DodgeCountyHigh School
Ninth Grade
Reading List
Author / TitleAdams, Richard / Watership Down
Anonymous / Sarah T.:Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic
Alan, Arkin / The Lemming Condition
David, Bischoff / Some Kind of Wonderful
Brown, Lillian Jackson / The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare
Burks, Brian / Run With Horses
Burns, Olive / Cold Sassy Tree
Cabot, Meg / The Princess Diaries (series: 10 titles)
Clark, Mary Higgins / Where Are the Children?
Clarke, Arthur / 2001: A Space Odyssey
Crichton, Michael / JurassicPark
Cooney, Caroline B. / The Ransom of Mercy Carter
Cooper, James Fenimore / The Last of the Mohicans
Cooper, Susan / The Dark is Rising
Cormier, Robert / The Chocolate War
Frenchtown Summer
Dickens, Charles / A Tale of Two Cities
Oliver Twist
Duncan, Lois / Stranger with My Face
Fast, Howard / April Morning
Fox, Paula / Slave Dancer
Freedman, Russell / Babe Didrikson Zaharias: The Making of a Champion
Giovanni, Nikki / My House
Glenn, Mel / Class Dismissed
Greene, Betty / Summer of my German Soldier
Harris, Cora / I’d Climb the HighestMountain
Hedges, Peter / What’s Eating Gilvert Grape
Herriot, James / All Creatures Great and Small
Hinton, H.E. / Tex
Holman, Felice / Slake’s Limbo
Hugo, Victor / Hunchback of Notre Dame
Hang, Hi-li / Red Scarf Girl
Keller, Helen / The Story of My Life
Kerr, M.E. / Night Kites
Fell Back
Hello I Lied
Kingsolver, Barbara / Animal Dreams
Kisor, Henry / What’s That Pig Outdoors: A Memoir
Koontz, Dean / Final Flight
Krakauer, Jon / Into the Wild
L’Engle, Madeline / Arms of the Starfish
Young Unicorns
Lowry, Lois / The Giver
McKinley, Robin / Beauty
Meyer, Stephenie / Twilight Series
Myers, Walter Dean / Monster
O’Dell, Scott / Sing Down the Moon
Oke, Janette / Love Comes Softly** (series: 8 titles)
Paulsen, Gary / Hatchet
Soldier’s Heart
Peck, Richard / Father Figure
Are You in the House Alone?
The Ghost Belonged to Me
Peck, Robert / The Day No Pigs Would Die
Pfeffer, Susan Beth / The Year Without Michael
Renault, Mary / The King Must Die
The Last of the Wine
Richter, Conrad / A Light in the Forest
Rogers, Richard / The King and I
Roy, Travis / 11 Seconds
Snicket Lemony / A Series of Unfortunate Events (series: 12 titles)
Sparks, Nicholas / Walk to Remember
Speare, Elizabeth G / Bronze Bow
Strasser, Todd / How I Changed My Life
Steinbeck, John / The Pearl
Stevenson, Robert Louis / Treasure Island
Tolkien, J.R.R. / Hobbit
Twain, Mark / The Prince and the Pauper
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Verne, Jules / 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Walker, Alice / Meridian
Wells, H.G. / The Time Machine
Wright, Richard / Black Boy
Wolff, Virginia E. / Make Lemonade
Yen, Adeline Mah / Chinese Cinderella: The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter
Zindel, Paul / Effects of Gamma Rays on Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds
** Suggested reading