• Presented to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for initial review and vote to solicit public comment: February 28, 2012
  • Period of public comment: through April 20, 2012
  • Final action by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education anticipated:

June 26, 2012

603 CMR 44.00:Recertification Educator License Renewal


44.01:Purpose and Authority


44.03:General Provisions

44.04:Approval of Professional Development Plans

44.05:Provisions Applicable to Licenses Renewed Before July 1, 2016 Standard Certificates Issued Between October 1, 1994 and June 17, 1999

44.06:Provisions Applicable to Licenses Renewed On or After July 1, 2016 Standard Certificates Issued Prior to October 1, 1994

That Were Required to be Renewed by June 18, 1999 and Standard Certificates

Issued Between June 18, 1999 and December 1, 1999

44.07:Inactive Licenses Provisions Applicable to Standard Certificates Issued After December 1, 1999

44.08:Application Process Inactive Certificates

44.09:Documentation and Recordkeeping Application Process

44.10:Reconsideration Documentation and Recordkeeping

44.11:Failure to Satisfy Renewal Requirements Reconsideration

44.12:Hardship Waiver or Modification

44.01:Purpose and Authority

(1) Purpose.The Massachusetts license renewal recertification system will enhance education through ongoing professional development for educators that meets high standards for quality. It is important The license renewal recertification system is be carried out in the context of professional development for school improvement leading to increased student learning. The goal is for educators within a school and district to work together so that license renewal recertification achieves educational goals for the individual, the school, and the district, in order to assist students in meeting state learning standards.

(2) Authority.603 CMR 44.00 is promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education pursuant to M.G.L. c. 71, § 38G.

44.02 Definitions

As used in 603 CMR 44.00, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

Board: the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Certificate: a standard certificate issued pursuant to M.G.L. c. 71, §38G to a person who has met the preparation and eligibility requirements established by the Board of Education for standard certification. Standard certificates are valid for five years and are renewable for additional five year terms.

Commissioner: the Commissioner of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Content Area: the academic discipline or subject matter knowledge of a certificate.

Department: the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Educator: a person who has been issued a professional license as defined by 603 CMR 7.02. standard certificate pursuant to M.G.L. c. 71, § 38G.

Endorsement: A supplementary credential issued to an educator licensed under 603 CMR 7.00, or a credential issued to an individual otherwise required by law or regulation to obtain such credential, indicating satisfactory knowledge and skill to perform services in the area(s) specified.

Inactive License Certificate: a license certificate that is not renewed within the five year validity period years of its issuance or most recent renewal, whichever is later. A license certificate that is not renewed is deemed inactive for up to five consecutive years.

Individual Professional Development Plan: a five year plan developed by an educator that outlines the professional development activities for the renewal of the educator’s license(s) certificate(s).

Invalid License Certificate: a license certificate that is not renewed within the five year active validity period and that is not renewed within the five year inactive period, as provided in 603 CMR 44.078.

License: a Professional educator license issued to a person who has met the preparation and eligibility requirements established by the Board for a Professional license. This license is equivalent to a standard educator certificate as defined in M.G.L. c. 71, § 38G. Professional licenses are valid for five years and are renewable for additional five year terms.

Low-Performing Mathematics Program: Any mathematics program in a Massachusetts public middle or high school which has been identified as low-performing according to the criteria and process found in the Under-Performing Schools and Districts Regulations on Accountability and Assistance for School Districts and Schools, 603 CMR 2.05.

Primary License Certificate: the license certificate so designated by an educator who has more than one license certificate. The primary license certificate is usually the license certificate under which the educator is employed. If the educator is employed in a position that requires more than one license certificate, the educator may designate which of the licenses certificates is the primary license certificate.

Professional Development Point (PDP): a unit of measurement of professional development activities. One clock hour is equivalent to one professional development point. One semester hour is equivalent to 15 PDPs. One continuing education unit is equivalent to ten PDPs. However, professional development activities sponsored or approved by the Department and advanced academic studies will receive 1.5 PDPs per clock hour. Department guidelines will detail the PDPs earned by professional development activities not readily measured in clock hours.

Sheltered English Immersion (SEI): Shall have the meaning set forth in M.G.L. c. 71A, § 2.

Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Endorsement: An SEI Teacher Endorsement and SEI Administrator Endorsement issued to an educator in accordance with 603 CMR 7.14.

Topic: a single or tightly integrated area of study within an academic discipline or related to a particular method of teaching or administration.

44.03 General Provisions

(1) Except as provided in 603 CMR 44.078, each license certificate shall be valid for five years, and may be renewed for successive five - year terms upon the successful completion of the requisite number of PDPs as set forth in 603 CMR 44.05 (21), and 44.06(1), or 44.07(1) within a particular five year active validity period, based on a professional development plan that is designed to improve teaching and student learning and that is approved, if required, by the educator’s supervisor.

(2) Professional development points may be earned in the following ways:

(a) PDPs may be awarded by registered providers to certificate license holders who complete a professional development activity and demonstrate proficiency in the relevant subject area or skill through an appropriate end-of-course assessment that satisfies Department guidelines.

