Amount of funding requested:

Application/club title:

SECTION A: Your organisation
Contact details:
Contact person
Email address
If the organisation delivering the project is different from the organisation administering the funding, please provide details below:
Delivery organisation
Contact person
Email address

Important Information

The Positive Ageing Council small resource grant is to help smaller clubs and organisations develop further. It has been decided that this year the focus will be put into helping to resource organisations purchase items that they would need or find useful to benefit the older users of the organisation. You can also apply to fund additional activities or sessions for your members.
Important note:
We will not fund one off trips
We will not fund general ‘core’ running costs for clubs, or costs for staff.
We will not fund any building works or building improvements.

1. Please provide a brief description of the project / items you are applying for. Why they are important to your club?
2. Please describe the impact that the funding will have on other people within the club or organisation.
How many members are likely to benefit?
3.The Positive Ageing Council are hoping to work with you to help your organisation or club develop more. To be eligible for this funding you will need to agree to work and engage with the Positive Ageing Council.
How do you feel your organisation could engage more with the Positive Ageing Council to help itself develop and grow?
4. Are there any risks or issues associated with the resources you are applying for? Note: you will not be penalised in any way for identifying any risks, we see being aware of risks as a positive thing.
5. How will we know if the resources you require have had a successful outcome on your club or organisation? (Use this space to outline what evaluation you will undertake to measure whether the resources have achieved the desired impact):
How much will the project cost? If you are unable to provide precise informationplease estimate, but indicate where you have done this.
Expenditure - please detail the costs
Example: Tablet Computer for techy tea events / £140
Total ResourceExpenditure / £
I the undersigned confirm the information given in this application is correct. The organisation is neither established for profit nor is conducted for profit. We will inform the relevant officer of Lewisham Council of any changes in the organisation’s contact details or circumstances that would affect this application or the use of any grant relating to it.
on behalf of the organisation
Name in block capitals:
Position in the organisation:

Important information for applicants on Page 5


The deadline for submitting this form is Sunday 16 October 2016, 11pm.

We will accept hand delivered and hand written applications however where possible, please provide an electronic copy

Funding awarded by the Positive Ageing Council Steering Group is subject to formal approval by the Cultural Development Service Manager and other senior council management.

Please note it is expected that the number of applications will be far greater than the total amount of funding available, so many organisations will be unsuccessful. We would like to assure you that if you are unsuccessful this in no way reflects on the Positive Ageing Councils opinion of your organisation, or their desire to work with you to help your club develop in the future.

If funding is approved, organisations will be sent a confirmation letter outlining the terms of the funding agreement. Payment will only be made once this and any required supplementary documents are returned.

Funded organisations must ensure that:

  1. A bank account is in operation into which payment can be made – this should be the bank account associated with the organisation, not a personal account.
  1. The terms of reference are filled in completely and in full.
  1. All legal and insurance liabilities associated with the application are fulfilled.
  1. A completed monitoring form with appropriate information such as proof of purchase, copies of invoices etc. is provided no later than 3 months after the funding is paid to the organisation. Failure to provide this will result in that organisation being ineligible for future Positive Ageing Council funding.
  1. All financial evidence, including receipts, is kept for at least two years after submission of monitoring information.
  1. The organisation is available to return to a future Positive Ageing Councilpublic or steering group meeting to provide feedback on the impact of receiving funding, if requested.

Should an organisation have any concerns or questions about the above requirements they should contact the Positive Ageing Council Co-ordinator:


Tel: 020 8314 6314 (please note, where possibleplease email)


Address:Cultural & Community Development Service, 2nd floor Laurence House,

1 Catford Road, SE6 4RU

Thank you and good luck!