Practice Guidance:

Safer Recruitment for Parishes



  1. Summary of the Safer Recruitment Process
  2. The Recruitment Process in detail
  3. Criminal Record Checks (Disclosure and Barring Service/DBS Checks)
  4. Criminal Record Checks Outcome
  5. Appendix 1 – Recruitment Process Flow Chart
  6. Appendix 2 – Roles eligible for/requiring a Criminal Records Check
  7. Appendix 3 - Model Volunteer Job Role
  8. Appendix 4 – Model Application Form
  9. Appendix 5 - Model Reference Letter
  10. Appendix 6 - Confidential Declaration Form
  11. Appendix 7 – Model Interview/Discussion
  12. Appendix 8 - Letter of Appointment
  13. Contact Details for Diocesan Safeguarding team

Safer Recruitment Guidance for Parishes

This guidance is based on the Church of England Safer Recruitment Practice Guidance 2016. If you have any queries about Safer Recruitment, please contact Helen Humphreys the Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, on tel: 01749 685103, email , or find the complete Practice Guidance on the Church of England website here:


Church of England and Methodist Joint Policy on Safer Recruitment

The Church of England and Methodist Church are committed to the safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults, and the care and nurture of children within our church communities. We will carefully select, train and support all those with any responsibility within the Church, in line with Safer Recruitment principles.

This means that we will:

• Ensure that our recruitment and selection processes are inclusive, fair, consistent and transparent.

• Take all reasonable steps to prevent those who might harm children or adults from taking up, positions of respect, responsibility or authority in our Churches, where they are trusted by others.

• Adhere to safer recruitment legislation, guidance and standards, responding positively to changing understandings of good safer recruitment practice.

• Produce and disseminate practice guidance on safer recruitment for both Churches, ensuring that such practice guidance is compatible, and keep it updated.

• Always seek advice from human resources personnel to achieve best possible practice.

• Ensure training on safer recruitment practice guidance.

• Introduce systems for monitoring adherence to the Churches’ safer recruitment practice guidance and review them regularly.

April 2015

+Paul Liz

Bishop Paul Butler Revd Dr Liz Smith

Bishop of Durham Chair Leeds Methodist District

1. The Recruitment process in summary

Decide who will be the lead person in the appointment process. The appointment to any role is by the Parochial Church Council (PCC), so this will usually be the member of clergy. Other people who will need to be involved include the Parish Safeguarding Officer, and someone who fully understands the role being recruited to. Follow the flowchart in Appendix 1.

Ensure that you have policies and procedures in place to cover this role

Draw up a job description and person specification (for paid roles) or a role description (for volunteer roles). There are templates for these in the Appendixes at the end of this document.

Decide whether, given the responsibilities of the role, the appointee will need a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check, and if so add that information in to the job/role description. There is information about which roles need a check in Appendix 2.

Provide potential applicants with information, including the job/role description and an application form. If the role may need a DBS check, or will involve contact with children, young people and adults who may be vulnerable, provide a confidential declaration form. There is a template form at Appendix 6.

Having received these forms back, take up references

Carry out an interview (paid roles) or have a discussion (volunteer roles)

If required for the role, carry out the DBS check. Wait for the result to come back and discuss any information about arrests, cautions or convictions with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA).

Appoint the person into post and minute the appointment at the next PCC meeting.

The person making the appointment should carry out a review after about 6 months to check that there are no problems

2. The Recruitment Process in Detail

2.1. Finding and recruiting the right people to work with children and adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect can be difficult. What follows is a safer recruitment process to help make sure that parishes recruit and appoint safely the most appropriate people as employees or volunteers.

2.2. Be clear about who is responsible for appointments. In local churches the responsibility for appointments and approval of paid officers and volunteers rests with the PCC. The recruitment process should therefore be led by either the member of clergy or someone else who sits on the PCC. Responsibility for the recruitment process can be delegated but it is important that the person to whom it is delegated is capable, competent and trained in safer recruitment and is also able to keep personal matters confidential. The appointment should be made by a team of 3 people, and where the role will have contact with children and adults who may be vulnerable, this should always include the Parish Safeguarding Officer. Other people who should be involved include the person who will be supervising or training the worker or volunteer, or someone else who has a clear understanding about the role.

