Deal Town Council

Town Hall, High Street, Deal, Kent CT14 6TR

Draft Copy

The minutes of the Planning Committee held on 7 November 2012


Councillor B Gardner (Chairman)

Councillor D Cronk (Vice Chairman) Cllr Dr D Murray Councillor C Tough Councillor J Cronk

Councillor Mrs C Stickler Councillor Mrs M Burnham (ex-officio)

Councillor B Hawkins (from 7.20pm) Mr R Green Mr B Elliott

Officers: Mrs L Crow – Deputy Town Clerk Others: 6 members for the public

1 / Chairman’s opening remarks: The Chairman welcomed members and the public to the meeting and advised members that applications 12/00530 and 12/00803 have now been withdrawn.
2 / Apologies for absence: Cllr Mrs E Rowbotham ex-officio.
Absent: Cllr W Elliott
3 / Declarations of interest: The Chairman requested declarations of interest from members and reminded them to make it clear if there were any DPI or OSI declarations.
The Chairman and Councillor J Cronk declared an interest as DDC Councillors.
4 / Minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 October 2012: RESOLVED: to approve and agree the minutes subject to the amendment of line one at agenda item 6 which should read ‘one member of the public’. Following this amendment it was agreed to accept the minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 October 2012 as a true and accurate record. (P) BG (S) CT. Agreed. The minutes were duly signed by the Chairman
5 / Clerks Report: The Chairman advised members that although the Deputy Town Clerk had secured extensions for two of the tree applications to be discussed tonight DDC had gone ahead and made their decision without waiting for Deal Town Council’s recommendation. The Chairman advised that he would be writing to DDC to find out why this had happened.
Committee agreed to note the report (P) DM (S) DC agreed / Chairman
6 / Early morning drinks restrictions orders: The Chairman summarised his report and recommendation and referred to the map and crime reports that had been circulated to members. Following discussion Councillor D Murray proposed that the recommendation go forward with the amended closure time of midnight for Friday and Saturday (P) DM (S) CT 2 for 6 against, amendment fell. Following further discussion committee RESOLVED: Recommend to full council that they put a recommendation into DDC for the following:
Dover District Council that an early morning alcohol restriction is imposed as follows:
Part of the DDC North Deal Ward, all premises on or within the boundary of, The Town Hall, Oak St ,part of the Seafront(including the Pier) from Oak St to Deal Castle Rd, Deal Castle Rd, Gilford Rd(up to the railway bridge),the Railway line to the Albert Rd level crossing, part of Western Rd(from the level crossing to St Davids Rd),
St Davids Rd, part of St Patrick’s Rd(from St Davids Rd to St Georges Rd),St Georges Rd back to the Town Hall.
Sunday night, Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Thursday night, last drinks to be served at or before 11.45pm,and the premises to close at midnight.
Friday night and Saturday night, last drinks to be served at 12.45am and the premises to close at 1.00am.
(P) BG (S) JC 8 for 0 against / Full council
7 / Public Participation: One member of the public asked the committee if EMARO was just for pubs, the Chairman advised that it was for all licensed premises which included hotels and restaurants.
The member of the public then asked if the proposed boundary would include the restaurant at the end of the pier, the chairman advised he was looking into this and is seeking legal advice.
Another member of the public stated that 2 establishments would be outside the proposed boundary that historically had caused problems in Deal.
The Chairman advised that since these establishments had changed management no complaints had been received but if the situation changed the area could be extended.
8 / Planning applications received:
The applicant for 12/00739 – 3 St Georges Passage explained to council the reason for the retrospective application and variation of opening hours.
Mr Green advised that he was friends with the applicant and a former business partner.
