July 10, 2012
Proposed changes to the by-laws – to be voted on at the September 10, 2012 meeting. Changes to be in effect immediately following a majority vote..
Article IV – Officers and Elections
Section 1. b. Vice President: In an effort to create a succession process, and consistency to maintain experience on the board, the recommendation is that the Vice-President will move into the President position. If this is not possible for any reason, the position of President will be filled with the normal election process.
Article IV – Section 1. The officers shall be a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and a fundraising director. The board of directors for the Silver Lake PTO will consist of the officers, and 4 additional board directors (one of these board members to be the Past President.
ADD Article IV – Section 1. e. Fundraising Director: The Fundraising Director will oversee the major fundraisers of the PTO. The chairs of the ongoing fundraisers (including but not limited to: Boxtops, Milkcaps, Market Day, Scrip) shall provide monthly reports to the Fundraising Director 48 hours prior to each monthly PTO meeting. Financial reports to be communicated to the treasurer for the monthly report.
ADD Article IV – Section 1. f. Board of Directors. There will be four positions. One position will be held by the most recent Past President, leaving three additional board of director positions. These positions will not hold an officer title, but will be voting members.
Article IV – Section 2
Nominations and Elections. The Board of Directors will put forth a slate of officers for the MAY meeting to be voted on at the JUNE meeting. This set of officers will preside over the September meeting. – The board of directors that was elected in June, will meet at least once prior to the September meeting to plan the agenda for the year.
Article V – Meetings – Section 1
The annual meeting will be held at the SEPTEMBER regular meeting. The annual meeting is for setting the structure for the upcoming school year. Parents/families will be notified by email or school website of the regular meeting schedule. The board of directors that was elected in June, will meet at least once prior to the September meeting to plan the agenda for the year.
Article V-Meetings – Section 2.
Special Meetings: Previous notice of the special meeting shall be sent to the members at least 5 days prior to the meeting by email or phone calls
Section 3. – The quorum shall be 5 members of the Board of Directors
Article VI- Executive Board
Section 1. Membership: The Executive Board shall consist of the PTO officers, and the Principal.
Section 3. Meetings. The Executive Board shall meet at least twice throughout the school year, as determined by the President and Vice-President. Special meetings………. (stay the same)
Section 4. Quorum of the Executive Board will constitute 3 of the 5 officer positions. The principal is not a voting member.
Article VII – Committees
Section 2. – Delete – Standing Committees
Section 3. Committees: The board may appoint committees as needed.