St Joseph's RC Primary School

Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure Report – 2017-2018

Mrs M.L. Binks (Executive Head Teacher)

Mr Bob Hall (Pupil Premium Governor)

Context of School
St Joseph’s is a smaller-than-average primary school. The majority of pupils are of White British heritage. The proportion of the pupils who speak English as an additional language is above the national average. A significant number of pupils join the school at times other than the normal start date. The proportion of pupils who are disabled or who have special educational needs is slightly below the national average. The proportion of pupils who are known to be eligible for the pupil premium (the additional government funding supporting those on free school meals and those looked after by the local authority) is slightly below the national average.
Objectives of Pupil Premium Spending
Our key objective in using the Pupil Premium is to close the gap between pupil groups. As a school we are striving to ensure that pupils make good progress and are successful in closing the gap in attainment between PP pupils and non PP. In order to allocate the funding to give maximum impact we use internal and external data to analyse where the gaps are and use a combination of intervention strategies as appropriate.
Total number of pupils on roll / 140
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / 31
Amount of PPG received per pupil / £1,320
Total amount of PPG received / £40,920
Pupil nature of support 2017-2018
Record of Pupil Premium Grant Spending by initiatives in 2017-2018
Year Group / Item/Project / Cost / Objective/Description of activity / Outcome
Intervention Support- academic interventions and schemes used to raise achievement across subjects. Our PP children often struggle with basic concepts and require additional support, these interventions provide that. These schemes are part funded by 20% as this is the amount of PP children in our school. This is because some of these interventions also benefit non-PP children.
Whole school / Better Reading Partnership (BRP) / No cost this year. / Accelerate outcomes for PP children targeted in Year 1, 2 and 6. Initially 1child in Year 6 and 2 in year 2 (Autumn term)
Y1 to be targeted via breakfast reading club.
KS1 / Purchase of 75 licences for Lexia / £2083 (1 years subscription)
£27.77 (Per Pupil)
£416.55 (Pupil Premium) / To support reading through use of the Lexia programme.
Currently, 15 children eligible for the PP are using Lexia (September 2017). / Delivered in school and for children to be able to access at home –improved progress of children with low reading ages.
KS2 / Accelerated Reader / £1335 (1 year subscription) / To support reading development through the use of a highly motivating programme.
Currently, 9 children eligible for the PP are using Accelerated Reader (September 2017). / Children more motivated to read, confidence increased and progress accelerated.Greater % of PP @ Age related expectations (A.R.E.).
Rec and KS1 / Purchase of Read, Write, Inc materials and training relevant staff. / No charge / Increased support to enable smaller teaching groups for Read, Write, Inc.
3children eligible for the PP are using RWInc (September 2017) / PP children benefit from more intensive teaching sessions.
PP children sustain good attainment in Phonics test.
Whole Staff / Maintenance and updates for Tracking System / £1502 (per year) / Staff able to use data to focus on the target for all children make at least good progress. / PP children (along with other groups) are tracked carefully to ensure good progress. Software used half termly to identify these children gaps in progress.
Whole School / Mathletics and Spellodrome / £1174.84 (Per year) / Web based maths and spelling programme used to consolidate skills. 19 PP children are benefiting from this. / PP become more confident in basic maths and spelling skills. For skills and higher % working at A.R.E.
Whole School / Speech and Language Therapist / £500 per month
11Months- (£12,000- 2 children) / Tailored programmes, designed by speech and language therapist, for 2 PP children during Autumn 2017 to boost pupil outcomes. / Julia Charlsworth (Clear Talking) Speech and Language Intervention
Supporting Trips- Our PP children often cannot afford to access trips and have limited access to experiences beyond the local area. By funding these experiences we are giving them things to draw upon.
Y6 / Enrichment Activity / £150 per pupil premium child (School pays ½ the amount) / Residential visit to Kingswood, including adventurous activities, subsidised to ensure it is inclusive and ensure participation. / PP children able to participate in this activity and develop self-esteem, confidence in own abilities. 4 PP children from Y6 participating in this years trip.
Part financed
Whole school / Funding for PP school trips across the year. / Variable throughout the year school pay up to ½ of the price / Various curriculum trips e.g. oriental museum, youth village, captain Cookand Hall Hill Farm etc / Improved pupil experiences which increases their confidence and academic achievement
Staffing- In order to close the gap between our PP and non-PP children we using additional staffing to support our PP children.
Y1 and Y2 / Breakfast Reading Club
(1xTA for 8 hours a week) / 39 Weeks- £3706.56 / TAs encourage reading and phonics through daily 1:1 sessions during Breakfast Club.
Children given a daily breakfast. / Children benefiting from 1:1 reading and phonic sessions – improved attainment.
Greater % of PP @ age related expectations
Children more settled to learn at the beginning of the school day.
Improved attendance of PP children.
Leadership Staff / Tracking of PP children / £487.50 / Leadership Staff released to track PP children and ensure intervention is having impact. / Impact of intervention is evident for all groups. Leaders have good grasp of PP progress.
Emotional support- Some of our most vulnerable children need additional emotional support. These barriers affect the children’s learning as a result, therefore we offer a number of mechanisms to support them.
Whole school / Listening Matters / £1,200 (Peterlee Partnership Funded)
£400 per year for pupil premium children / 3 PP children identified for this programme. This paid for staff training and resources. / Whole school initiative focussing on the wellbeing of children within school
Attendance- Our PP attendance is 92% which is below their peers in school and nationally. Children who attend school achieve better, this is a well-known fact.
Whole school / Office Manager time / £390 per year / Office Manager to operate first call system and chase up absent PP children / To improve attendance across the school.
Whole School / HT time / HT to convene panels with persistent absentees in order to reduce level of absence. / Reintroduce in Spring term
Whole school / Breakfast club places / Free / Funding for free breakfast club for some families to enable children to be at school early.
Enrichment –This is used to increase children’s wider experiences and skills.
Whole School / Curriculum Enrichment / £800 / Adam Bushnell (author visit) worked with all children to inspire writing
Whole School / Outdoor Learning to inspire writing / £580 / Children have a range of experiences outdoor which then feeds into their writing
Whole School / Outdoor Learning / £1460 / Wild about Adventure. Children work towards an award such as First Aid. 15 PP children will access this at least once throughout the year.
Families / Family Learning engagement programme / No cost / Family learning for Maths and English ran by Foundation of Light
End Year Total: / £27,318.90