Update Report for Planning Committee (24.02.2016)
Committee Planning Manager:Stacey Green
15/02383/FUL - Land between Tinity Way and Yeats Road, Stratford-upon-AvonNo updates
15/01307/FUL - 21 Waterloo Crescent, Bidford
Application withdrawn
15/03884/FUL - Land adjacent Tokoloshe, Welford-on-Avon
No updates15/03090/FUL - Salvation Army Hall, Stratford-upon-Avon
No updatesS106/00006/15 - Land west of Welford Road, Long Marston
Description of development on front sheet of agenda to be amended to; Proposed variation to S.106 Legal Agreement in connection with planning permission reference 14/01676/OUT granted on 29 April 2015, to modify existing obligations relating to affordable housing provision. The proposal is to allow the nine affordable housing units proposed at the site to be developed, firstly, on a shared ownership basis (if a registered housing provider can be -secured) or, if not, then on a ‘Fixed Equity Sale’basis.Assessments and Conclusions –Background - Amend the second paragraph to include; ‘The S.106 Agreement, dated 28 April 2015, secured (amongst other obligations) provision of nine affordable housing units; of which 75 % (Seven) shall be ‘Social Rented Units’and 25% (two) shall be ‘Intermediate Units’(as defined in the Agreement). The Agreement also allows for an alternative tenure split provided that it is agreed in writing with the District Council and provided that none of the Intermediate Units are apartments or flats. ’The Agreement makes further provision regarding the completion and sale of those units to a ‘Qualifying Developing Body’.
Replace existing ‘Proposal’section of the report with the following;
The applicant is seeking to retain the general affordable housing provisions but in the form of 100% shared ownership units instead of the mix of tenures currently agreed (75% Social Rent and 25% Intermediate/Shared Ownership), in the event that a registered social housing provider can be brought on board.
In the event that a registered social housing provider cannot be found and shared ownership is therefore not an option, the applicant wishes to cascade the affordable housing provisions to a ‘Fixed Equity Sale’product to still enable affordable housing to be provided on site.
The ‘Fixed Equity Sale’product would comprise of the following key features:
1.The affordable homes would be built and sold directly by the developer to qualifying
2.The affordable homes would be sold freehold at 60% of their open market value
(determined following independent valuation): in other words, at a 40% discount to their
open market value.
3.There would be no rent or other charge payable as there is no remaining unsold equity
and all future re-sales would be at 60% of prevailing open market value (i.e. the
properties are retained as fixed equity properties in perpetuity).
4. Purchasers with a local connection to the parish of Long Marston, then the District as a whole, have priority to purchase the fixed equity unit (as nominated by the District Council’s Housing Advice Team) within an identified 6 week period. The developer can then sell to any purchaser regardless of whether or not they are a Qualifying Person but still at a discounted value of 60% of the open market value)
5.Occupancy would be restricted to occupation by purchasers and other household
members as their sole or principal residence.
16/00297/S106A - Birmingham Road, Stratford-upon-Avon
No updates
15/02847/FUL & 15/02848/LBC - Hotel Du Vin, Stratford-upon-Avon
Town Council Consultation Response to amended design‘No representation’(16.02.16)
15/03834/FUL - Land Inbetween Crown Inn And Bryn Arden, Henley Road, Claverdon
Additional Third Party Representations
One additional objection letter received reiterating their previously raised concerns to the development.
15/04203/FUL - Box Acre, Barton Road, Welford-on-Avon
No updates
15/03761/FUL - St Matthews Church, Station Road, Salford Priors
Members Site Visit
A Members site visit was undertaken to the application site on Wednesday 24February between 10:45 and 10:55. In attendance were the following Members:Cllr Justin Kerridge, Cllr Peter Barnes, Cllr Mark Cargill
Also in attendance were the following Officers: Eddie Wrench (Planning Officer) and Alice Cosnett (Planning Officer).
Additional Third Party Representations
One additional letter of comment receivedhighlighting concerns over the Officer’s Report.
Change to Applicant’s Supporting Documents
On request from the Applicant, the ‘E-mail from SPAB dated 03 March 2015’ was replaced with a subsequent e-mail from SPAB dated 10 April 2015 in support of the proposals. They state that ‘We have therefore concluded that a simplified extension to the south west of the church linked to the existing meeting space may be acceptable subject to the production of a suitable design’.
Another e-mail from the Acting Church Buildings Development Officer and DAC Secretary, Will Jones, was also requested to be attached to the application file, which details the DACs general support for the development stating ‘The DAC and Archdeacon reiterated their support for all elements of the scheme, subject to details, and encouraged the PCC to work up their proposals in preparation for an application for planning permission’.
(Officer emphasis in both extracts).
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