Persuasive Essay Guide


  1. What is the topic you are writing about?
  2. What is your stand on this topic (are you for or against it, or do you think something needs to be changed)?
  3. Three-pronged thesis

First Body Paragraph

  1. Topic Sentence
  2. 1st PIE-
  3. Give one reason why you feel the way you do about the topic
  4. Give support to your reason
  5. 2nd PIE-
  6. Give one reason why you feel the way you do about the topic
  7. Give support to your reason
  8. Transition Sentence- finishes final thought of this paragraph and leads into the next paragraph

Second Body Paragraph

  1. Topic Sentence
  2. 1st PIE-
  3. Give one reason why you feel the way you do about the topic
  4. Give support to your reason
  5. 2nd PIE-
  6. Give one reason why you feel the way you do about the topic
  7. Give support to your reason
  8. Transition Sentence- finishes final thought of this paragraph and leads into the next paragraph

Third Body Paragraph- Counter Argument

  1. Counter-Argument:Give one good reason why someone might disagree with our main argument.
  2. Topic Sentence against counter-argument
  3. 1st PIE-
  4. Give one reason why you feel the way you do about the topic
  5. Give support to your reason
  6. 2nd PIE-
  7. Give one reason why you feel the way you do about the topic
  8. Give support to your reason
  9. Conclusion Sentence- finishes final thought of this paragraph


  1. Re-Worded Thesis Statement
  2. Connection to the world- How does this apply to the readers’ life
  3. Call to Action- What do you now want them to go forth and do?

Television: The Social Decay of Society

A:Watching television is an experience shared by most adults and children. It is cheap, appealing, and within the reach of the general public. In this way, TV has become an important mass media around the world. N:Sadly, this resource isn’t used in a way that people could get the best possible benefits from it. T:People shouldn’t watch too much television because the content of many TV programs is not educational; it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities; and, although, some say it is informative, it candistortreality for many people.

TS: Television is inappropriate for the American population. P:The first reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because the content of many TV programs is not educational or moral for most Americans. I:Nowadays, we can see movies, series, and shows that present scenes of violence, sex, and drugs. E:This has established wrong concepts among the audience that influence them into having a negative behavior. P:Moreover, the impact this tendency has on children is worse.I: The youth grows up with the idea of a world where women must be slender and blonde to stand out, where problems can only be solved with money and violence, and where wars are inevitable.E: We know that this is not a healthy idea or a logical one. Trans:Not only does TV cause problems for generations of Americans, but it is also a waste of time.

TS:The second reason why people shouldn’t watch too much television is because it makes people waste time.P: People could use their time in morebeneficial or charitable activities. I:The time we spend watching TV could be applied to useful activities like exercise, reading, interacting with friends and family, activities that are a crucial for a healthy lifestyle.E: This would make Americans happier and healthier. P: In addition, many elected officials have campaigned for the notion of “No TV Nights” in households across America.I:They would like to see families turn off their TV’s and turn on their imaginations. E:This would allow families positive interactions and bonding time with one another. Trans:Not only is TV a waste of time, but it is a misguided sense of reality.

TS: Not everyone agrees that televisions have a negative affect on America. Argument Against:Although some believe television is a suitable way to spend their time, it simply is not. Counter Argument (P):Watching Television can give many people a warped sense of reality that is not only dangerous to themselves, but also hazardous to those around them. I:Some watch television programs such as, Jersey Shore, and believe that this is the way real people act or believe that this is the way that society functions. E: It is detrimental to these peoples’ lives because real consequences, like going to jail, can occur if this behavior takes place in reality. P: In addition, much of the violence on TV is risky behavior. I: Young children and adult see fighting on TV and try to imitate these actions. E: There have been many deaths due to these deeds. Trans:Television gives its’ audience a unrealistic sense of how the world works.

Re-Worded Thesis:In conclusion, people shouldn’t watch too much television because the content of many TV programs is not educational; it makes people waste time that could be used in more beneficial activities; and it affects people’s mental development. Connection to the World:However, this doesn’t mean that we should ban TV, but if we are going to watch it, we should do it with moderation. Final Thought:Television is a resource that we should learn to use through the right selection of programs by taking an active and critical attitude towards it.