College of Professional Christian Studies(Global)
Departments of Biblical Studies and Christ-based Counseling
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COURSE:Study of Roman
Developer: Trumpet Ministries
Practicum Requirement:
Course Literature: Bible
Pre-requisites (if any): Students must Read the Introduction to James located in the New Testament Resource Center
Understanding the Course Design: Candidates use the literature to respond to questions. Questions are in chronological order throughout the course. Questions preceded with bracket statements require Biblical, spiritual, or counseling insight, and these
questions test the students ability to deduce, assimilate, and otherwise process a number of factors to answer the questions.
Completion Requirements are as follows:
Sections: The course is divided into several sections of approximately 50 questions each. It is not necessary to complete all sections in one setting. However, you must complete a section before submitting your work. DO NOT submit
a section that is partially complete.
Answers: Answers must be given in complete sentences.
NOTE: You should always print or save a copy for your record.
Identification: You must submit your name, date, and email address with every section you submit.
Chapter Two
1.How do we condemn ourselves?
2.Of what can we be sure?
3.What questions does Paul ask us?
4.Of what fact may we be ignorant?
5.What may we be doing without realizing it?
6.How will God deal with each person in the hour when he is judged?
7.What will people receive, who, with steadfast endurance in well-doing, are seeking for glory, honor, and immortality?
8.What will people (Christian or not) receive who are contentious and self-willed, who are not yielding to the truth but to unrighteousness?
9.Who will receive glory, honor, and peace from God?
10.What is true of God’s attitude toward sin?
11.What is true of people who have sinned without having a knowledge of the Law?
12.What is true of people who possess God’s Law and sin against the Law?
13.Who are justified in the sight of God?
14.What is true of the nations who, although they do not possess a knowledge of God’s Law, practice by their instincts the deeds that God’s Law declares to be righteous?
15.What do such tribes reveal?
16.What is true of the unlearned nations with regard to their reasonings?
17.When will all such codes, behaviors, and reasonings be revealed?
18.What is true of the Jew?
19.Of what is the Jew confident, because he possesses the Law of Moses?
20.By having the Law, what does the Jew possess?
21.What does Paul ask the Jew, therefore?
22.What has the behavior of the Jews caused to take place?
23.Read Ezekiel 36:20.
24.When is circumcision profitable?
25.What is true when the Law is being broken and wickedness is being practiced?
26.What happens when the uncircumcised Gentile keeps the requirements of the Law?
27.What will the uncircumcised Gentile, who is fulfilling the Law, be able to do?
28.Who is not a true Jew?
29.What is not true circumcision?
30.Who is a true Jew?
31.What is true circumcision?
32.What else distinguishes the true Jew?
Chapter Three
1.In what way, then, is the Jew superior? Of what profit is the rite of circumcision?
2.What was true if some of the Jews did not mix faith with the Word that was given to them?
3.What will always be the case?
4.Read Psalms 51:4. 5.If our unrighteousness establishes God’s righteousness, what question is raised?
6.What is Paul’s answer to the question that has been raised by human thinking?
7.What additional question is raised by Paul?
8.What have some people accused Paul of teaching?
9.What conclusion does Paul reach concerning such teachers?
10.What does Paul ask now?
11.What is Paul’s answer?
12.Read Psalms 5:9; 10:7; 14:2,3; 36:1; 140:3; Isaiah 59:7,8. 13.What conclusion can be drawn from the above passages?
14.To whom does the Law speak?
15.What is therefore true?
16.Can any human being become justified before God by performing the works of the Law of Moses?
17.What does the Law of Moses (the Ten Commandments) bring to us?
18.What has been manifest and witnessed to by the Law and the Prophets?
19.What righteousness has been revealed?
20.What is true of all persons on the earth?
21.What is true of each person who believes in Christ?
22.In what role has God presented Christ to the world?
23.What has God accomplished by presenting Christ as the appeasing, reconciling, satisfying blood-covering?
24.Again, what does the blood-offering of Jesus proclaim?
25.What has happened to man’s boasting about a righteousness he has earned by keeping the Law?
26.What law is it that has ruled out boasting about righteousness?
27.What is Paul’s conclusion?
28.Is God the God of Jews only?
29.If it is true that the same God makes righteous the circumcised Jews by faith and the uncircumcised Gentiles through faith, have we then made the Law of no effect?