2.3. Have a policy statement on the recruitment of ex-offenders. Applicants for paid and volunteer positions must be clear about how they will be treated if they are ex-offenders. The PCC can write their own, or choose to adopt the Diocesan Policy Statement which can be found here:

2.4. Ensure that there are safeguarding policies in place. The Church of England has a range of national safeguarding policies. The parish statement of safeguarding principles must be used in the recruitment process to ensure the applicant is aware of the safeguarding approach of the Church of England. A sample Safeguarding Principles Document can be found in the Parish Policy here:

2.5. Have a clear job or role description, which sets out what tasks the applicant will do and what skills are required. The job or role description will also say whether the role is eligible for and requires a DBS check, and if so the level of the check required (e.g. enhancedwith / without a check of the barred list) If it is a paid role this must be a formal job description / person specification. If it is a voluntary role, a simple role description may be used. A model template for a volunteer is shown at Appendix 3.

2.6. It is the policy of the Church of England that all those who work regularly with children and / or adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect, including those on a rota, must have an enhanced criminal record check, known as a DBS Check (with / without a check of the barred list, as appropriate). In addition, those who work only occasionally with vulnerable groups will also be asked to apply for enhanced checks, provided they are eligible. Those who manage or supervise those who work with vulnerable groups and those in a leadership capacity who carry responsibility for safeguarding, will also be required to obtain an enhanced check.Appendix 2 has a list of those who are likely to require a check. If you are not sure about which type and level of check to carry out, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding team.

2.7. An application form will always be necessary in a paid role to assess the person’s suitability for the role. An application form will also be good practice when recruiting for a voluntary role, as it gives you the basic details you need. A model template application form for a volunteer can be found at Appendix 4.

2.8. Always ask for and take up two references. Ask referees specifically about an individual’s suitability to work with vulnerable people. Ensure that you carefully examine application forms and references and make sure that the information that has been provided is consistent and the organisation is provided with a satisfactory explanation for any discrepancies and / or any gaps in an applicant’s personal history and / or career. If anything is unclear in the reference, contact the referee to clarify the position. For volunteers it is quite appropriate to take up a reference from someone at church, although it is preferred if the second reference is from someone outside of the church. For paid roles, one must be from the applicant’s current or most recent employer. A model template reference request letter for volunteers can be found at Appendix 5.

2.9At the start of the process, where an individual is going to work or volunteer with children or vulnerable people, ask him / her to complete a ‘Confidential Declaration’ which asks if there is any reason why he / she should not be working with children and adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect.It can also help to identify any issues that might need resolving at an early stage. Having a criminal record may not necessarily be a bar to working with children or vulnerable people. The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) is there to provide advice and must be contacted if an applicant discloses any information in the Confidential Declaration. A copy of the Confidential Declaration is to be found at Appendix 6. Should the applicant not wish to complete the Confidential Declaration, which is entirely his / her choice, the application must not proceed further and must be terminated.

2.10. The people responsible for the appointment should have a face-to-face interview or discussion with the applicant. They should ask pre-planned and clear questions to assess a person’s suitability for a role. Check the Confidential Declaration and the references. In paid roles (and sometimes in volunteering roles) the candidate’s identity will need to be checked by asking him / her to bring photographic ID as well as evidence of his / her relevant qualifications. Include questions about an applicant’s values, attitude to working with children and adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect and motives for wanting to engage in such work. Always ask if he / she knows of any reason why he / she should not be working with children or adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect or if there are any pending cases or issues which could affect the applicant or their ability to carry out the role. If the applicant discloses any matter during the interview that relates to children and / or adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect and which may affect the applicant’s suitability for the role, then this must be referred to the DSA for advice. A model interview / discussion template for volunteers can be found at Appendix 7.

2.11. Asking for a Criminal Record Check. If the person / chair of the interview panel conducting the interview or discussion is minded to recommend appointment to the role then the applicant must be asked to carry out an appropriate criminal record check if this is needed for their role. A list of roles which are eligible for enhanced criminal record checks are outlined in Appendix 2. Should the applicant not wish to apply for a criminal record check, which is entirely the applicant’s choice, the application must not proceed further and must be terminated. DBS check application forms, and further information can be obtained from the Diocesan Safeguarding team.

