11:00am EST

Oct 4, 2007

FEIC National Office

20 Adelaide St. East, Suite 200 Toronto

(DIAL IN: 416-640-4122 or 877-579-4178 Passcode 803978#)

Chair: / Rob Dietrich / Vice Chairs: / Barry Gorman
Members: / Bob Angel / Sandeep Dhillon / Robert Ishoj / Darroch Robertson
Peter Ballachey / Peter Donovan / Paulette Kennedy / James Saretsky
John Black / Lisa Dorian / Lawrence Kryzanowski / Brenda Stanger
Robert Bona / Richard Dowling / Susan Little / Donald Stevens
Rod Butcher / Norm Ferguson / John MacKinnon / Darla Sycamore
Alex Browning / Rick Flynn / Ian MacNair / Brad Thompson
Nigel Byars / Brian Gabel / Florian Meyer / Stan Thompson
David Case / Frédéric Garand / Geoff Poitras / Fred Vettese
David Clarke / Rob Gardner / Sunil Purbhoo / Timothy Wright
Michael Conway / Bill Hewitt / Kasey Reese / Steve Bower
Tracy Crawford / Thomas Hinton / Nancy Reid
Stephen Cummings / Brad Hutchings / John Reidy
Staff: / Michael Conway
Ramona Dzinkowski
Lindsay Collins
Dial-in connection: / (416) 640-4122 / (877) 579-4178 / Participant passcode: / 803978#
1. Chairman’s introduction and welcome / R. Dietrich
2. Review minutes of August meeting / R. Dietrich
3. Task Force update - Update of rolling agenda:
Corporate Governance / R. Dietrich
Capital Markets / B. Hewitt
Internal Control Certification / TBD
Tax Policy Committee / B. Gorman
Pensions Committee / P. Donovan
Private Company Issues / TBD
5. Other Business
- October agenda items and additions
IPAC Membership
Committee Structure and terms of reference
IPAC Issues and Priorities
Student research and participation opportunities
- Update from CFERF/coordination with IPAC / R. Dietrich
R. Dzinkowski