Documentation for Up and Down Words


There are four key Flash SWF components. It is best to have all these reside in the same directory. If you choose to have these reside in different directories, the path that directs the game to find those files is defined in the CONTROL FILE. The four SWF files for the game are:

GAME LOGO: up_and_down_in_game_logo_uclick_colors.swf

CLIENT LOGO: puzzle_society_logo.swf

OPENING LOGO: up_and_down_opening_uclick_colors.swf


THE CONTROL FILE (udw_control.xml)

When the game engine starts up, it immediately looks for, reads and parses an XML control file. The Main Game Engine will always look beside itself in the same directory for the “udw_control.xml” file. You can place the Control File in a different directory and specify the path in the OBJECT/EMBED

IMPORTANT NOTE: DO NOT remove any of the variables in the Control File.

<gametitle v="Up and Down Words"/>

<fileprefix v="ucudw"/>

This tells the game which file to access. The file for July 6, 2005 appears as sudoc050706.xml.

<todayis v="YYMMDD"/>

The date is in a two digit year, month, date format. July 6, 2005 would display as “050706”

The current date may be passed to the game in this XML file. But, preferably, you will pass the date in to the game via the OBJECT/EMBED tag. If a date is in the OBJECT/EMBED tag, it will override whatever date is in the control file.

<puzzlepath v=""/>

This is the path for the ucudw061024.xml files. Keep the end of the url formatted as in the example - /”/>.

gamelogoswf v= ""/>

clientlogoswf v= ""/>

openingswf v= ""/>

These tell the game where to find the listed SWF files. These may be full URLs if desired or relative.

<colorscheme v= "1"/>

#1 is the default color scheme

initialmusicoff v= "0"/>

This controls whether the music automatically plays or has to be initiated. The user can manually change this under the options button. When the parameter is set to “0” the music will automatically be initiated.

When the parameter is set to “1” the music will be automatically turn off.

<copyright v="Copyright 2006 uclick, LLC"/>


The OBJECT/EMBED is pretty normal except that you may pass in two parameters in the SWFs URL in the form of a query string. These two parameters are:

dt=061024 - This is the date in YYMMDD format. The game does always need to know today’s date. We strongly suggest you pass it in the Object/Embed tag rather than creating a new control file every day, which would be required if you specify the date in the Control File. The date you have in the object/embed tag will override whatever date you have in the control file.

URL - You also need to update the url of where you are keeping the Main Game Engine file (main.swf) and the Control File (udw_control.xml). Below is the example of the Object/Embed tag. It is best to make these absolute paths.