one and the additive identity of zero.
Dolton School District 148
Strategic Planning – Grade 4
Cycle 2 (Oct.) / Cycle 3 (Nov. – Dec.) / Cycle 4 (January) / Cycle 5 (February)1.4.05 Use synonyms to define words
1.4.06 Use antonyms to define words
1.4.08 Correct use of homonyms
1.4.12 Features of informational text
1.4.13 Minor and significant details
1.4.14 Explicit & implicit main ideas
1.4.16 Compare two reading passages
1.4.17 Answer literal/simple inference question
2.4.13 Identify genres
6.4.03 Read, write, recognize and model equivalent representions of fractions.
6.4.06 Money (decimals)
6.4.07 Order and compare fractions having like denominators.
6.4.08 Identify & locate whole numbers, halves & fourths on a number line.
6.4.13 Model situations with addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators.
6.4.10 PS with money
8.4.01 Patterning
8.4.02 Write an expression
8.4.03 Write number sentences
8.4.04 1-step addition & subtraction
8.4.05 Solve for unknown in word problems / 2.4.01 Differentiate among literary elements
2.4.02 Distinguish between main and supporting characters.
2.4.03 Identify events important to development of plot
2.4.04 Identify setting
2.4.05 Identify author’s message
2.4.13 Identify genres
2.4.14 Identify narrative, persuasive or expository text.
9.4.01 Identify & draw 2-D shapes
9.4.02 Identify & describe 3-D shapes
9.4.03 Differentiate between polygons & non-polygons.
9.4.04 Graph, locate, identify ordered pairs
9.4.05 Identify & draw line of symmetry
9.4.06 Flips, slides, turns
9.4.07 Identify parallel/perpendicular lines
9.4.08 Identify & sketch right angles
9.4.09 Components of 3-D shapes
9.4.10 Use nets to identify 3-D shapes
9.4.11 Composing and decomposing shapes
9.4.12 Congruent & similar figures
9.4.13 Distance of 2 points on number line / 2.4.06 Make text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections
2.4.07 Literary elements: rising action, climax
2.4.08 Determine hat characters are like by what they say or do.
2.4.09 Determine character motivation
2.4.10 Determine causes of characters’ actions
2.4.13 Identify genres
2.4.14 Identify narrative, persuasive or expository text
7.4.01 Elapsed time problems
7.4.02 Measurement – rulers
7.4.03 Problem solve with perimeter
7.4.04 Problem solve with area
7.4.05 Compare and estimate length
7.4.06 Volume
7.4.07 PS measurement time & length conversions / 2.4.05 Identify author’s message
2.4.11 Identify and interpret figurative language (metaphor, simile, idiom)
2.4.12 Identify examples of poetic devices using sound (alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme, consonance)
2.4.13 Identify genres
2.4.14 Identify narrative, persuasive or expository text
10.4.04 Probability: classify events
10.4.05 Probability: describe chances
6.4.04 Multiplication
6.4.12 Model and apply basic multiplication and division facts & apply to multiples of 10
6.4.11 Model multiplication facts with multiples
6.4.13 Multiplicative identity of one
Dolton School District 148
Strategic Planning – Grade 5
Cycle 2 (Oct.) / Cycle 3 (Nov. – Dec.) / Cycle 4 (January) / Cycle 5 (February)1.5.01 Determine the meaning of an unknown word using knowledge of prefixes, suffixes & word roots.
