Does the Management of Urologic Conditions Improve With a Formal Urology Clinical Clerkship?1
Supplement 1
Age_____Male_____ Female___
- I am adequately trained to place a urethral foley catheter in a female patient:
2. I am adequately trained to place a urethral foley catheter in a male patient
- Please complete the following statement: I define microscopic hematuria as (Check only one response):
- I do not know how to define microscopic hematuria ______
- Positive urine dipstick for blood ______
- The presence of 1or more RBC’s per high-power field (HPF) ______
- The presence of 3 or more RBC’s per high-power field (HPF) ______
- The presence of 5 or more RBC’s per high-power field (HPF) ______
- The presence of 10 or more RBC’s per high-power field (HPF) ______
- None of the above______
- Assume you are seeing a real patient. A 52 y/o female patient is found to have microscopic hematuria. Please check which of the following recommendations you would routinely make for this patient. You may check more than one box:
- Repeat Urinalysis ____
- Prescribe antibiotics ____
- Send urine culture _____
- Send urine cytology _____
- Obtain imaging studies ______
- Consult Urology ______
- Assume you are seeing a real patient. A 52 y/o male patient is found to have microscopic hematuria. Please check which of the following recommendations you would routinely make for this patient. You may check more than one box:
- Repeat Urinalysis ____
- Prescribe antibiotics ____
- Send urine culture _____
- Send urine cytology _____
- Obtain imaging studies ______
- Consult Urology ______
- Assume you are seeing a real patient. A 63 y/o female patient has an episode of gross hematuria. Please check which of the following recommendations you would routinely make for this patient. You may check more than one box:
- Repeat Urinalysis ____
- Prescribe antibiotics ____
- Send urine culture _____
- Send urine cytology _____
- Obtain imaging/radiologic studies ______
- Consult Urology ______
- Assume you are seeing a real patient. A 63 y/o male patient has an episode of gross hematuria. Please check which of the following recommendations you would routinely make for this patient. You may check more than one box:
- Repeat Urinalysis ____
- Prescribe antibiotics ____
- Send urine culture _____
- Send urine cytology _____
- Obtain imaging/radiologic studies ______
- Consult Urology ______
- For what age group(s) do you routinely recommend routine PSA (prostate specific antigen) testing? Check all that apply to your routine practice:
Under age 40 ______
40-49 years ______
80 years and older______
I do not routinely recommend PSA testing ______
9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: Digital rectal examination of the
prostate is not necessary if I am ordering a serum PSA:
a. Completely Agree______
b. Somewhat Agree ______
c. Neither Agree nor Disagree ______
d. Somewhat Disagree ______
e. Completely Disagree______
- Assume you are seeing a real patient. A 49 y/o healthy, asymptomatic Caucasian male has a serum PSA of 2.9 ng/ml. The prostate is normal on rectal examination. Which of the following would you routinely advise this patient to do? You may check more than one box:
- This is normal – return in one year ______
- Repeat the PSA now ______
- Repeat the PSA in 6 months ______
- Order a sonogram of the prostate ______
- Consult Urology ______
11. Assume you are seeing a real patient. A 65 y/o healthy female sees you for the first time today.
She is complaining of several months of urinary urgency and frequency. Which of the following
would you routinely recommend for this patient at this initial visit? You may check more than one
a. Urinalysis ______
b. Urine culture ______
c. Urine cytology_____
d. Renal ultrasound ______
e. Overactive bladder medication ______
f. Consult her gynecologist ______
g. Consult Urology ______
12. Assume you are seeing a real patient. A 65 y/o healthy male sees you for the first time today. He is complaining of several months of urinary urgency and frequency. Which of the following would you routinely recommend for this patient at this initial visit? You may check more than one box:
a. Urinalysis ______
b. Urine culture ______
c. Urine cytology_____
d. Serum PSA ______
e. Renal ultrasound ______
f. Overactive bladder medication ______
g. Alpha blocker ______
h 5-alpha reductase inhibitor ______
g. Consult Urology ______