Dear Centennial Committee for the Preservation of St. Adalbert Church,
Peace and blessings to all of you!
The Archbishop’s office forwarded your letter to my attention. I understand your concerns and value the interest in the future of the Church in Pilsen. Before I consult with Archbishop Cupich, I think it is important for you to know the steps that led up to the decision to close St. Adalbert’s:
Need for the planning process:
As stated in letters published in all Pilsen parish bulletins in April and August, 2015, the Pilsen planning process was prompted by a number of important factors:
- The demographics of the neighborhood are changing. Eight thousand fewer people live in Pilsen now than in the year 2000.
- The Church in Pilsen is changing. Two thousand fewer people attend weekend Mass in Pilsen now compared with ten years ago.
- The Archdiocese of Chicago is facing a decline in the number of priests and that affects all areas of the Archdiocese.
- Significant building repairs are needed now and in the coming years, and there is not enough money to repair everything. As responsible stewards, we need to make prudent decisions on how to invest limited dollars in buildings.
- As you know, the scaffolding for St. Adalbert’s towers, funded by a grant from the Archdiocese was erected in May, 2014 because pieces were falling from the towers. Last year, the Archbishop approved extending the original grant funding through April, 2016 to allow sufficient time for the coordinated planning process, with all six parishes in the Pilsen area involved, to occur. The scaffolding costs approximately $19,100 per month.
Structure and timeline of the planning process:
- April 19, 2015: Letter from Bishop Rojas was sent to all Pilsen parishes communicating that a planning process would occur.
- June 2015: A representative from the archdiocese met with leadership of each of the six Pilsen parishes to share detailed information about the challenges prompting the need for the planning process. The meeting at St. Adalbert was held on Wednesday, June 17.
- August 30, 2015: Letter from Bishop Rojas was sent to all Pilsen parishes about the process.
- September 17, 2015: A prayer service open to the entire Pilsen community was held at St. Pius V. As part of the prayer service, a presentation was given that explained the reasons the planning process was needed.
- September 20, 2015: A survey was distributed at all Masses in the Pilsen parishes.
- September 20 – October 1, 2015: Each of the six Pilsen parishes held 2 meetings for parishioners. St. Adalbert’s meetings were September 24 and October 1.
- Articles on the planning process were published in the October 4 issue of Catholic New World and the October issue of Católiconewspapers.
- An update was distributed to all parishes on Nov. 8, 2015.
- Through the course of the fall, the Pilsen Planning Committee, with three lay representatives from each Pilsen parish and their pastors, met six times.
- In secular media, The Gazette had an article in its October 2, 2015, referencing the planning process.
Now that you have this information, please review your proposal, and respond with the specific questions on the Pilsen planning process you feel are unanswered.
You are in my prayers.
Blessings to all,
Bishop Rojas.