Special Health & Fitness Report From:

Your Company Name (000) 000-0000

Your Company NameNew Client Welcome Packet:

Expert Tips For GettingMaximum Results From YourWorkouts In Minimum Time

By Your Name CFT, SPN

Fitness Director/Owner

Your Fitness Company

Your Company Name: Marketing Message/Slogan Here

(000) 000-0000

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This manual is designed to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher and author and advisors are not rendering medical advice or other medical/health services.

The author, advisors and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

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This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. All rights reserved. Copyright 2010 by YOURNAME/YOURCOMPANY. Any unauthorized transfer, use, sharing, reproduction, sale, or distribution of these materials by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise is prohibited. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form whatsoever, without the express written consent of the publisher.

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Table of Contents


Expert Tips For Ensuring You Get A Great Workout……………………………..…5

Fueling Your Body To Accomplish Your Goals……………………………….…5

The Importance of Staying Hydrated During Your Workouts…………………....5

If You Want Results Fast, Recovery Is The Key……………………………….…6

The Absolute Importance Of Resting As Hard As You Work……………………7

How To Get One Step Closer To Your Goals With Each Workout………….…...7

Resistance Training: The KEY To Reshaping Your Body…………………………..9

It’s Not Just What You Do…It’s How You Do It………………………………..9

Proper Exercise Form: Producing Results, Not Injuries………………………...10

Tempo: The Right Way To Workout……………………………………………10

How To Breathe During Exercise………………………………………………..11

Cardiovascular Training: Fat Burning The Right Way…………………………….12

Determining Your Target Heart Rate……………………………………………12

How Much Cardio Do You Really Need?……………………………………….13

A Simple Tip For Dramatically Speeding Your Fat Loss……………………….13

Flexibility Training: What You Really Need To Know……………………………..14

What Will Flexibility Training Do For You?……………………………………14

The Proper Way To Stretch……………………………………………………...14

Tips For Training At Home Or On The Road……………………………………….16

How To Get An Effective Workout When You Can’t Go To The Gym………..16

Tools Of The Home (Or Traveling) Workout Trade…………………………….16

Basic Nutrition For Accomplishing Your Goals……………………………………..18

The TRUTH About Calories And Weight Loss…………………………………18

The Importance of Protein………………………………………………..……...19

Eating The Right Kinds of Carbs………………………………………………...19

Fat: Not As Evil As You May Think………………………………………..…..20

How To Learn More About Eating Right………………………………………..21

Nutritional Supplements: Insurance For Achieving Your Goals With Less Wasted Time And Effort………………………………………………………………………...22

Do You Really Need Nutritional Supplements?…………………………………22

What Supplements Can Do For You…………………………………………….22

How To Choose The Right Supplements For Your Goals………………………23


I’ve been a certified personal trainer since 1995 and a specialist in performance nutrition since 1997. I’m also a member of the International Sports Sciences Association, and an avid exerciser myself. During my career, I’ve helped hundreds of people accomplish their health and fitness goals, shed pounds of excess (and unwanted) body fat, gain quality muscle mass, and improve their athletic performance. (Edit for your profile)

No matter what your specific goals may be, you now hold in your hands my expert tips on accomplishing your goals at a much faster pace, without wasting your valuable time, money, and effort on trial-and-error experimenting and unproductive exercise routines and diet fads.

By following the advice laid out for you in this booklet, you will be light years ahead of where you were just a few short weeks ago. Your progress will increase. You’ll start to feel better physically and emotionally. And you’ll have much more self-confidence.

I know that health clubs can be a very intimidating place, especially if you don’t feel like you know what you’re doing. All the machines, all the free weights, and all the fit people that seem to fill up the gym can make you feel overwhelmed and self-conscience.

The information contained herein will help you to understand exactly what you should be doing to accomplish you goals, how to exercise effectively, and how to eat to make getting the body you’ve always dreamed of a very real and attainable possibility.

I started my personal training company, Your Company Name, to help people like you achieve your goals, no matter what they may be now, or what they may become in the near future, as rapidly as possible. It is my sincere desire that the information contained in this booklet will help you do just that.

Yours in good health,

Your Name CFT, SPN

Owner/Fitness Director

Your Fitness Company

P.S. If you have any questions about anything contained in this booklet, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at any time by calling (000) 000-0000 or via e-mail at . I’m always happy to help in any way I possibly can.

Expert Tips For Ensuring You Get A Great Workout

You want results and you want them now. That’s probably why you joined a health club to begin with. After all, why spend your hard earned money, and put forth all that effort if you’re not going to get results, right?

In order to get the results you’re after, your workouts must be progressive. You must force your body to do more than it’s accustomed to doing. And you must do that on a consistent basis.

Here are some expert tips for getting a great workout each and every time you come to the gym…

1. Fueling Your Body To Accomplish Your Goals

One of the most important things you can do to ensure an effective, goal-accomplishing workout is to fuel your body properly.

To do that, it’s important that you eat 1 ½ to 2 hours before you come in for your workout. This will ensure you have the fuel required to produce the energy you’ll need to make it through your exercise routine.

Just be sure to give your body enough time to properly digest your food before you begin to exercise. If you don’t, you’re likely to get stomach cramps and indigestion.

Make sure your pre-workout meal contains plenty of carbohydrates. Since they will be your main source of energy during strenuous activity, about 50-60% of the meal’s total calories should come from carbs.

The remaining 40-50% of your pre-workout meal’s calories should be equally divided between protein and fat. The fat in the meal will supply some extra energy to fuel the muscular contractions, and the protein will aid in preventing excess muscular damage.

Fueling your body before your workout is one of the most important things you can do to ensure you have the energy required to perform your exercises to the best of your ability.

2. The Importance of Staying Hydrated During Your Workouts

Once you’ve fueled your body for a super effective workout, the next thing you should focus on is staying properly hydrated. Your body is made up of over 90% water, so it stands to reason that water is of extremely high importance when it comes to accomplishing your fitness and/or weight loss goals.

Water plays several key roles during exercise. Any time you burn stored bodyfat for fuel, waste by-products are made and introduced into your blood stream. By simply drinking a bottle of water during your workout sessions, you can do a lot to flush out and remove those waste by-products.

Water is also very important for muscular contractions. Without the right water balance, your muscles can’t contract as hard as they normally could, leading to lackluster performance and a decrease in the effectiveness of your workouts.

A drop in body water volume of a mere 1% can cause a reduction in performance of over 10%. That means you’ll have to exert yourself much harder during your workouts to achieve the same results you’d get if you just drank some water!

And last, but certainly not least, water can really help you to reduce the soreness you feel after an intense bout of exercise.

Muscular contractions (like those you experience during exercise) cause the release of a chemical called hydroxyproline from the connective tissues and muscle cells. This chemical is very irritating to the nerve endings and is the direct cause of delayed onset muscle soreness (the soreness you feel the day or two after you workout). Your body will naturally bind this chemical and remove it, but drinking plenty of water, both during and after exercise, will speed up that process dramatically.

3. If You Want Results Fast, Recovery Is The Key

One of the most important tips I could possibly give you is to consume a post-workout recovery drink immediately following each of your exercise sessions. This will go a long way toward improving your results in the least possible amount of time.

As mentioned earlier, when a muscle is forced to contract harder than usual (like during exercise), the actual muscle cells get damaged to a small degree. This can lead to soreness in the day or two immediately following your workout.

Your body will remove the chemicals that are causing the soreness all on its own. Then it will work to repair the damage caused during your workouts. But your body doesn’t stop there…

In an attempt to prevent future damage and soreness, your body will not only repair the damage, it will also build your muscles back just a little bit stronger than they were before. This is what causes the actual gains in muscle size, strength, and efficiency, which ultimately lead to the results you’re after.

The best way to speed the recovery process, as well as the results you see, is to follow each workout with a post-workout recovery drink. The drink should be consumed within 60-90 minutes of completing your workout, each and every time you exercise.

Be sure your post-workout recovery drink contains about 200-400 calories, 50 or more grams of carbohydrates, and 25-50 grams of protein. This will ensure your body has enough “building blocks” to refuel your muscles and liver, as well as to repair and rebuild your muscle tissue.

And by consuming your recovery drink within the 60-90 minute window following your workout, you ensure that all the calories and nutrients go to the muscles instead of your fat tissue. This will lead to an increased metabolism, increases in strength, and overall dramatically improved results in minimal time.

4. The Absolute Importance of Resting As Hard As You Work

Sleep. It’s something we all like to do. We spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping. But did you know its vitally important if you want to see optimal results from your workouts?…

Your muscles don’t get bigger, stronger, or more efficient while you’re working out. The workout is just a stimulus for your body to respond to. The actual increases in size, strength, and efficiency take place while you’re at rest.

