Document Study Assessment Unit 2 Supporting People Living with Diabetes

APNA Online Learning - Managing Diabetes in the Primary Care Setting

Document Study Assessment

Unit 2 Supporting People Living with Diabetes

How to complete this written assessment:

Step 1. Save a copy of this document to your local computer or personal hard drive.

Step 2. Answer each of the following questions in the text box spaces provided, saving the document with the following name:

“Document Study Assessment Unit 1 – [your full name here]” where [your full name here] is your first name and surname

Step 3. From the Written Assessment module of the online course, click the link to ‘Manage and Upload Written Assessment’. Choose the file you saved in Step 2 and click the Upload button to submit your written assessment.

You can return to this page of the online course to check your assessment progress or for feedback from your assessor.

Please retain a copy of your completed Document Study for future reference.

Please provide answers to the following questions. Your answers should be brief and point format is preferable. The number of words for your combined answers should not exceed 200 words.

1.  Julie is 33 years of age and has just given birth to her second child. She developed gestational diabetes during the pregnancy. Her blood glucose levels returned to normal immediately after the birth.

She tells you that she was overweight going into the pregnancy and that it is too hard now to find time to eat well and exercise with the demands of part time work and her young family.

Both her grandmother and mother have type 2 diabetes; Julie is planning to have another baby in a couple of years.

a)  What type of diabetes is Julie at risk of developing in the future? And why?

b)  How could she reduce the risk of developing diabetes and how might you be able to support her?

c)  What would you suggest in regard to screening for diabetes post pregnancy and planning for future pregnancies?

2.  Mrs Tran is a 72 year old grandmother who arrived in Australia 20 years ago from Vietnam. She has a weight measurement of 94cms, arthritis in her knees and is on medication for hypertension. She and her husband live with her daughters family. She has been treated for recurring urinary tract infection and is accompanied by her daughter to her doctors appointment today.

a)  What are Mrs Trans risk factors for diabetes?

b)  A Glucose Tolerance Test shows:
Fasting - 6.2 mmo/l
1 hour - 8.2 mmol/l
2 hour - 12.6 mmol/l
Is this GTT diagnostic of diabetes?

c)  What considerations are important in regard to providing support for Mrs Tran?

3.  Kirsty is a 14 year old girl who has had type 1 diabetes since she was 2 years old. She has been using an insulin pump for a couple of years and sees her diabetes care team regularly.
She has come in to see the doctor today as she has had an “upset stomach” and has been vomiting overnight.

a)  What information could you give her in regards to managing sick days?

APNA Online Learning - Managing Diabetes in the Primary Care SettingPage 3