Safety equipment list template

Last updated: February 2014, version 1.0

A safety equipment list describes all of the equipment you need on board to deal with emergencies, while operating your vessel.

You must have emergency equipment (and procedures) to deal with, for example, fire, pollution, a person overboard, a medical emergency, mechanical failure (including loss of propulsion or steering), dangerous goods (if relevant), an electrical failure, flooding or swamping, an anchor dragging or lost.

Include safety equipment that is required under the relevant maritime and marine protection rules. Also, consider the safety equipment recommendations of relevant Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) safety information and industry codes of practice.

You need to include your safety equipment list (and any safety equipment certificates) when you send your application for a Maritime Transport Operator Certificate (MTOC) to MNZ. The safety equipment list is part of your MOSS (Maritime Operator Safety System) Operator Plan.

Remember to check and update this list. If appropriate, include the items from your safety equipment list in your maintenance plan. Also, make sure that each item is on board, in the correct location, and not overdue for a service or replacement.

To learn more about maintenance plans, refer to Developing a maintenance plan on the MNZ website.

If your vessel has a Safe Ship Management (SSM) certificate, it will have a safety equipment list designed to meet SSM requirements. Follow and update this document until a recognised surveyor issues a Certificate of Survey for your vessel. You can use this list as the starting point for your safety equipment list under MOSS.

About this template

You need a safety equipment list for each vessel you operate.

Use this template to help develop and document your safety equipment list (or lists). This will ensure your safety equipment list is relevant, complete and in a form that is acceptable to the Director of MNZ.

Safety equipment list template (continued)

Surveyor’s role

We recommend you work with a recognised surveyor to develop your safety equipment list.

Although this list does not need approval from a surveyor, every vessel needs a safety equipment list (amongst other things) for a surveyor to issue a Certificate of Survey, on or after 1 July 2014.

Refer to the MNZ website for a list of recognised surveyors.

Safety equipment list for

Full name of ship
Full name of Maritime Transport Operation
MNZ number
Date list agreed to

1.  Navigation safety equipment

List your navigation safety equipment (for example, a compass, radar and charts).

Equipment / Description / Location / Expiry/service date (DD/MM/YYYY or not applicable (N/A))
Example: compass / Plasimo 105 / Bridge / N/A

2. Communications safety equipment

List your communications safety equipment (for example, VHF radio, single-side-band radio, cell phone or EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons)).

Equipment / Description / Location / Expiry/service date (DD/MM/YYYY or not applicable (N/A))
Example: EPIRB / Float-free 406MHz with built-in GPS / Wheelhouse / 08/2016

3. Lifesaving safety equipment

List your lifesaving safety equipment (for example, rescue equipment, first aid equipment and buoyancy aids).

Equipment / Description / Location / Expiry/service date (DD/MM/YYYY or not applicable (N/A))
Example: life raft / 1 x RFD 8 person life raft / Outer deck / 09/2015

4. Anchoring and mooring safety equipment

List your anchoring and mooring safety equipment (for example, anchors and chains).

Equipment / Description / Location / Expiry/service date (DD/MM/YYYY or not applicable (N/A))
Example: Main anchor / 1 x 130kg Manson Supreme / Fo’c’sle / N/A

5. Fire fighting appliances safety equipment

List your fire fighting appliances safety equipment (for example, portable fire extinguishers, fire alarms and fire pumps).

Equipment / Description / Location / Expiry/service date (DD/MM/YYYY or not applicable (N/A))
Example: Fire extinguisher / Powder ABE, 4.5kg / Engine room by door / 07/2015

6. Machinery safety equipment

List your machinery safety equipment (for example, portable bilge pumps, bailers and backup methods of propulsion).

Equipment / Description / Location / Expiry/service date (DD/MM/YYYY or not applicable (N/A))
Example: Portable bilge pump / Air/hand operated / Fo’c’sle / N/A