12/00530 / 10 Duke Street, Deal, CT14 6DU / Erection of a single storey rear extension and a rear roof extension / WITHDRAWN
12/00739 / 3 St Georges Passage, Deal, CT14 6TA / Retrospective application for change of use to restaurant, bar and deli (use class A3 and A4) / No objections
(P) JC (S) DC
8 for
0 against
12/00749 / 3 St Georges Passage, Deal, CT14 6TA / Variation of Condition 2 of DOV/07/01269 to allow opening hours Monday to Saturday 9am - 11pm and Sundays 10am - 10pm / No objections
(P) CT (S) DC
8 for
0 against
12/00768 / 12 Hyton Drive, Deal, CT14 9WG / Erection of a single storey side extension (car port to be demolished) / No objections
(P) CT (S) DM
4 for
4 against
The Chairman used his casting voting and voted against this motion
Motion denied
Refuse – bedroom on ground floor and loss of car parking space
(P) JC (S) CS
4 for + The Chairman used his casting vote and voted for this motion
4 against
12/00819 / 41 Manor Road, Deal, CT14 9BX / Erection of a two storey side and single storey rear extension / No objections
(P) JC (S) DM
7 for
0 against
12/00827 / St Albans House Nos. 12 - 13, The Grove, Deal, CT14 9TL / Renewal of planning permission DOV/09/00772 for change of use from staff accommodation to two 1 bedroom units in association with existing residential home / No objections
(P) DM (S) CT
7 for
0 against
12/00828 / Part of, 223A Telegraph Road, Deal, CT14 9DU / Submission of reserved matters (landscaping) for the erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings, a detached dwelling, construction of a vehicular access and associated car parking (details pursuant to DOV/12/126) / No objections
(P) JC (S) DC
5 for
1 against
12/00803 / 4 Oak Street, Deal, CT14 6HJ / Insertion of roof light and window to rear, and internal alterations / WITHDRAWN
12/00791 / Grove Villa Care, 30A Mill Road, Deal, CT14 9AD / Retrospective application for change of use to supported living for adults with learning disabilities / No objections
(P) JC (S) DM
7 for
0 against
12/00851 / 75 The Marina, Deal, CT14 6NT / Retrospective application for change of use to a single residential dwelling / No objections
(P) DC (S) DM
8 for
0 against
12/00871 / Comarques, 122 High Street, Deal, CT14 6BB / Erection of greenhouse, garden and retaining walls, construction of roof, enclosure and pond / No objections
(P) DM (S) MB
7 for
0 against
12/00872 / Comarques, 122 High Street, Deal, CT14 6BB / Erection of greenhouse, garden and retaining walls, construction of roof, enclosure and pond / No objections
(P) JC (S) MB
7 for
0 against
9 / Tree applications received: The committee were very disturbed that decisions had been made before Deal Town Council could submit their recommendations and discussed this at length. The Chairman stated he would email the officers at DDC concerned and copy the committee into it.
12/00748 / 9 Bevan Close, Deal, CT14 9DF / Fell two multi-stemmed Sycamore trees / DDC decision taken before council meeting
Object : The developer accepted the planning permission with the TPO’s in place. Deal Town council can see no valid reason why they should be removed.
(P) CS (S) BG
8 for
0 against
12/00789 / 8 Bevan Close, Deal, CT14 9FW / Removal of multi-stemmed Sycamore trees / Object : The developer accepted the planning permission with the TPO’s in place. Deal Town council can see no valid reason why they should be removed.
(P) DM (S) CS
8 for
0 against
12/00810 / 1 Tormore Mews, Rectory Road, Deal, CT14 9SX / Remove one limb from a Holm Oak tree that overhangs the garden of 11 Addelam Close / No objections
(P) JC (S) DM
6 for
0 against
12/00113 / 125 High Street, Deal CT14 6BB / Remove one Palm tree / DDC decision taken before council meeting
No objections
(P) DM (S) CS
5 for
3 against
/ Chairman
10 / Highways: The Chairman reported that Somerset Road would be closed for up to 3 days or until the works have been completed on or after 14 November 2012 for carriageway repairs.
Date of next meeting: 5 December 2012
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm
Lorna Crow Deputy Town Clerk