Year 9 ScienceCourse Outline 2015


This course is designed so that you can learn the skills required to understand Science. Science is a systematic process used to discover how the universe works and what it is made of. It involves investigations that require creative and logical thinkers to look at problems from multiple viewpoints. This course will give you opportunities to experience this and gain an understanding of how scientists work in real world contexts.

A major focus in this course is the Nature of Science. The means you will not only learn about science but how scientists investigate and communicate their work and you will learn how to participate and contribute toimportant socio-scientific issues. Aspects of the Nature of Science will be integrated within each topic that youinvestigate and learn about.

What you will be learning about (order covered and learning context may vary between classes)

  • A Sense of Science – Crystal Challenge
  • Geology – the earth around and below us
  • Energy – Sustainable forms of energy for New Zealand
  • Reproduction – Early Puberty
  • Chemistry – Chemical Architecture
  • Biodiversity – interdependence of living things


The Linwood College Science Learning Area website is an online learning environment that you will be expected to visit to complete quizzes, contribute to forums, access resources and important notices. Save this link on your phone/home computer:


Homework will be assigned by your teacher. It is important that you complete homework as it forms an integral part of the course. You should also spend time each week reviewing your work so that you are adequately prepared for tests. If at any stage you feel you are having difficulty coping with your work, please see your teacher.


Assessments such as tests, reports, presentations, investigations and school exams are important opportunities to clarify your understanding of concepts as well as practise writing clear, accurate, detailed responses. Assessments will occur within each topic of work during the year.


To ensure that you can access all your course work during the year, all your notes and exercises are to be completed in a 1B5 Exercise book.All students are expected to arrive in class with pens, pencils, ruler and a rubber.


In Science the Junior Passport will concentrate on the key competency ‘Managing Self’ to support students managing their learning in Science. The focus for term one is completion of bookwork. Depending on the needs of each class the focus will change each term.


1Ensure you understand the Year 10 Science programme.

2Ensure you understand the requirements of each assessment being completed.

3Check thoroughly the accuracy of the assessment by your teacher when work is returned.

4Ask questions when you don’t understand something.

5Discuss problems/concerns with your teacher /HOLA Science.

Have an enjoyable year.