2nd SUBMARINER Conference: Better Off Blue Creating synergies for a biobased society

Berlin 27–28 September

Day 1: Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Time / Session
09:00–10:00 / Registration and welcome coffee
10:00–12:00 / Opening plenary session
Potential speakers opening the conference:
  • A representative of MELUR for a brief welcome
Potential key note speakers setting the overall scene:
  • Prof.Dr. Peter M. Herzig
    Maritime Coordinator, Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein; ExecutiveDirector,GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel; National Maritime Ambassador to the European Commission
  • Jakob Granit
    Director, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, SE; Co-leader of the SUBMARINER Network as a EUSBSR flagship
  • Prof. Dr. Christine Lang
    Co-chair of the German Bioökonomie Rat (Bioeconomy Council) and member of the Baltic Sea Region Bioeconomy Panel
  • N.N.
    An inspiring business representative, maybe also from outside the BSR

12:00–13:30 / Lunch & networking village
13:30–15:00 / Building a market for alternative marine protein sources in feed
Responsible: MELUR???
Co-organising project: Baltic Blue Growth / Smart specialisation and the blue economy
Responsible: Maritime Institute in Gdansk, Assoc. Pomorskie in the EU
Co-organising project: Smart Blue Regions / Marine biobased materials and chemicals
Responsible: ??? / Smoothing the transition from R&D to market entry
Responsible: tbd
15:00–16:00 / Coffee break & b2b networking
16:00–17:30 / Panel discussion:how to create value chains in the blue bioeconomy
Potential panellists:
  • 1-2 cases from the ALLIANCE
  • project representatives: Baltic Blue Growth, MUSES, Smart Blue Regions
  • Representatives of other companies
  • PAC Inno?, PAC Bioeconomy?, ScanBalt?
Co-organising project: ALLIANCE
19:00??? / Evening reception / social activity

Day 2: Thursday, 28 September 2017

Time / Session
09:00–10:00 / Registration and welcome coffee
09:00–10:30 / Financing environmental services
Responsible: Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology
Co-organising project: Baltic Blue Growth / Creating added value in aquaculture through integration
Responsible: BioConValley & DTI
Co-organising project: InnoAquaTech / MUSES / From functional food to New Nordic Cuisine – new trends on the food market
Responsible: tbd / Reserve for one additional parallel session
10:30–11:30 / Coffee break & b2b networking
11:30–13:00 / Closing plenary discussion: the way forward for the BSR’s blue bioeconomy:
  • European Commission, DG MARE – Implementation Strategy for Blue Growth in the BSR
  • Rapporteur from each workshop forms part of a panel that discuss the findings of the workshop in relation to the Implementation Strategy and the role of the SUB Net
Closing speaker
Dr. Steffen Lüsse
Ministry for Economic Affairs, Employment, Transport and Technology, Schleswig-Holstein and President of the Board, SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth
  • Conference declaration: Position of the SUBMARINER Network in relation to the Implementation Strategy for Blue Growth in the BSR

13:00–14:00 / Farewell lunch