1.5.10 Determine the purpose of features in NF text (bold print, organization, key words and graphics)
1.5.13 Demonstrate understanding of graphic organizers by using them.
1.5.14 Make comparisons across passages
1.5.15 Identify cause and effect organizational patterns in fiction.
1.5.21 Causes of events in a story or NF account
6.5.03 Equivalent representations fractions
6.5.04 Translate between fractions & decimals
6.5.09 Order & compare fractions
6.5.10 Identify & locate fractions on number line
6.5.14 Model addition and subtraction of fractions.
6.5.16 Estimates with whole numbers
6.5.17 Identify and express ratios
6.5.18 PS involving proportional relationships.
6.5.19 Read, write, recognize and model percents. / 1.5.03 Use synonyms to define words.
1.5.04 Use antonyms to define words.
1.5.05 Determine the meaning of word/context when word has multiple meanings.
1.5.06 Determine the correct use of homonyms, idioms, and analogies using context blues.hujhhuhhujhu
1.5.23 Distinguish between fact and opinion.
1.5.27 Determine author’s purpose for writing fiction or non-fiction text.
2.5.04 Identify the author’s message or theme
9.5.01 Identify & draw 2-D shapes
9.5.02 Identify & describe 3-D shapes
9.5.03 PS properties of triangles
9.5.04 Identify radius/diameter of circles
9.5.05 Graph ordered pairs
9.5.06 Lines of symmetry
9.5.07 Reflections/rotations
9.5.08 Parallel/perpendicular
9.5.09 Acute/right/obtuse angles
9.5.10 Components of 3-D object
9.5.11 Identify 3-D shape from net
9.5.12 Composing/decomposing shapes
9.5.13 Congruent/similar figures
9.5.14 Similar figures/relationship of parts
9.5.15 Distance of points on number line / 2.5.01 Identify elements of fiction: plot, character, setting, theme, character foils
2.5.02 Explain how elements of fiction contribute to meaning of literary selection
2.5.03 Interpret literary passages using the literary structure of exposition
2.5.04 Identify the author’s message or theme
2.5.05 Compare stories to personal experience, prior knowledge or other stories
1.5.14 Make comparisons across reading passages.
7.5.01 PS involving elapsed time.
7.5.02 Select and use appropriate units & tools to measure length, mass/weight, capacity
7.5.03 PS perimeter & area
7.5.04 Compare & estimate length, area, volume & mass
7.5.05 Determine the volume of a right rectangular prism using an appropriate formula or strategy.
7.5.06 PS time, length, weight/mass
7.5.07 PS involving map interpretation and scaling. / 2.5.06 Recognize points of view/narratives
2.5.07 Determine what characters are like by what they say or do or by how the author or illustrator portrays them
2.5.08 Determine character motivation
2.5.09 Compare/contrast behavior or 2 characters
2.5.10 Explain the relationship between main and supporting characters
10.5.04 Probability of a simple event.
10.5.05 Probability describing chance
8.5.04 Evaluate algebraic expressions/whole numbers
8.5.05 Input/output tables
8.5.06 Translate between tables, written, pictorial representation of whole numbers
8.5.07 Problems with equations & inequalities
8.5.08 Solve for unknown in an equation/one operation
Dolton School District 148
Strategic Planning – Grade 6
Cycle 2 (Oct.) / Cycle 3 (Nov. – Dec.) / Cycle 4 (January) / Cycle 5 (February)1.6.04 Connotations of a word
