Topic proposal form for HTW Appraisal
Health Technology Wales
Health Technology Wales (HTW)is responsible for delivering a strategic, national approach to the identification, appraisal and adoption of “health technologies” in NHS Wales.
Health technologies include a wide range of health interventions, from medical devices used by patients in their home to help manage their disease or treat symptoms, through to diagnostic technologies used by specialists, equipment used in health and care settings, implants, surgical procedures and psychological interventions. (Medicines are not included as they are assessed by the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group.)
The appraisals undertaken by HTW are scientifically based, involving critical assessment of evidence about the clinical and cost effectiveness of health technologies by researchers and the HTW Assessment Group. The HTW Appraisal Panel then considers the wider implications of using a health technology in NHS Wales. A short summary of the appraisal is issued to NHS Wales health boards for their consideration in future service delivery.
Health Technology Wales is keen to work with all stakeholders to ensure that it appraises topics thatwill have an impact on NHS Wales taking account of the goals of prudent healthcare.
About this form
If you have an idea for a health technology that should be appraised by HTW, we recommend that you contact our Lead Researcher on 01360 660316 or first, to discuss the proposed appraisal topic and HTW process.
You will then be asked to complete this formas thoroughly as possibleand submit it . You can of course, complete the form without talking to researchers, but they may be able to guide you through the requirements. If you can’t answer each section, don’t worry, just submit what you can.
When a completed form is received, exploratory work is undertaken to determine whether the topic is potentially suitable for the Health Technology Walesappraisals work programme. If it is, you will be invited to present the topic to a meeting of the HTWAssessment Group (held monthly). The Assessment Group will explore the topic with you anddetermineif it is suitable for HTW according to the criteria on the next page. If it is accepted, it will be slotted into the work programme. If the topic is not suitable for Health Technology Wales, we’ll let you know why.
Criteria for evaluating potential appraisal topics
The topic referral form seeks to capture information to answer the following selection questions. The answer must be yes to at least one of the following questions:
- Is a clear additional health benefit to patients or benefit to the NHS anticipated or evident from the use of this health technology?
- Is there uncertainty about the clinical or cost-effectiveness of the health technology?
- Is there wide variation in provision or outcome of the health technology across Wales?
- Is the health technology likely to have a major impact on NHS resources (consuming or releasing)?
- Does the topic support prudent healthcare goals
- care for those with the greatest health need first
- reduce inappropriate variation through evidence-based approaches
- do only what is needed and do no harm
- public and professionals are equal partners through co-production?
In addition, the answer must be yes to all of the following questions:
- Is the health technology likely to have a major impact on NHS Wales?
- Is there potential for quality improvement from undertaking an appraisal of this health technology at this time?
- Is it likely that one or more focussed health technologyappraisal questions can be prepared?
- Are there likely to be sufficient published research findings available upon which to base an assessment?
- There is no recent NICE guidance on the clinical and cost effectiveness of this technology.
- Name, address, email and phone number of the person(s) referring the topic
- How did you hear about the Health Technology Wales?
- Brief description of the health technology
- If a medical device, state manufacturers, if known
- Patient condition/disease to be diagnosed/treated
- Describe the condition and burden of disease
- Approximate number of patients affected by the condition
- Specific sub-groups of interest that would benefit most from the technology to be appraised
- Where does this health technology fit in the diagnostic/treatment/care pathway?
- In what setting is it used?
- Is it added into the pathway or does it replace other interventions (if so, which)?
- Is it used in an area of unmet need?
- Provide the rationale for undertaking an appraisal of this health technology
- Is a clear health benefit anticipated from use of this health technology?
- Is there uncertainty about the clinical or cost-effectiveness?
- Is there wide variation in provision of or outcome from the health technology across Wales?
- Is the health technology likely to have a major impact on NHS resources (consuming or releasing)?
- Which NHS Wales health priority area would this apply to?
- Summarise the evidence base that you are aware of for this health technology
- List any publications or other information relevant to the assessment (due to copyrightlegislation electronic/emailed copies of reports cannot be accepted, please providehyperlinks below).
- Identify any trials or evaluations of this health technology that are currently underway and when they are due to complete.
- What are the efficacy and safety outcomes of interest from using the health technology in this indication?
- Are there organisational factors that will affect the way this health technology will be introduced in NHS Wales?
- Staffing issues (lack of trained staff, learning curve)
- Major alteration to the way care is provided
- Centralisation of service leading to equity considerations
- Do you know of patient organisations that we can contact about use of this health technology?
- Considering all that you’ve described can you explain the main question you would like resolved by this appraisal, along with its PICO* elements?
Appraisal Question: Are there sub-populations that would benefit from the use of cardiac chest compression devices in ambulances?
Population: People undergoing a cardiac arrest attended by a paramedic (and sub-groups within this)
Intervention: Mechanical Chest Compression (Manufacturers include Lucas and Zoll Medical Corporation)
Comparator: Manual Chest Compression by a paramedic
Outcomes: Survival, Cost Effectiveness, Optimal organisation of service
See Box 4.1 in the NICE methodology for more guidance:
- What is the time frame in which you require any answer to this question?
Please provide the rationale for this time frame
- Give one measure which could be used in a year’s time to assess the impact of the Health Technology Wales advice on this topic or tell us how that advice will be used to improve care in NHS Wales.
- Please provide any further information which you would like to be considered here
Please note that the information submitted on this form will be held by the Health Technology Wales secretariat in accordance with Velindre’s NHS Trustpolicies. This information may be published on the Health Technology Wales website or disclosed to third parties in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
File Name: Topic proposal form 20170717 to web / Version 1 / Date:17 July 2017Produced by: Karen Facey / Page: 1 / Review date:31 January 2018