Revised 1/12
Advance Review / On-Site Review- List of HIV care providers and designation/role
- All Clinical Protocols and standard operating policies and procedures (including reproductive health and family planning).
- Opening and closing hours policy
- Patient Registers, patient medical charts and other monitoring forms.
- Infection control policies and procedures
- Patient Consent Policies and Forms.
- HIV counseling and testing policies
- Pharmacy ledgers.
- Pharmacy Policies and standard operating Procedures
- Patient referral policies, tracking forms, and referral directory.
- Patient Satisfaction Surveys tools and most recent Survey Results
- Continuing medical (professional) Education Attendance Records and or Proceedings.
- Emergency care policies and procedures
- List of trainings the clinical staff has participated in the last twelve months.
- National HIV Care and Treatment Guidelines (Adult, Pediatrics, PMTCT, HCT, and etc.)
- Laboratory policies and standard operating procedures for absolute minimum tests (HIV antibody test and hemoglobin), basic tests (white blood cell count, serum creatinine, a serum glucose, and pregnancy tests), and (CD4).
- Policy documents on post exposureprophylaxis
- Laboratory QA and QC reports.
- Quality improvement and assurance plan, protocols and committee minutes
- Clinical charts (adult, PMTCT and pediatric HIV care and treatment)
- Continuous Quality Improvement reports (STOCS/PDSA)
- Standard clinical forms (Blank) if available in electronic format
Advance Review / On-Site Review- Organization’s Mission statement
- Minutes of Board and Board Committee Meetings
- Current Organization Organogram
- Minutes of staff and management team meetings
- Governance Structure/Organogram
- Other relevant committee meeting minutes
- Current HIV Program Organogram
- Contracts for all HIV service subcontractors
- Strategic plan
- Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement for Partners and Referral sites
- Organization Operating policies and
- Clinic licenses
- Board By-Laws
- Personnel files (employee evaluations, benefits, etc.)
- Personnel policies and procedures
- Description of data collection & information system
- Key Position descriptions/Administration
- Staff training manuals and list of trainings staff has participated in during the last 12 months.
- Organization QI system documents, if outside of clinical
- Personnel files (1 for each category of staff paid by PEPFAR (i.e. doctor, nurse, counselor, etc.)
- Insurance (Board, clinic, etc.)
- Program monitoring policies and procedures
- Program monitoring reports
Advance Review / On-Site Review- Current budget for HIV Program.
- Financial Management Policies and Procedures including applicable organizational, MOH, partner, USG, or Diocesan sources.
- Position descriptions of financial management staff including accounting staff.
- Most recent Management Letter and/or audit report. Prior period report also desired if possible.
- Organization chart showing staff responsible for financial management functions
- Documentation of reconciliation of checking account (s)
- Committee structure detailing budget approval process, review process of financial statements, and how audit findings are addressed.
- Minutes of Management, Governance or other Committee responsible for financial management functions including budget and audit.
- Accounting policies and procedures
- Visual review of accounting system including electronic (Excel or Accounting) software.
- Billing and Collection policies, if applicable.
- Documentation of internal controls and internal quality assurance provisions.
- Procurement policies and procedures
- Payroll records
- Chart of accounts
- Petty cash records
- Travel expense records
- Expenditure reports (monthly or quarterly)
- Inventory control systems