1. When submitting a new protocol to the MGH TCRC, your draft doctor’s orders are placed in a folder under “My Computer”called GCRCM_DW labeled with your TCRC SPID#.

NOTE:In this folder, you will be able to work together with your Protocol Nurse, Protocol Nutritionist and Administration on the doctor’s orders before submitting them for final review and approval.

This is where the official set of Microsoft Word doctor’s orders will be stored until the next time you need to edit them. They will be kept here until your study ends. (Please do not store them in your own personal folders).

Study Staff are responsible for removing any old versions of the orders from the GCRCM_DW folder.

No subfolders should be created with old versions of orders. Only one official set of all the orders should be kept in the GCRCM_DW. If subfolders are created with old versions, they will be purged! This will help keep the allowed space on the server and for version control.

  1. When submitting doctors orders to the MGH TCRC for the GCRCM_DO (Pending Folder) for final review and approval which is located under “My Computer”:
  1. First please make sure you email the new changes in the doctor’s orders to the Protocol nurse, Protocol Nutritionist, Administrationand Sarah Luthern to make sure that they are aware of the changes being incorporated and have approved them before sending them to Faith Fortune for FINAL APPROVAL.

NOTE: If you do not email the changes to the TCRC staff listed above first, then there might be a good chance that your orders will be rejected pending a new set with any new changes being requested by the TCRC Staff.

  1. Once the changes have been approved and incorporated by the Protocol Nurse, Nutritionist,Administration, and Sarah Luthern, please then email the whole set of doctor’s orders to Faith Fortune at s onecomplete set even if only one visit was changed.

NOTE:Please do not include track changes or color highlights on the orders. Also remember to include what the changes were made to the orders in the email. Please also allow 3 working days to review the orders. The orders will then be placed in the GCRCM_DO Pending folder for review.

C.Once the Protocol Nurse, Protocol Nutritionist and Sarah Luthern have reviewed the final set of orders in the GCRCM_DO pending folder, Faith Fortune will then change them to PDF files, add the TCRC Watermark and approve them. They will then be placed in the GCRCM_DO Approved folder for use for Subject’s Visits. You will be sent and email notification once the orders have been approved.


1.Make sure the protocol SPID number and Study Title are on all the doctors orders.

2.Make sure you also submit a completed and updated Contact Page with all of your orders. All Study Staff who have access to scheduling of subject’s must be listed on the contact page.

  1. Please include the 6-digit LabCorp test code for any tests being conducted at LabCorp. These can be found at the LabCorp website:
  1. Make sure you supply a “detailed paragraph” of the changes being made to the doctor’s orders when submitting the set to Faith Fortune for posting.
  1. Do not pre-populate the “Code Status” section to “FULL” on the orders. This will be filled in when you submit the orders for your subject’s visit.
  1. Please remove all track changes and notes within the orders before submitting for final approval.
  1. Supply an “amendment number” if the doctor’s orders were changed due to an amendment. If no amendment was associated, then specify “no amendment #”.
  1. When submitting orders for final approval, please do not include PDF files.
  1. The official set of the Word version of the orders must be owed by the Study Staff or kept in the GCRCM_DW folder for future use and/or changes.

NOTE: When sending orders in for review and approval please allow at least 3 working days for review.

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