Stand: Oktober 2016

Doctoral Evaluation ProcedureApplication Form

I hereby apply to start the doctoral evaluation process, in accordance with § 8 of the General Regulations for Doctoral Studies at the University of Kassel (AB-PromO) from May 18th, 2016, for my dissertation:

In the Faculty of
Aspired Doctoral Degree
Title of your Dissertation
Your thesis is a cumulative dissertation /
Yes /
Personal Data
Academic Title
(if applicable)
Title /
Ms Mrs /
Family/Last Name
First/Given Name
Previous Family Name
Date of Birth
Country & Place of Birth
Current Contact Details
Street and Number
Addition, if applicable
(e.g. c/o, Room Number)
Zip Code & Town/City
State & Country
Phone Number
(p.r.n. include Country Code)
Phone Number #2
Email Address
I am employed at the University of Kassel / Yes | No | infaculty |
The doctoral certificate can only be issued in German OR English.
Please state in which language you want to receive your doctoral certificate.
(Only ONE language can be chosen.)

German /


I herewith give assurance that I completed this dissertation independently without prohibited assistance of third parties or aids other than those identified in this dissertation. All passages that are drawn from published or unpublished writings, either word-for-word or in paraphrase, have been clearly identified as such. Third parties were not involved in the drafting of the content of this dissertation; most specifically I did not employ the assistance of a dissertation advisor. No part of this thesis has been used in another doctoral or tenure process.

Enclose the following documents/items tothe application form:

6 casebound (glued) copies of your dissertation (no spiral binding)
resp. 7 casebound copies in case of a cumulative dissertation

One electronic copy/digital version of your dissertation on a data storage medium
(e.g. CD-ROM; pdf and p.r.n. .doc)

If you have already obtained a doctoral degree or have applied for doctoral studies at another university, complete and attach annex 1.

If you have used already graded findings and/or parts of your dissertation have already been published, complete and attach annex 2.

I declare that the information I have given in this application is correct and complete.


(Place, Date and Signature)

Please ensure that all fieldsare filled in on the form. Missing or incorrect information may cause avoidable delays in the application process.

Annex 1 to the Doctorate Main Proceedings Application Form at the University of Kassel

This annex only has to be completed, if you have already obtained a doctoral degree at another university/college and/or have applied for doctoral studies at another university/college, which initiated the evaluation process.

First Name, Family Name
Obtained/pursued doctoral degree at another university/college
(e.g. Dr. phil., Dr.-Ing., Dr. rer. pol., Dr. rer. nat., Dr. jur., Dr. Eng., PhD, etc.)
Current status
(e.g. doctorate successfully completed; doctorate main proceedings not completed; doctorate ultimately failed)

I hereby declare that I have not ultimately failed a doctorate at another university/college, in which I have pursued the same doctoral degree as I pursue with my (current) thesis at this university.


(Place, Date and Signature)

Annex 2 to the Doctorate Main Proceedings Application Form at the University of Kassel

This annex only has to be completed, if you have in accordance with § 6 par. 3 AB-PromO, used already graded findings for your dissertation in another paper or if parts of your dissertation already have been published.

1)Utilisation of previously graded findings in this dissertation
(Please only complete this section, if applicable)

University/college at which you have submitted your paper
Kind of paper (e.g. master thesis, diploma thesis etc.)
Titleof your paper
Result/grade (e.g. passed)

2)Pre-release (If applicable)

Please list below the parts of your dissertation, which already have been published elsewhere.
(If necessary, enclose additional pages.)

Exact Source Citation

Aside from this declaration, I understand that I am also bound to indicate previously used and/or published contentsin proper form in my dissertation to comply with scientific standards.


(Place, Date and Signature)