The contents
1- Growth of issued licenses:-
· New trade licenses
· New professional licenses
· New industrial licenses
· New Bidayat licenses
2- Growth of renewed licenses
· Renewed trade licenses
· Renewed professional licenses
· Renewed industrial licenses
3- Growth of cancelled licenses
4- New licenses according to legal entity
5- New licenses according to nationality
6- Concentration of trade activities by sector
7- Concentration of professional activities by sector
8- Concentration of industrial activities by sector
Licenses of different types are considered as the most important indicator for the business sector in the emirate of Ajman.
In the context of the quest to monitor the development of economic activities, the Directorate of Planning and Development is publishing the licenses report for 2015 which will be issued periodically (annually and quarterly) to follow the growth of the business sector in the emirate and to contribute to the process of setting economic policies that strengthens the development of business activities ..
The report reviews the types of licenses (new , renewed and cancelled ) by economic activity , legal entity and nationality wise, further the report addresses the sectoral concentration of economic activities.
Newly issued licenses:-
The total number of newly issued licenses in the emirate of Ajman increased slightly, registering a rate of (0.4%), rising from (3259) license in 2014 to (3273) license in 2015.
This was due to the positive growth achieved in the professional licenses at a rate of (18.6%) in 2015 compared to 2014, while growth retreated at negative rates in other types of licenses, as the growth of new trade licenses registered a rate of (-10.8%) , industrial licenses (-13.9%) and licenses Bidayat registered (-41.9%) during the same period
The following table reflect the growth of the total number licenses issued during 2008-2015:
Source:- the department of economic development- IT:
Statement / 2008-2015 / 2008-2011 / 2012-2015 / 2014-2015Annual average growth of new licenses% / -2.9% / -9.4% / +10.2% / +0.4%
The total number of newly issued licenses decreased at an average annual growth rate of (-2.9%) from (4016) license in 2008 to (3273) license in 2015.
The total newly issued licenses has grown at a negative average annual rate of (-9.4%) during the period from 2008 to 2011, which coincided with the global economic crisis. . The total number of newly issued licenses increased during the period that followed the global economic crisis, registered a significant rise from (2446) license in 2012 to (3273) in 2015, at an annual average rate of (10.2%).
Quarterly indicators showed a remarkable growth in the total number of newly issued professional licenses, which increased from (817) license in the last quarter of 2014 to (890) license in the last quarter of 2015, at an average annual rate of (8.3%).
This growth is achieved due to the large increase in the number of professional licenses, rising at a rate of (42.5%) from (322) license in the last quarter of 2014 to (459) license in the last quarter of 2015, while other newly issued licenses declined , where industrial licenses declined at a rate of (-61% ) , commercial at rate of (-10%) and Bidayat at a rate of (-46%) during the same period, as shown in the following table: -
Types of new licenses / Last Quarter 2014 / Last Quarter 2015 / Rate of growthProfessional / 332 / 459 / 42.5%
Trade / 464 / 417 / -10%
Industrial / 18 / 7 / -61%
Bidayat / 13 / 7 / -46%
Total licenses / 817 / 890 / 8.3%
Trade and professional licenses accounted for about ( 99%) of the total newly issued licenses in the emirate of Ajman in 2008 , divided between (66%) trade licenses and (33%) professional licenses as evidenced by the chart for the newly issued licenses in the following table:
The form of new licenses issued on 2008-2015:
The above data point to a decline in the relative importance of newly issued trade licenses to (50% )in 2015 compared to the increasing importance of professional licenses, which accounted for nearly half the number of newly issued licenses as its relative contribution increased from (47%)
In 2015, what reflects a shift in the trend of investment in the business sector in favor of professional activities at the expense of commercial activities. Industrial and Bidayat licenses recorded a relative contribution of less than (2%) of the total newly issued licenses in 2015.
New trade licenses:
Newly issued trade licenses have witnessed a decline at an annual rate around (6.4% )during the period 2008-2015 from (2631) license in 2008 to (1652) license in 2015, the decrease reached a peak at a negative average annual rate of ( -20% )during the period 2008-2011, which coincided with the global crisis.
