Issues from 2011
Positive Action
Does your publicity include positive images of LGBT people in the work environment and in general publicity?
Does it include images of young, old, Black and disabled LGBT people?
Response -- We endeavor to include positive images of LGBT people in all of our literature, the same being true for young, old, black and disabled LGBT people. This is monitored by our comms team on a regular basis
Do all staff (including managers and frontline staff) receive training on LGBT issues?
Response Yes
Does Training include work with trans people, vulnerableadults, anti – social behaviour, disability & deaf awareness andworking with older/younger LGBT people?
Response Yes, examples include Diversity week, the work our Young Peoples team do working with individuals and the work of our Anti-social behavior team who work in partnership with ARCH and Victim support
Is there support for families of LGBT people?
Response Yes
Have any trained staff become known mentorsparticularly for young people, older people and victims of hate crime.
Response for staff yes other staff are working as mentors, Young people yes, hate crime is more generally picked up as a response to ARCH or the work of Victim Support
Since 2011 has your organizationincreased its targeted advertising to let LGBT people know that the organisation is a positive employer?
Response Yes using targeting LGBT friendly media
Does your organisation monitoremployee sexual orientation to establish targets forimproving representation how is it not just tick box exercise?
Response Yes there are regular Work force demographic reports and linked actions, these reports are periodically taken to the appropriate committee and considered by the LGBT group
What measures in place for LGBT safety in monitoringsystem?
Response None specifically although general safety issues could be combed by protected characteristic
Is the take up of e.g. compassionate leave by LGBT staff monitored?
Response No
Are LGBT people having the courage to respond positively to monitoring to contribute to culture change?
Response yes through the LGBT group and events like Diversity week
Stonewall Employers
Has there been an increase in Stonewall Employers?
Response We continue to be a member
Stonewall doesn’t include T issues – what are our housing companies doing to address T issues?
Response we are art of Stonewall Scotland who now do take on board T issues