
The teacher conducts a self-assessment of the lesson by (1) reviewing the administrator’s evidence; and (2) answering the post conference questions (in the Evidence Gathering Document under 4a or the Teacher Lesson Reflection form). At this time, the teacher may also add and annotate evidence he/she feels is essential to understanding his/her assessment of the lesson to the Evidence Gathering form. He/she shares the assessment of the lesson (electronically, ideally) by highlighting the appropriate components/levels of performance on the Evidence Gathering Document that he/she had received from the administrator.

The administrator studies the teacher’s self-assessment and places an asterisk on the evidence gathering document on the “components of agreement,” that is, those components where the teacher’s self-assessment of the lesson matches with the evaluator’s assessment of that component. The administrator DOES NOT MARK the components where the teacher’s and the evaluator’s thinking do not match. These will be discussed and completed during the conference.

DOCUMENT(S) NEEDED: Evidence Gathering Document or Teacher Reflection form

Reflection Conference and Goal Review

The teacher and administrator meet for the reflection conference, in which they discuss the “components of difference,” that is, those components where the teacher’s self-assessment of the lesson is different from the evaluator’s thinking.

The teacher takes the lead in discussing the evidence and his/her reasons for assessing the component as he/she did. The administrator responds with his/her thoughts, and together they arrive at a collaborative assessment for the components of difference, recording these on the evidence gathering document.

The teacher and administrator discuss and collaborate on the area of strengths, area of growth, next steps, and progress of component goal and added to the evidence gathering document. In the event that the administrator and teacher cannot come to agreement, the teacher will be given an opportunity to provide additional evidence of the teaching experience.

Evidence for Domain one and four, should be reviewed as well, and a level of performance should be established for each component. Once the level of performance has been agreed upon, it should be documented on the Summative Evaluation Worksheet 1.

Either by way of the conversation or by way of additional evidence brought to the conference, the Reflection Conference may provide evidence of a teacher's level of performance in any of the four framework domains.

Each reflection conference between teacher and evaluator serves to provide an opportunity for the teacher to share reflections about their progress towards their annual goals. (Use Evidence Gathering Document pg. 23-26)

DOCUMENT(S) NEEDED: Evidence Gathering Document,Teacher Lesson Reflection form (if applicable),Summative Worksheet 1 and Goal Setting form