Trade activities recorded high growth in the newly issued licenses during the period that followed the economic crisis at an annual average rate of (9.3%), rising from (1267) license in 2012 to (1652) license in 2015. Newly issued trade licenses declined again at a rate of ( -10.8%) , from (1852) license in 2014 to (1652) license in 2015 as shown below:
2015 / 2014 / 2012 / 2011 / 2008 / Period1652 / 1852 / 1267 / 1345 / 2631 / Total of new licenses
Business activity has grown at an average annual growth rate of ( 9.3% ) during the period that followed the economic crisis, while growth declined in other periods as reflected in the following business sector growth indicators : -
New professional licenses
Professional services activities have grown at an annual average rate of (2.3%), where the number of newly issued professional licenses grew from (1316) license in 2008 to (1540) license in 2015 as shown in the following table: -
Period / 2008 / 2011 / 2012 / 2014 / 2015Total new professional licenses / 1316 / 1358 / 1080 / 1299 / 1540
Newly issued professional licenses recorded a slight growth at an average annual rate of (1%) during the period 2008-2011, which coincided with the global economic crisis. Professional services activities has achieved remarkable growth during the period that followed the crisis , where the number of newly issued licenses grew from (1080) license in 2012 to (1540) license in 2015, at an annual average rate of (42.6%) as shown in the following table: -
Growth in professional activities continued at a rate (19%) where the newly issued professional licenses increased from (1299) license in 2014 to (1540) license in 2015. This significant growth in professional services activities led to a change in the structure of newly issued licenses in the emirate of Ajman, where newly issued professional licenses constituted (93%) of the total trade licenses in 2015 compared to ( 50%) in 2008.
New industrial licenses:
Newly issued Industrial licenses witnessed a slight growth at an average annual rate of (0.8%) during the period 2008-2015.
Newly issued Industrial licenses increased from (53) license in 2008 to (56) license in 2015 and with the exception of last year , the period that followed the economic crisis, witnessed a rise in industrial licenses, as reflected in the following table:
Period / 2008 / 2011 / 2012 / 2014 / 2015New industrial licenses / 53 / 48 / 59 / 65 / 56
Industrial licenses decreased by (-13.9%) in 2015 compared to 2014, as shown below: -
New Bidayat licenses
The data scheduled below indicate an increase in newly issued licenses for home businesses (Bidayat ) from (16) license in 2008 to (25) license in 2015, at an average annual growth rate of (6.6%): -
Bidayat newly issued licenses grew at an annual growth rate of about (60% ) during the period 2008-2011 while the period 2012-2015 witnessed a decline in the newly issued Bidayat licenses at an annual average rate of approximately (-15%) as evidenced by the following table: -
Period / 2008-2015 / 2008-2011 / 2012-2015 / 2014-2015Annual average growth of Bidayat new licenses% / 6.6% / 59.6% / -14.5% / -41.9%
The rate of decline in newly issued Bidayat licenses newly issued Bidayat licenses was (-41.9%) in 2015 compared to 2014.
Growth of renewed licenses:
The growth of renewed licenses: Total renewed licenses grew from (17331) license in 2008 to (21,517) license in 2015, at annual average rate of about (3.1%) as shown in the following table:
Renewed Licenses achieved positive growth rates during the mentioned period with the exception to year 2015, where the total number of renewed licenses declined to (21.517) license, at a decreasing rate of (-4.5%) compared to 2014, as reflected in the following table: -
Period / 2008-2015 / 2008-2011 / 2012-2015 / 2014-2015Average annual growth of total renewed licenses% / 3.1% / 4.3% / 2.0% / -4.5%
All types of renewed licenses witnessed positive growth during the period 2008-2015 at varying annual averages rates .
At the level of quarterly performance , the total number of renewed licenses for all types of licenses decreased in the last quarter of 2015 compared to the fourth quarter of 2014 at varying rates , with the exception of renewed professional licenses, which witnessed an slight increase.
