4M Newsletter: March News

Solar System

If you are not visiting for Parent Teacher Conferences in March, please make time to stop in to see our Solar System Projects. They will be on display for the month of March. However, they must be taken down in April for PSSA and to prepare for the Art Show. The projects get better and better each year! This year’s class has certainly set the bar even higher. Our hallway is an exciting place right now!

We will be completing our Emission training just in time for our mission on Friday, March 11, 2016. This is also Winter PJ Day. We ask students to wear their Jacksonwald T-shirts for Mission Day. Please help your child remember they can incorporate their T-shirt with their PJ pants!

After listening to scientists pitch their favorite planet in 30-seconds, we created our own as a performance assessment. All the pitches are linked to Mrs. Mell’s webpage. Please visit and listen to our favorite planets:

PSSA Preparations

Our fourth grade classes will be taking the Pennsylvania State School Assessment (PSSA) during the month of April. Just like last year, a snack will be provided to students after each morning testing session. There will also be no homework during the testing week. Fourth Graders take English Language Arts (Reading and Writing), Mathematics, and Science PSSA’s this year.

Throughout the year, we have incorporated many test taking strategies into our existing curriculum to better prepare our students for future testing. Techniques such as highlighting information and citing text evidence will be utilized.

In order to assure our students are ready for each test, we will be having extra “Math Prep” classes in March. Students will be spending an extra 30 minutes in math class each day during these weeks. We will utilize this time to look at released items from previous years’ tests and practice test taking strategies.

We need your help at home as well! To ensure that our students are able to perform to their fullest potential, it is important that they are well rested. We have discussed how important it is for students to get a solid and sound night’s rest. Eating breakfast before school is important too! Thank you in advance for your help at home!