Home Profile
Child’s Name:
Does your child have a favourite toy?
How do they play with it?
What does your child like to do best?
Does your child like to watch the TV?
What do they like to watch?
Does your child like music and singing?
Does your child like messy play, e.g. paint, dough, glue etc?
Does your child like you to join in & play with them?
What do you play together?
Does your child like to play with other children?
Do you have any concerns about mealtimes?
What does your child like to eat?
Are there any foods they won’t eat
Do they feed themselves?
Do you have any concerns about your child’s sleep?
Does your child sleep well?
If they wake in the night is it difficult to get them back to sleep?
Does your child like to go in the bath?
Are they alright about having their hair washed?
Toilet Training
Is your child toilet trained?
Are you toilet training your child yet?
Physical skills
Is your child very active and on the go?
Does your child often trip and fall?
Does your child like to go to the park?
Do you think your child has a sense of danger?
Is your child able to tell you what they want?
How do they tell you, e.g. by using words, reaching out, making noises etc?
Do you think your child understands what you say to them?
Do you do anything other than speaking to help them understand you?
Is your child upset by loud noises, e.g. the hoover, hair dryers etc
Have you noticed if your child has any likes or dislikes for certain tastes or smells etc?
Does your child like to be cuddled or held?
Going Out
Does your child like to go out?
Is it easy taking them out, e.g. shopping?
How is your child in the car or on the bus etc?
Are there any places your child doesn’t like to go?
How is it when you visit friends or family?
How is your child when family or friends come to visit?
How are they strangers come to visit?
Does your child like to go to Nursery?
What do they like to do there?
Do you have any concerns about them going to Nursery?
Do you have any concerns about your child’s behaviour?
What does your child find difficult
What is your child good
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