CAD Applications

Assignment #15


The student will modify the given architectural drawing according to specifications and produce a scaled plot using viewports.

Assignment Part 1:Modifying the existing drawing

Open the drawing file EDD12135.DWG

Do not insert the border and title block.

Change the style of the font to ARIAL. Use the STYLE command and select the font in the “font name” section.

Set the LTSCALE to 48.

Download the CAD Drawing Document Sheet and fill in the missing information.

Set the current layer to A-WALK and add a sidewalk extending 10’-0” from the deck steps.

Set the current layer to A-WALK-PATT and add the hatching for the sidewalk using the BHATCH command. Use the hatch pattern AR-SAND and adjust the scale as needed. Use the “preview” option to view the hatch pattern while adjusting the scale.

Set the current layer to A-PVMT and add a driveway extending 20’-0” from the carport.

Set the current layer to A-PVMT-PATT and add the hatching for the driveway using the BHATCH command. Use the hatch pattern AR-SAND and adjust the scale as needed. Use the “preview” option to view the hatch pattern while adjusting the scale.

Set the current layer to A-DECK-PATT and add the hatching for the deck using the BHATCH command. Use the hatch pattern ANSI31 and adjust the scale and angle as needed. Use the “preview” option to view the hatch pattern while adjusting the scale and angle.

Set the current layer to A-WALL-PATT and add the hatching for the walls using the BHATCH command. Use the hatch pattern SOLID.

Set the current layer to A-CHIM-PATT and add the hatching for the fireplace using the BHATCH command. Use the hatch pattern ANSI31 and adjust the scale and angle as needed. Use the “preview” option to view the hatch pattern while adjusting the scale and angle.

CAD Applications

Assignment #15

Assignment Part 2: Plotting

Type the command OPTIONS to open the Options dialog box. In the Options dialog box select the Display tab. In the Layout elements section take out the check mark in the boxes for Display Printable Area and Display Paper Background. Click the OK box to exit the Options dialog box.

Click on the Layout 1 tab. Erase the default Viewport window.

Create a layer A-ANNO-TTLB and set the color to White (7). Insert the border C-5.

Use the MVIEW command to create a viewport. Select the upper left corner of the border and the lower right corner of the border to place the viewport under the borderlines. Make sure the OSNAP is set to INTERSECT.

The drawing will appear in the drawing area but it is not to scale. Use the MVSETUP command to set the scale. Select the SCALE option. When prompted to “select objects” pick the viewport. Set the paper space units to 1 and the model space units to 48.

Type MS to switch to Model Space and use the PAN command to center the drawing in the drawing area. Do not use the MOVE command.

When the drawing is positioned type PS to switch to Paper Space. To scale linetypes in paper space type the command PSLTSCALE and set the value to “0”. Initialize the linetype scale by typing in the command LTSCALE and setting the scale to 1. Enter the LTSCALE command again and set the value to 48.

Plot the drawing in paper space using the D104-sod104b plotter. Plot Extents and with a scale of 1=1. See CAD Drawing Document Sheet for settings.


You should have one plot and one CAD Drawing Document Sheet filled out for the #7_D104_Plotter.

Refer to the Project Evaluation handout for the required items to be turned in for evaluation.