1.6.13 Identify cause & effect patterns
1.6.14 Determine answer to literal or simple inference question.
1.6.19 Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text + support
6.6.10 Decimals & fractions -number line
6.6.11 PS odd/even, factors > < =, square and prime numbers
6.6.12 PS number sentences all operations
6.6.14 PS number sentences with fractions
6.6.15 Order of operations
8.6.01 Detect missing term/sequence
8.6.02 Write expression with variable
8.6.03 Evaluate algebraic expressions
10.6.04 PS with probability / 1.6.05 Use synonyms & anotonyms
1.6.06 Meaning of word/context with multiple meanings
1.6.10 Use information in charts, graphs, diagrams, maps and tables to understand
1.6.14 Determine answer to literal or simple inference question
1.6.18 Identify causes of events in a story.
1.6.20 Fact and opinion
2.6.04 Identify the author’s message or theme
1.6.27 ?? Determine the author’s purpose
6.6.16 PS using properties of operations
6.6.17 Make appropriate estimates
6.6.18 Ratios
6.6.19 PS with proportional relationships
6.6.20 Percents from 0% to 100%
6.6.21 PS involving percents
7.6.01 Measure length, mass/weight
7.6.02 PS perimeter, area of triangle & parallelogram
7.6.03 Compare & estimate length, area, volume, mass
7.6.05 PS time, length, weight/mass, volume of prisms
7.6.06 PS map interpretations/map scales
9.6.04 Radius, diameter/chord of circles / 2.6.01 Identify elements of fiction: plot, character, setting, theme, character foils
2.6.02 Explain how elements of fiction contribute to meaning of literary selection
2.6.03 Interpret literary passages using the literary structure of exposition
2.6.04 Identify the author’s message or theme
2.6.05 Compare stories to personal experience, prior knowledge or other stories
1.6.14 ?? Make comparisons across passages
9.6.01 Identify & draw 2-D shapes
9.6.02 Identify & describe 3-D shapes
9.6.03 PS using properties of riangles & quadrilaterals
9.6.05 Graph ordered pairs
9.6.06 Reflections/rotations/translations
9.6.07 Parallel/perpendicular/intersecting lines
9.6.08 Acute/right/obtuse angles
9.6.09 Identify 3-D shape from net
9.6.10 Composing/decomposing shapes
9.6.11 Congruent/similar figures
9.6.12 Similar figures/relationship of parts
9.6.13 Distance between points on number line / 2.6.06 Recognize points of view/narratives
2.6.07 Determine what characters are like by what they say or do or by how the author or illustrator portrays them
2.6.08 Determine character motivation
2.6.09 Compare/contrast behavior or 2 characters
2.6.10 Explain the relationship between main and supporting characters
8.6.04 Determine a rule with two operations
8.6.05 Table of values and ordered pairs
8.6.06 Translate between tables, written, pictorial representations of whole numbers
8.6.07 Identify/graph inequalities on a number line
8.6.08 Represent problems with equations & inequalities
8.6.09 Solve for the unknown in an equation
8.6.10 PS involving unknown quantities
Dolton School District 148
Strategic Planning – Mathematics - Grade 7 & 8
August 16-20August 23-27
August 30-Sept. 3
September 6-10
September 13-17
September 20-24
September 27-Oct. 1
/ 10.7.01 Read and interpret data represented in graphs.
10.7.02 Create a pictograph, bar graph, tally chart, or table for a given set of data.
10.7.03 Determine the mode and range, given a set of data or a graph.
10.7.04 Classify events using the vocabulary of probability.
10.7.05 Describe the chances associated with a context presented visually.
6.7.01 Read, write, & recognize equivalent representations of positive powers of 10.
6.7.04 Represent repeated factors using exponents.
6.7.07 PS involving descriptions of numbers including characteristics and relationships.
6.7.09 Identify and apply order of operations to simplify numeric expressions.
8.7.01 Determine a missing term in a sequence, extend a sequence, and construct & identify a rule.
8.7.03 Simplify algebraic expressions by identifying and combining like terms.
8.7.05 Evaluate or simplify algebraic expressions with one or more integer variable values. / 7.8.04 PS involving the volume or surface area of a right rectangular prism, right circular cylinder or composite shape using an appropriate formula or strategy.
7.8.05 PS involving unit conversions within the same measurement system.
6.8.02 Read, write & recognize equivalent representations of integer powers of 10.
6.8.03 Recognize, translate between and apply multiple representations of rational numbers.
6.8.04 Use scientific notation to represent numbers & solve problems.
6.8.05 Represent repeated factors using exponents.
6.8.06 Order & compare rational numbers.
6.8.07 Identify and locate rational and irrational numbers.
6.8.10 Identify and apply order ofoperations to simplify numeric expressions involving integers, fractions & decimals.
6.8.11 Identify and apply properties of operations with rational numbers
6.8.14 Estimate the square or cube root of a number less than 1000
6.8.15 Use ratios to describe problem situations.
6.8.16 Use proportional reasoning to model and solve problems.
6.8.17 Read, write, recognize, model and interpret percents, including those less than 1% and greater than 100%.
6.8.18 PS number sentences and problems involving fractions, decimals & percents.
9.8.05 Graph points and identify coordinates of points on the coordinate plane.
9.8.12 Relate absolute value to distance on the number line.
October 4-8
October 11-15
October 18-22
October 25-29
/ 6.7.03 Recognize, translate between, and apply multiple representations of rational #s.
6.7.05 Order and compare integers, terminating decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers.
6.7.06 Identify & locate integers, decimals & fractions on a number line.
6.7.08 PS number sentences involving addition, subtraction, multiplication & division using integers, fractions & decimals.
