Call for Papers, Panels, and Proposals
Pennsylvania Communication Association Annual Convention & Pre-Conference
“Communication as a Liberal Art: The Historical Roots of the Discipline”
Gannon University, Erie, Pennsylvania
Submission Deadline: June 1, 2013
The 74th annual conference of the Pennsylvania Communication Association (PCA) will be held October 18 – 19, 2013, at Gannon University in Erie, PA. The theme “Communication as a Liberal Art: The Historical Roots of the Discipline” encourages scholarship within our traditional thematic areas as well as research that broadly integrates teaching, scholarship and service through community engagement. Of special interest are submissions that explore the historical, philosophical and rhetorical foundations of the study of human communication.
Please send full papers or panel abstracts to Interest Council Chairs listed below by June 1:
*Applied Communication – Paul A. Lucas,
*Communication Education – Cheryl Guy,
*Communication Ethics – Amanda McKendree,
*Health Communication – Andrea McClanahan, *Interpersonal/Organizational Communication – Jack Ciak,
*Languages of Communication – Kristen Majocha,
*Mass Media and Society – Caroline Fitzpatrick,
*Media & Technology – Ken Bohl,
*Performance Studies – John Lawson,
*Poster Session – Colleen Burke,
*Rhetoric and Public Address – Linda Schifino,
*Student Interest Group – Cem Zeytinoglu,
Full Papers
Papers no longer than 25 pages in length are preferred. Abstracts will be considered. Submissions should include:
1. A detachable title page with the title of the paper and the author’s affiliation, mailing address, telephone number, email address, and institutional affiliation.
2. The word “debut” marked on all papers written by authors who have not presented previously at a convention or conference. The word “student” for all graduate or undergraduate authored papers.
3. A one-page abstract on the second page.
4. A Statement of Professional Responsibility (see below) on the second page.
5. If the paper has multiple authors, please indicate who will be presenting at the conference.
Panel Proposals
Submissions of panel proposals should include:
1. A thematic title for the program.
2. Names of the chairs and respondents.
3. Names, mailing addresses, telephone number, email address, and institutional affiliations of all participants.
4. Titles and abstracts of no more than 150 words for each paper or presentation.
5. A Statement of Professional Responsibility (see below).
6. A detailed rationale for the program or panel.
STATEMENT OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY Please include the following Statement of Professional Responsibility on the second page, under the abstract:
“In submitting the attached paper or proposal, I/We recognize that this submission is considered a professional responsibility. I/We agree to present this panel or paper if it is accepted and programmed. I/We further recognize that all who attend and present at PCA’s annual meeting must register and pay required fees.”
There will be access to AV equipment at the conference. Please submit special AV requests at the time of notification of acceptance to present at the conference.
Registration information will be posted soon on the PCA website at
Sheryl Goodman, Pennsylvania Communication Association President
Brent C. Sleasman, Pennsylvania Communication Association Vice President
Pennsylvania Communication Association Pre-Conference
“Albert Camus & Philosophy of Communication:
Making Sense in an Age of Absurdity”
Gannon University
October 17 – 18, 2013
Submission Deadline: June 1, 2013
November 7, 2013, will mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Albert Camus. The pre-conference theme, “Albert Camus & Philosophy of Communication: Making Sense in an Age of Absurdity,” invites consideration of how one can respond ethically in an age of absurdity and rebellion through an exploration of the significant contribution that Camus’s work has made over the last century. Scholarly examination of Camus’s philosophy of communication is encouraged through an exploration of his life, novels, plays, and philosophical essays. Proposals exploring the historical context of Camus’s work in relation to the contemporary historical moment are encouraged.
Scholars from related disciplines are invited to submit papers, extended abstracts, and panel proposals for inclusion in the conference. A special undergraduate performance of “The Misunderstanding” will be held as part of the conference. Extended abstracts are invited for a special panel exploring the communicative implications of various themes in “The Misunderstanding” to be held immediately after the performance.
Please follow the guidelines for Full Papers and Panel Proposals listed above as part of the call for the PCA conference. In addition to these options, you may also submit:
Extended Abstracts: Submissions should be 500-750 word extended abstracts so as to give reviewers a sense of the direction of the paper. The author(s) should remove name(s) and all identifying data from the abstract. A separate title page with title, author name(s), and contact information should also be included. Please indicate on the title page if the author is a student and also if this is a debut submission in which the author has never previously presented at a professional conference. Send extended abstracts as attached files via email to .
Undergraduate Poster Session: An undergraduate poster session is also planned. Please consider adapting course assignments now to encourage worthy submissions from your students!
Deadline: All papers, extended abstracts, panel proposals, and Undergraduate poster session submissions must be received by midnight Saturday, June 1, 2013, to be considered for inclusion in the conference. Participants will be notified by July 1, 2013. Please direct all questions and submissions for the Pre-Conference to Brent C. Sleasman at .
Following the PCA convention and pre-conference, participants are invited to submit completed papers for review and potential publication to either the Journal of Camus Studies ( or the Communication Annual (email for more information).
Gannon University, located near Lake Erie in Erie, Pennsylvania, offers ready access to a variety of cultural and exciting seasonal activities and is within a two-hour drive of Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Buffalo. Registration and lodging information will be forthcoming on the conference website (