Of less than 1% as shown below:
Types of renewed licenses / Last Quarter 2014 / Last Quarter 2015 / Rate of growth%Renewed professional licenses / 2149 / 2166 / +0.8%
Renewed industrial licenses / 193 / 171 / -11.4%
Renewed trade licenses / 2873 / 2824 / -1.7%
Renewed Bidayat licenses / 5 / 4 / -20%
Total renewed licenses / 5220 / 5165 / -1.0%
Renewed trade licenses:-
The total renewed trade licenses increased at an average annual growth rate of (2.4% ) during the period 2008 - 2015, rising from (9908) renewed license in 2014 to (11,688) license in 2015, as shown below:
Period / 2008 / 2011 / 2012 / 2014 / 2015total renewed trade licenses / 9908 / 10708 / 10917 / 12296 / 11688
Renewed trade licenses renewed grown at an annual average rate of (2.6% )during the period 2008-2011 and (2.3%) during the period 2012-2015 to decline by (5%) in 2015 to (11688) renewed license . The following table reflects the positive growth in renewed trade licenses during the period 2008-2015 with the exception of last year:
Period / 2008-2015 / 2008-2011 / 2012-2015 / 2014-2015The average annual rate of growth for renewed trade licenses / 2.4% / 2.6% / 2.3% / -5.0%
Renewed trade license constituted about (54%) of the total renewed licenses in 2015 compared to (57%).
Renewed professional licenses:
Renewed Professional licenses grown at an annual average of (4.2%) during the period 2008 - 2015 from (6829) renewed Professional licenses at a rate of (39%) of the total licenses renewed in 2008 to (9126) License , constituting a rate of (42%) of the total licenses renewed in 2015. the following table reflects the growth of renewed Professional licenses during the period 2008 - 2015:
The number of renewed Professional licenses declined in 2015 by (-4%), while the same recorded a positive growth during other periods at an annual rate of (6.7%) during the period 2008 - 2011, as shown below: -
Period / 2008-2015 / 2008-2011 / 2012-2015 / 2014-2015The average annual rate of growth for renewed licenses / 4.2% / 6.7% / 1.9% / -4.0%
Renewed industrial licenses :
Renewed Industrial licenses grew at an annual rate of (2.2%), rising from (590) license renewed in 2008 to (687) license renewed in 2015.
As illustrated by the following statistics:
Renewed Industrial licenses declined at a rate of (-8.9%) in 2015. The following table illustrate the average annual growth of renewed industrial licenses during the period 2008-2015:
Period / 2008-2015 / 2008-2011 / 2012-2015 / 2014-2015Average annual growth of licenses% / +2.2% / +3.5% / +0.5% / -8.9%
Renewed Bidayat licenses:
Renewed Bidayat licenses witnessed a remarkable growth , from (4) license renewed in 2008 to (16) license renewed in 2015, at an average annual growth rate of (21.9%) as shown below:
Period / 2008 / 2011 / 2012 / 2014 / 2015Total number of Bidayat renewed licenses / 4 / 22 / 21 / 19 / 16
The renewed Bidayat license grew at an average annual rate of ( 76.5% )during the period 2008-2011, while the period 2012 - 2015 recorded an annual average decline of (-8.7%).
The number of renewed Bidayat licenses decreased by (-15.8%) in 2015 compared to 2014 as shown in the following table:
Period / 2008-2015 / 2008-2011 / 2012-2015 / 2014-2015Annual average growth of Bidayat renewed licenses% / +21.9% / +76.5% / -8.7% / -15.8%
Canceled licenses:-
The total number of canceled licenses for all types declined at a negative annual average rate of (-15.4%) during the period 2008 - 2015 from (1489) license canceled in 2008 to (461) license cancelled in 2015, as reflected in the following table:
All types of licenses witnessed a decrease in the number of licenses canceled during the period 2008-2015 at varying annual decline rates, where the annual rate of decline reached its peak in the number of industrial licenses canceled at (-27.3%), followed by trade licenses at (-16%) and professional licenses at (-14.5%) as shown below: -
The share of canceled trade licenses amounted to (52.5%) of the total number of (461) licenses canceled in 2015, while the number of professional licenses canceled amounted (46.6%).
The number of trade license canceled amounted (242) license in 2015, at a decreasing rate of (45.5%) compared to 2014 , the decrease in the number of licenses canceled is considered as a positive indicator , also the number of professional license canceled amounted (215) license in 2015, at a decreasing rate of (33%) compared to 2014 while Industrial licenses canceled decreased by (66.7%).
The quarterly statistics of canceled licenses indicate a decrease in the total number of canceled licenses from (107) license in the last quarter of 2014 to (53) license in the last quarter of 2015, at a decrease rate of (50.5%) and the decrease in canceled trade licenses and professional amounted ( 67.1%) and (9.3%), respectively for the same period, as reflected in the following table: