Music – Station #1
1. Obtain a pair of tuning forks – D and E.
2. Strike each tuning fork individually and observe the tones produced.
3. Strike both tuning forks simultaneously and hold them next to one ear. Observe.
1. What concept is being demonstrated? Be specific.
2. What causes this effect?
Music – Station #2
1. Obtain a pair of identical tuning forks – both E.
2. Strike one of the tuning forks and observe the tone produced.
3. Strike ONE of the tuning forks and hold it about a centimeter away from the second tuning fork. Do NOT allow the forks to touch.
4. After a few seconds, dampen the first tuning fork while holding the second tuning fork to your ear. Listen very carefully.
1. What caused the second tuning fork to emit a tone?
2. What concept is being demonstrated?
Music – Station #3
1. Hold a dropper several inches above the dish of water.
2. Let a drop fall into the center of the dish and observe the patterns that are produced.
1. What concept is being demonstrated?
2. Identify the two forms of this effect and how you saw them in the dish.
Music – Station #4
1. Wash your hands and dry them. Rewet your fingertips.
2. Run your finger along the rim of the glass until a tone is produced.
1. What concept is being demonstrated?
2. What is the effect of adding water to the glass?
3. What is the effect of lubricating your fingertips with soap?
4. What is causing the sound to be produced?
Music – Station #5
1. Place the string through the hole in the cup so it is supported by the paper clip.
2. Moisten your fingers and run them down the string with a jerking motion. Observe.
1. What concept is being demonstrated?
2. Explain how the sound is being produced.
Music – Station #6
1. Hold one end of the tube in one hand and use your other hand to swing the tube in a circular motion (like swinging a lasso).
2. Slowly speed up and observe the sounds that are produced.
1. What concept is being demonstrated?
2. What is the lowest tone called?
3. What are the higher tones called?