(b) PDPs may be awarded by, or under the auspices of, the Department, school districts, or educational collaboratives upon an educator’s completion of a professional development activity in compliance with Department guidelines.

(c) Educators may accrue PDPs through an educator-designed professional development activity that satisfies Department guidelines.

(3) An educator also may choose to accrue professional development points in the following ways, as part of an individual professional development plan which receives any approvals necessary under the provisions of 603 CMR 44.04:

(a) Achieving a passing score on a content-specific test approved by the Board will earn an educator 90 PDPs in the content area of the certificate license.

(b) Achieving a passing score on a performance assessment approved by the Board will earn an educator 120 PDPs, 90 in the content area of the certificate license and 30 in pedagogy.

(c) Taking the Mathematics Content Assessment will earn an educator 20 PDPs in the mathematics content area.

(4) The Department shall develop and maintain a registry of professional development providers in order to facilitate access to information about professional development programs.

(5) Notwithstanding 603 CMR 44.05 and 603 CMR 44.06, any core academic teacher, principal, assistant principal, or supervisor/director supervising or evaluating a core academic teacher, who fails to earn an SEI endorsement by the time designated for his or her cohort established pursuant to 603 CMR 14.07(2), will not be eligible to renew his or her license until such educator earns an SEI endorsement. Provided however, in accordance with 603 CMR 14.07(2), upon a showing of hardship, the Department may grant an educator an extension of time beyond the date designated for his or her cohort to earn an SEI endorsement.

44.04 Approval of Professional Development Plans

(1) In accordance with G.L. c. 71, § 38G, educators working in a Massachusetts public school must obtain approval of their proposed professional development plans from their supervisors by the timelines set out in 603 CMR 44.056 (2), and 44.067 (2). Certified Licensed educators working in schools other than Massachusetts public schools are encouraged to seek such approval.

(a) Approval for proposed individual professional development plans shall be from the educator’s direct supervisor or an appropriate designee. In most instances, this will mean that the plans of teachers and other educators who report to the principal will be approved by the principal, a principal’s plan will be approved by the superintendent of schools, and a superintendent’s plan will be approved by the chairperson of the school committee.

(b) Approval of a plan shall be based on whether the 80% of the PDPs in the plan that are subject to supervisor approval under the terms of 603 CMR 44.06 (2)(a) or 44.07 (2) are consistent with the educational needs of the school and/or district and whether the plan is designed to enhance the ability of the educator to improve student learning, and is based on evidence that it contributes to increased student achievement and growth. A supervisor may consider whether the plan requires an educator to earn PDPs regularly throughout the five year period when evaluating a plan.

(c) The supervisor and educator may determine that the same individual professional development plan will be used to satisfy both 603 CMR 44.00 (educator license renewal) and 603 CMR 35.00 (educator evaluation).

(d)Approval of individual professional development plans shall not be unreasonably withheld. In the event that a plan is rejected by a supervisor, teachers and other educators who report to the principal may seek review of the denial from the superintendent of schools, principals may seek review from the school committee chairperson, and superintendents may seek review from the Department. An educator may then seek additional review from the Department, according to the provisions of 603 CMR 44.101.

(2) A supervisor shall review each individual professional development plan at least every two years. A supervisor shall review the professional development plan of any educator new to the district or school within three months of the educator’s beginning employment in the new position. A supervisor may require an educator to amend the plan or may withdraw approval for a plan that had been previously approved, provided, however, that any PDPs that were earned consistently with an approved plan shall be deemed approved in applying for recertification license renewal. Except as provided in 603 CMR 44.06 (2)(b), a Any PDPs that are earned prior to the approval of a plan may be subject to disapproval, if in the opinion of the educator’s supervisor, the PDPs are not consistent with the educational improvement goals of the school and/or district.

(3) Educators who are employed in a Massachusetts public school shall include in their recertification application their supervisor’s endorsement a copy of their completed professional development plans. A supervisor’s endorsementsignature will indicate that the supervisor has reviewed the log of professional development activities maintained by the educator to ensure that the reported activities are consistent with the approved professional development plan. An educator whose supervisor refuses to sign a professional development plan may follow the review procedures set out in 603 CMR 44.04(1)(d) and 44.10.

(a) Educators who are employed in schools other than Massachusetts public schools are encouraged to have their supervisor endorse their plans.

(b) Educators who are not employed in schools at the time that they apply for recertification shall submit their plans directly to the Department, without a supervisor’s endorsement.

(c) An educator whose supervisor refuses to endorse a professional development plan may follow the review procedures set out in 603 CMR 44.04 (1)(c) and 44.11.

(4) Approval of professional development plans of mathematics teachers in

low-performing mathematics programs shall be subject to the following

additional requirements:

(a) A supervisor shall not approve or endorse sign the professional development plan of any mathematics teacher in a low-performing mathematics program until that educator takes the Mathematics Content Assessment. However, if no Mathematics Content Assessment is offered between the first date the educator is required to take the Mathematics Content Assessment, pursuant to the Under-Performing Schools and Districts Regulations, 603 CMR 2.05, and the last date on which the approval or endorsement signature may be granted, the supervisor may approve or endorse sign the professional development plan of an educator who has not yet taken the Mathematics Content Assessment.

