Project Twin Streams 3 Year Management Plan

Name Stream

Site location / Reach 5 Colletta Esplanade
Reach & Chainage / 0-100
Date of site visit / March 2007
Estimate Area (m2) / Island 1: 1200 m2
Island 2: 1700 m2
Site History / Stage 1 planting has been carried out by FlanshawPrimary School with some success on Island 1 and 2.
Selected Wattles have been drilled and poisoned.
Restoration has been commenced but limited to small areas e.g. Island 1 and 2. There is still significant area to be commenced as part of the project.
Description of vegetation
Islands are both covered in Wattles although a significant amount of thinning has already occurred along with drill and poisoning.
There are several distinct groups of vegetation: the Wattle forests, Weed fields consisting of predominantly blackberry and gorse and salt marsh.
On the Islands the Wattles are being thinned out to provide a better light/shade balance for native regeneration.
Method of Restoration
Stage 1 planting under the remaining wattles has occurred.
Wattles will need to be selectively removed over the 3 years.
All other invasive weeds should be removed over the first year and second year.
Legal Responsibilities and special site conditions
Consents will be required for any more Wattles
At the Vodanavich end of the wetland there are several pussy willows that will require consents.
No geo technical or stability issues have been identified.

Weed species identified on site include

Weed Species / Comments
Gorse / Gorse seedlings have been sprouting up.
Tradescantia / South side of wetland
Convolvulus / Come up through the raupo

Native plant species identified on site include:

Species / Comments
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Bachelors button

Observations/ results to include, but not limited to

Harvesting (flax, fruit, medicinal plants)
Recreation/ leisure (fishing, sports, picnic, reading, bike riding etc) / School/ University field trips
Slumping/ erosion
Flood damage
Fallen trees / Wild life/ bird life
Natural regeneration
Plant quality from nursery
Quality of planting / Vandalism
Pukeko damage
Contractor Works
Spray damage
Contractor work / No. of contractors on site
Management Plan
Second Year 2007

Being coordinated by: Millie Wells

Planned Activity / People involved / Observation/ results
Weeding / Jan / Site Visit to Island 2 / Simon
..\Photos\Reach 5\Site 3 Jan 2007\P1000561.JPG
..\Photos\Reach 5\Site 3 Jan 2007\P1000563.JPG
Mar / Site visit / Millie / Kahikatea are significantly stressed. It looks like most have died. I suspect that the remaining Wattles were too competitive for the water. Other plants are surviving. Hundreds of gorse seedlings have popped up a good indicator of a seed source.
Weed control of Island 1 and 2 + preparation of surrounding areas for stage 1 planting. / Contractors / Convolvulus, gorse and some wattles removed.
Initial weed of area east of Island 2:
Remove Gorse, blackberry and privet / Corrections Group / A large amount of illegally dumped inorganic waist was found and reported to be removed by council.
Site visit / Millie / Significant amounts of Raupo appeared to have been vandalised. Otherwise weed control and site preparation are looking good.
..\Photos\Reach 5\Damage done to Raupo after weed control April 2007\DSCF0242.JPG
Planting / Apr / Follow up spray / Contractors / Complete
Islands are looking in good condition for planting this year.
The east end of the wetland will not be ready for this seasons planting
May / Ongoing weed control at eastern end of wetland. Slashing of blackberry, pampas and convolvulus / Corrections Group
..\Photos\Reach 5\HC R5 Ch 0-100 (26).JPG
Final check for weed control and maintenance before planting the islands are planted / Millie / Some sort of bulb has come up maybe watsonia. Contractors have sprayed with glysophate.
..\Photos\Reach 5\HC R5 Ch 0-100 (22).JPG
Jun / Flanshaw Planting / FlanshawPrimary School
Gilbert Brakey / 1000 plants were planted.
Follow up planting of excess plants from Flanshaw and some replanting of poorly planted trees. / Department of Corrections
Gilbert / 500 plants
Blanket spray of eastern end of wetland / Contractors
Ongoing weed control of the eastern end of wetland / Corrections
First stage planting of newly weeded area / Flanshaw family day, Gilbert
Weeding / July
Aug / Final planting on steeper areas / Corrections
Sep / Hand-releasing / FlanshawPrimary School
Gilbert Brakey / Cabbage trees in the top island are looking very yellow, an indication of infertile soil maybe lacking in nitrogen.
Oct / Contractors / Implement spray programme at Vodanavich end to kill Watsonia, montbretia and blackberry.
Nov / Site visit to assess the need for Wattle removal / Millie, Liz, Chris F. /
  • All Wattles shall remain to provide shelter to planted natives.
  • By the end of the month consents to drill and inject the pussy willow near vodanavich road will be submitted for approval (Liz).
  • Pampas is beginning to resprout
  • Isolepis Setacea has been identified. An introduced ground cover growing amongst native plantings particularily in damper areas.

Management Plan
Third Year :

Being coordinated by:

Planned Activity / People involved / Observation/ results
Weeding / Jan
Planting / Apr
Weeding / Sep