If you don’t allow your body to rest, it can’t properly recover from the workouts you subject it to. That means you won’t see the results you’re after as rapidly. So, if you want results as fast as possible, make sure you get plenty of rest and at least 8-9 hours of sleep each night.

The more sleep and rest you get, the faster your body can recover from the damage caused to your muscles during exercise…

…and the faster you’ll achieve the results you’re after.

Miss a night of sleep and your workouts will suffer. And you health, fitness, and weight loss goals will be that much harder to attain.

5. How To Get One Step Closer To Your Goals With Each Workout

To achieve maximum results in minimum time you must make each workout progressively more intense than the last. Each workout should force your body to do a little more than it’s accustomed to doing. This is called the Progressive Overload Principle.

The only sure-fire way to guarantee you’re moving toward your goals each and every time you come to the gym is to keep detailed records of your workouts. Each workout should be recorded in a training log.

By keeping track of your workouts in a training log, you’ll eliminate the guesswork involved and move steadily toward accomplishing your goals. Here’s the information you should record in your training log…

  • Date of your workout
  • Time your workout started
  • Time your workout ended
  • Total time your workout lasted
  • The exercises you performed during your workout
  • The amount of resistance (weight) you used for each exercise
  • The number of repetitions you performed for each exercise
  • The number of sets you performed for each exercise
  • The amount of time you spent doing cardiovascular training
  • Any notes you feel are relevant, such as how you felt during your workout

Recording all these variables will allow you (or your trainer) to plan your next workout in advance and make any necessary adjustments to ensure you’re making optimal progress. These detailed records will also eliminate any guesswork about how much weight you should be using, whether you need to increase/decrease the length of your exercise sessions, or when you should change your workout entirely.

If I could only give you one single tip for speeding your progress and getting better results from your time in the gym, keeping a training log would be that tip!

A sample training log is included for you at the end of this welcome packet. Your trainer should have recorded the exercises, weights, sets, and reps (and other info) from your introductory session in that sample training log for you.

Now all you have to do is follow the same routine on your next visit. Just be sure to increase the intensity by adding more resistance, more reps, or more sets to what you did last time. That will force your body to adapt again and bring you one step closer to accomplishing your fitness goals.

If at any point you have a question about filling out your training log, what you should do to progress from your previous workout, how to modify or change your workout routine (which should be done every 3-5 weeks), or anything else at all…

…just ask your trainer for help.

We’re always more than happy to give you any help we can. After all, your success is why we’re in business to begin with. So, if you have ANY questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask us for help.

Resistance Training: The KEY To Reshaping Your Body

Resistance training is simply training your muscles against a resistance of some kind. The resistance can come from…

  • Your own body weight.
  • Free weights.
  • Exercise machines.
  • Resistance tubing.
  • Medicine balls.
  • Etc.

The whole purpose of resistance training is to overload your muscles by forcing them to do more work than they are normally accustomed to doing. Your body will react to this through adaptations that cause your muscles to get bigger, stronger, and more efficient.

These adaptations to resistance training are what ultimately lead to the changes you will see and experience in your body. In short, resistance training is the KEY to reshaping your body.

By forcing your body to overcome an increasingly greater and greater resistance, you’ll burn more calories (even while you sleep) and speed your metabolism, leading to less bodyfat and an overall improvement in your appearance.

If you do nothing else in the way of exercise, make it resistance training. Resistance training alone will do a lot to change the way your body looks, feels, and operates…

…much more so than aerobics classes, walking on a treadmill, using a stair machine, or any other types of exercise combined.

But just like anything else…

It’s Not Just What You Do…It’s How You Do It!

For resistance training to exert its powerful body-changing effects, you must do it correctly. Like anything else in life, if you don’t do it right, you won’t experience the exact results you’re after.

Below you’ll find some very important tips for getting the most out of resistance training. By following these simple tidbits of advice, you’ll be sure to achieve significant results without expending tons of sweat equity, or wasting hours (maybe even months) of your valuable time doing things the wrong way.

Proper Exercise Form: Producing Results, Not Injuries

Proper exercise form cannot be overstated. By performing your exercises the right way, you’ll ensure you get the results you’re after as fast as humanly possible.