(b) In considering whether a professional development plan is consistent with the educational needs of the school and/or district and whether the plan is designed to enhance the ability of the educator to improve student learning, pursuant to 603 CMR 44.04 (1)(b), a supervisor must determine that the professional development plan addresses weaknesses identified by the Mathematics Content Assessment.

(c) In the event that a school’s mathematics program is classified as a low-performing mathematics program after approval of the educator’s professional development plan, the educator shall take the next Mathematics Content Assessment offered by the Board.

(d) In the event that a mathematics teacher who was not previously teaching in a school with a low-performing mathematics program goes to work in school with a low-performing mathematics program, that teacher will not have to take the Mathematics Content Assessment until the school’s mathematics program is classified as low-performing based on the results of an MCAS mathematics test administered while the teacher is employed at the school.

(e) In biannual reviews conducted pursuant to 603 CMR 44.04 (2), a supervisor must withdraw approval of the professional development plan of any educator who has not taken the Mathematics Content Assessment offered by the Board, unless no Mathematics Content Assessment is offered between the time such Assessment was required of the educator, pursuant to 603 CMR 2.05 (2), and the time of the biannual review. A supervisor must also withdraw approval of any professional development plan that fails to address weaknesses identified by the Mathematics Content Assessment.

44.05 Provisions applicable to standard certificates issued between October 1, 1994 and June 17, 1999:

(1) Educators are not required to obtain either initial approval or final endorsement of professional development plans from a supervisor.

(2) Individual professional development plans must include at least 120 PDPs. At least 60 of those PDPs must be in areas of the content and professional skills of the educator’s certificate. The remaining 60 points may be in areas of other educational issues and topics that improve student learning.

(3) A minimum of 4 PDPs must be earned in a particular topic for the PDPs to count toward recertification.

(4)Professional development plans must include an additional 30 PDPs in the content and skills of any additional certificate to be renewed.

44.06 Provisions applicable to standard certificates issued prior to October 1, 1994 that were required to be renewed by June 18, 1999 and standard certificates issued between June 18, 1999 and December 1, 1999:

(1) Individual professional development plans must include at least 120 PDPs.

(2) Educators must receive initial approval of their professional development plans under 603 CMR 44.04 by June 30, 2000.

(a) At least 80% of PDPs earned after initial approval of an individual professional development plan must be in the content area of the educator’s primary certificate or in pedagogy directly related to instruction and must be approved by the educator’s supervisor under the standard set forth in 603 CMR 44.04 (1)(b). At least 60 % of the PDPs earned after initial approval of the individual professional development plan must be in the content area of the primary certificate.

(b) PDPs earned before the professional development plan is initially approved may be credited toward recertification, provided that no more than 60 PDPs that are outside areas directly related to the content and skills of the educator’s certificate may be credited toward recertification.

(c) A minimum of 10 PDPs must be earned in a topic to count the PDPs toward recertification, except that PDPs earned before the professional development plan is initially approved may be counted as long as a minimum of 4 PDPs are earned in a topic.

(3) Educators shall obtain final endorsement of their plans from their supervisors, pursuant to the provisions of 603 CMR 44.04 (3).

(4) Professional development plans must include an additional 30 PDPs in the content and skills of any additional certificate to be renewed.

44.057Provisions applicable to licenses renewed before July 1, 2016 standard certificates issued after December 1, 1999:

(1) Individual professional development plans must include at least 150 PDPs. At least 120 of the PDPs must be in the content area of the certificate license or in pedagogy directly related to the educator’s primary certificate license, with at least 90 of these PDPs in the content area of the educator’s primary certificate license.

(2) Educators working in Massachusetts public schools must get initial approval of their professional development plans pursuant to 603 CMR 44.04 (1) (b) within three months of issuance of the certificate license to be renewed, or by

June 30, 2000, whichever is later. A supervisor shall approve a professional development plan in which the 120 PDPs required to be in content area or pedagogy are consistent with school and district educational improvement goals.

(3) Educators shall obtain final endorsement approval of their plans from their supervisors, pursuant to the provisions of 603 CMR 44.04 (3).

(4) A minimum of 10 PDPs must be earned in a topic to count the PDPs toward recertification license renewal.

(5) Professional development plans must include an additional 30 PDPs in the content area of any additional certificate license to be renewed.

44.06:Provisions applicable to licenses renewed on or after July 1, 2016:

(1) Professional development activities shall be identified by the educator and supervisor during the development of, and review of, the Individual Professional Development Plan in order to better support student achievement. Individual professional development plans must include at least 150 PDPs including:

(a) At least 15 PDPs related to SEI or English as a Second Language.

(b) At least 15 PDPs related to training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning styles.

(c) At least 90 PDPs in the content area of the license or in pedagogy, with no less than 60 PDPs in, or related to, the content area of the educator’s primary license.

(2) Educators working in Massachusetts public schools must obtain initial approval of their professional development plans pursuant to 603 CMR 44.04 (1) within three months of issuance of the license to be renewed.