9.7.05 Graph points and identify coordinates of points on the coordinate plane. / 10.8.06 PS involving the probability of a simple or compound event.
10.8.07 Represent all possible outcomes for simple events.
10.8.08 Solving simple problems involving the numbers of ways objects can be arranged (permutations & combinations).
November 1-5
November 8-12
November 15-19
November 22-24
Nov. 29 – Dec. 3
December 6-10
December 13-17
/ 6.7.03 Recognize, translate between, and apply multiple representations of rational #s.
6.7.14 Create & explain ratios that represent a given situation.
6.7.15 Use proportional reasoning to model & solve problems.
9.7.13 Describe the difference between congruence & similarity.
9.7.14 Determine if figures are similar, and identify relationships between corresponding parts of similar figures.
7.7.06 PS involving scale drawings and maps. / 8.8.01 Analyze, extend & create sequence or linear functions, and determine algebraic expressions to describe the nth term of a sequence.
8.8.02 Write an expression using variables to represent unknown quantities.
8.8.03 Simplify algebraic expressions.
8.8.04 Recognize & generate equivalent forms of algebraic expressions.
8.8.05 Evaluate or simplify algebraic expressions with one or more rational variable values.
8.8.07 Recognize, describe & extend patterns using rate of change.
8.8.09 Interpret the meaning of slope and intercepts in linear situations.
8.8.11 Represent & analyze problems with linear equations & inequalities.
8.8.12 Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable over rational numbers.
8.8.13 PS involving unknown quantities.
9.8.05 Graph points and identify coordinates of points on the coordinate plane.
January 3-7
January 10-14
January 17-21
January 24-28
/ 6.7..03 Recognize, translate between and apply multiple representations of rational numbers.
6.7.17 PS involving fractions, decimals and percents.
10.7.06 PS involving the probability of a simple or compound event.
10.7.07 Represent all possible outcomes for simple events.
10.7.08 Solve simple problems involving the number of ways objects can be arranged
(permutations and combinations) / 9.8.01 PS involving 2- and
3-D shapes.
9.8.02 PS involving knowledge of triangle and quadrilateral properties.
9.8.04 Identify, describe & determine the radius, diameter, and circumference of a circle and their relationship to each other and pi.
9.8.06 Represent and identify figures using coordinate geometry, including those resulting from transformations.
9.8.08 Identify or analyze relationships of angles formed by intersecting lines and angles formed by radii of a circle.
9.8.09 PS involving vertical, complementary, and supplementary angles.
7.8.02 PS involving perimeter/circumference and area of polygons, circles & composite figures.
7.8.03 Compare and estimate length, area, volume, weight/mass, and angles using referents.
7.8.04 PS involving the volume or surface area of a right rectangular prism, right circular cylinder or composite shape using an appropriate formula or strategy.
9.8.10 Identify the front, side, and top views of a 3-D solid built with cubes.
January 31 – February 4
February 7-11
February 14-18
February 21-25
/ 7.7.02 PS involving the perimeter and area of polygons and composite figures.
7.7.03 Compare and estimate length, area, volume, weight/mass and angles using referents.
7.7.04 Determine the volume and surface area of a right rectangular prism using an appropriate formula or strategy.
7.7.05 PS involving unit conversions within the same measurement system. / 7.8.06 PS involving scale drawings, maps and indirect measurement.
9.8.07 Analyze the results of a combination of transformations and determine a different transformations that could produce the same result.
9.8.11 PS involving congruent and similar figures.
10.8.01 Read, interpret and make predictions from data represented in graphs.
10.8.02 Compare/contrast the effectiveness of different representations of the same data.
10.8.03 Create a bar graph, chart/table, line graph, or circle graph to solve a problem.
10.8.04 Identify or draw a reasonable approximation of the line of best fit from a set of data or scatter plot, and use the line to make predictions.
10.8.05 Analyze & apply measures of central tendency in problem-solving situations.
10.8.06 PS involving the probability of a simple or compound event.
10.8.07 Represent all possible outcomes for simple events.
10.8.08 Solving simple problems involving the numbers of ways objects can be arranged (permutations & combinations).
Dolton School District 148