2.12. Approval. The decision to appoint to voluntary or paid work must be made only by those who have that responsibility. The start date or appointment must not be confirmed until the relevant criminal record check is received and examined, and the information provided to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team. If the check has been done online through the E-bulk system, the Diocesan Team will be aware of the outcome, but may ask to see the certificate if it is not clear(i.e. contains information of, for instance, criminal convictions or cautions or additional information such as arrests). Criminal record checks that are not clear must always be referred to the DSA for advice.The Diocesan Safeguarding Team contact details are shown on the last page of this document.

2.13All paid posts must receive a letter of appointment from the person with responsibility for the appointment. It is also good practice for volunteers to receive a letter of appointment which can set out both an organisation’s commitment to its volunteers and what it hopes for from its volunteers. A model template letter can be found at Appendix 8. Included with the appointment letter should be a copy of the “Statement of Safeguarding Principles” (from the Parish Safeguarding Policy) and one of the Diocesan Safeguarding quick reference cards. These cards are available free from the Diocesan Safeguarding Team.

2.14. Induction. Employees or volunteers whose roles require a DBS check, or involve working with children and adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect must receive relevant safeguarding training from the Diocese or from one of the approved Diocesan Safeguarding Training Volunteers as soon as possible after starting their role, regardless of previous experience. They must also attend regular updates every three years. Training dates are on the website and in the twice yearly safeguarding newsletters, or may be advertised locally by training volunteers/parish safeguarding officers.

2.15. Probationary / settling in Period. It is good practice to have a period of probation, (for instance, 6 months) for any paid role or a settling in period for volunteers when the volunteer and the organisation can see whether the volunteer is suited to and wishes to continue with the particular role. During this period relevant training can be planned and support can be arranged. In addition, regular meetings with the supervisor or the person appointing the worker or volunteer to the role can be organised to discuss any issues that arise. For paid roles, at the end of the probationary period a person must be confirmed in his / her role in writing.

2.16. Supervision and regular review. All paid posts will be subject to management, supervision and appraisal. For all volunteer posts, working with children and adultsexperiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect, it is good practice to ensure regular supervision and conduct a review regularly, as the role requires, (e.g. annually) so that volunteers feel supported and issues can be discussed and/or resolved. This review should be carried out either by the person who made the appointment or someone with an overview of the role. For example, a volunteer youth worker might be supervised by a paid youth worker, by a member of clergy, or by the person responsible for young people’s activities in the Church.

3. Criminal Record Checks (DBS Checks)

3.1. Good safeguarding practice requires those who work closely with children and / or adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect to have an enhanced criminal record check. An enhanced criminal record check reveals any convictions and cautions which are not filtered, and in addition may include any other information held by the police which they deem may reasonably be relevant for the position applied for. A conviction will be filtered if the person was convicted of an offence as a child but are now an adult and the conviction is not relevant to the role; or if they are an adult with a single conviction over 11 years old, where the conviction is not relevant to the role, and is not for a violent or sexual offence.

3.2 The eligibility criteria for enhanced criminal record checks is complicated but put simply one can ask “are you over 18 and does the role include activities that allow regular or substantial contact with children or adults experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect?” If the answer is “Yes” then you may be eligible for an enhanced criminal record check. The roles that are seen to be eligible for enhanced criminal record checks in the Church with or without barring information are shown at Appendix 2. Those attending self-help groups or supporting a vulnerable person through family and friends arrangements are not eligible for an enhanced criminal record check. People carrying out activities which are not sponsored, authorised or insured by the PCC are not eligible for DBS checks through the Church, although they may be eligible for one from a different organisation.

3.3. What does it cost? Criminal record checks are free to volunteers but there is a cost for those in employment or those training for a role where they could be paid e.g. clergy, paid youth workers, paid organists. Clergy checks are completed and paid for by the Diocese, but the parish will need to pay the fee for other parish appointments, by sending a cheque with the DBS application form. Please contact Helen to find out the current cost of the check. We are unable to carry out DBS checks for roles that may be associated with, but not part of the parish, as even for volunteer roles there is an administrative cost to the Diocese. If you are unsure about whether a role qualifies for a Diocesan DBS check, please discuss with Helen.