Technology Integration Verification Form
Riverview School District - 2017-2018 School Year
- as per Section 8.2.4 of the REA CBA –
Compensation for Technology Integration activities will be in the form of a technology stipend. To earn this stipend, employees will assess their current use of technology and identify goal areas for technology integration based on the implementation of current district initiatives, and acquire new technology skills and ongoing training on the integration of technology into classroom instruction.
Process to be completed by June 1st 2018
Summary of Process
Beginning of Year:
- Use the Tiers of Technology Integrationthree-leveled rubric (page 2) as a guide to create at least one Technology Integration Goal for the year.Please reference the observable indicator(s) from the Technology Tier(s):
- Complete your goal section and beginning of the year section in the
Technology Integration Verification Form(page 3).
- Please save an electronic copy for yourself to add to as the year progresses.
- Please submit the beginning of the year form to your Supervisor
by October 13thfor pre-approval.
- Priorto your mid-year evaluation conference complete the mid-year section on theTechnology Integration Verification Form.
- At your mid-year evaluation conference with your supervisor, review your progress on your technology goal. Deadline for mid-year conference is March 16th.
End of Year:
- Complete the end of year section on yourTechnology Integration Verification Formand submit to your Supervisor by June 1st.
- The Supervisor will then turn in your completed form to Payroll.
- Pay will be dispersed in the June pay check.
*To Guide Your Tech Integration GoalPlanning*
Observable Indicators – please checkappropriate box
Tier 1: Teacher Productivity / Tier 2: Instructional Practices and Evaluation / Tier 3: Student Use ofTechnologytoMeet CommonCoreStandards andState TechnologyStandards
This tier focuses on the teacher using technologytoget their job done. / This tier involves teacher instructional planning, preparation and informed decision making. / This tier focuses onstudentengagement inusing technologyin individual andcollaborative learning activities.
☐ Communicateeffectivelywith staff using electronic systems (email, Office 365, OneNote, OneDrive)
☐ Find and useweb based teaching resources
☐ Communicate information to families and students via SWAY, Class NoteBooks, up-to-date blogs, websites and/or SeeSaw / Teachers:
☐ Use Microsoft Forms (O365) to assessstudents' learning growth or as an ongoing assessment and collaboration tool with colleagues
☐ Use electronicassessment systems for goal settingand progress monitoring (MAP, Smarter Balance)
☐Use Homeroomdata repositoryto make informed decisions on studentgrowth or to progress through the teacher evaluationprocess
☐ Use classroompresentation stationsto shareteacher-created lessons and electronicresources
☐ Create electronic templates, guides, checklists, rubrics, and other planning documents to support technologyintegrated projects
☐ Organize electronic resourcesfor student access and use (web links, image libraries, video content, database information) / Teachers enable students to:
☐ Use technologywithin all content areas to collaborate, communicate, generate innovativeideas, investigate and
solve problems
oInnovate: Demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge anddevelop innovative products and
processes using technology
oCommunicate: Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a varietyof
media and formats
oCollaborate: Use digital media and environments to communicate andwork collaborativelytosupportindividual learning and contribute to thelearning of others
oInvestigate and Think Critically: Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems using digital tools and resources
☐ Demonstrate aclear understanding of technologysystemsand operationsandpractice safe, legal and ethical behavior
oSelect andUseApplications: Use productivitytools and common applications effectivelyand constructively
oOperate Systems:Understandtechnologysystemsand use hardware and networks to support learning
oPractice Safety: Practice safe, legal and ethicalbehavior in the useof information and technology
o Use Skype to collaborate regularly with others, or to create a Skype field trip
o Students use Sway to create research-based student presentations
Technology Integration Verification Form
Riverview School District - 2017-2018 School Year
- as per Section 8.2.4 of the REA CBA –
Compensation for Technology Integration activities will be in the form of a technology stipend. To earn this stipend, employees will assess their current use of technology and identify goal areas for technology integration based on the implementation of current district initiatives, and acquire new technology skills and ongoing training on the integration of technology into classroom instruction.
Process to be completed by June 1st 2018
*Please word process your responses, save, and print (or share)each time you confer with your supervisor*
Tier(s) of Technology Integration Chosen for Your Goal(s): ☐ Tier 1 ☐Tier 2 ☐Tier 3Your Technology Integration Goal(s)
*Please referencethe observable indicator(s) from theTechnology Tier(s):
Beginning of Year
Your Plan to Accomplish Technology Integration Goal(s):
By Oct 13th - Supervisor’s Pre-Approval Signature______Date ______
Your Progress Towards Accomplishing Technology Integration Goal(s):
By March 16th
End of Year
Summary of Completion of Your Technology Integration Goal(s):
By June 1st-I hereby affirm that the information contained on this page is true and accurate to the best of my ability.
Employee's Signature ______Date ______
Supervisor's Signature ______Date ______