Office: IB2416A
Office Number: (206) 528-4584 (Leave message on voice mail)
Office Hours: TTh 1:00 – 4:00 [I’m usually in the lab (TB 1538).]
DIVISION: Engineering and Electronics Technology
Office Number: (206) 527-3757
CURRICULUM DEGREE: AAS Degree in Electronics Technology,
Biomedical Equipment Technology,
Telecommunications Electronics,
Electronics Engineering Technology, or
Industrial Power and Control Technology.
Transfer Status to 4-year institution: Yes
If yes, please describe: Electronics Engineering Technology programs offered at various higher education institutions, e.g., BSEET program at Western Washington University. Check with your transfer institution for the specifics on the transferability of this course.
Course Description:
A continuation of material covered in EET 170 including logic fundamentals, logic IC families and their characteristics, logic controls, and associated circuitry. Performance criteria include construction of logic control circuits and measurement of circuit parameters and functions. A sampling of topics include logic numbering systems, Boolean algebra, detectors, combinational logic, minimization techniques, counters, shift registers, timers and AD/DA converters. Achievement of course goals is supported by the use of computer models and hands-on labs.
Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives:
The following will be performed by each student while observing safe and hygienic conditions, and in a manner reflecting industry practices:
1. Explain/demonstrate how numbers may be represented in decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal form.
2. Convert numbers represented in one number system to any other.
3 . Analyze, design, and explain the operation of basic combinational logic circuits, including arithmetic circuits.
4. Analyze, design, and explain the operation of basic sequential logic circuits, including counters and shift registers.
5. Demonstrate parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel data conversion.
6. Explain the operation of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters.
7. Describe the techniques used for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion.
8. Explain the use and benefits of negative feedback in op amp circuits.
9. Identify the elements of a data acquisition system and explain the purpose of each circuit in the system.
10. Explain the relationship between a data-acquisition system's sampling rate and the allowable bandwidth for analog input signals. Define aliasing and describe its effects.
11. Interpret device data sheets and use device specifications to select proper components and to predict component behavior.
12. Use software tools to model and predict digital circuit performance.
Topical Outline and/or Major Divisions:
I. Review of Number Systems and Codes
Decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbering systems
Conversions between number systems
The ASCII code
II. Arithmetic Operations and Circuits (with reference to combinational logic circuits)
Binary and BCD arithmetic
Two's compliment representation of numbers
Two's-compliment arithmetic
Circuits to perform arithmetic operations
III. Counters and Shift Registers (with reference to sequential logic circuits)
Asynchronous (ripple) counters
Design of divide-by-n circuits
Synchronous counters
Applications of counter ICs
Shift register basics
Serial-to-parallel conversion
Parallel-to-serial conversion
IV. Digital-to-Analog Conversion (with reference to op amps circuits)
Binary-weighted converters
R/2R ladder converters
Resolution, full scale range, and the number of converter bits
Linearity, accuracy, and calibration
IC data converter specifications and data sheets
V. Analog-to-Digital Conversion (with reference to comparators)
Conversion techniques
Information loss: resolution, full scale range, and the number of converter bits
Linearity, accuracy, and calibration
IC data converter specifications and data sheets
VI. Data Acquisition Systems
System components and design
Sensors, transducers, and signal conditioning
Analog multiplexers
Sample-and-hold amplifiers
Nyquist's Sampling Theorem
Aliasing and anti-aliasing filters
Course Requirements (Expectation of Students):
Students are expected to:
1. Achieve a passing score on each exam.
2. Demonstrate the ability to perform competencies listed under "Course Outcomes / Learning Objectives".
Methods of Assessment/Evaluation:
1. Written examinations.
2. Scored assignments.
3. Instructor's evaluation of performance during discussions and presentations.
Required Text(s) and/or Materials:
· Digital Electronics with VHDL (Quartus II Version), by William Kleitz
or Digital Electronics, A Practical Approach, Seventh Edition, by William Kleitz
· Laboratory Manual (A Troubleshooting Approach) To Accompany Digital Electronics,
A Practical Approach, Seventh Edition, by Michael Wiesner and Vance Venable
Optional Text(s) and/or Materials:
· Laboratory Manual To Accompany Digital Electronics with VHDL, Quartus II Version,
by Steve Waterman