Speech & Language Therapy Service
Training Workshops 2014 - 2015
“To give everybody the opportunity to communicate to the best of their ability”
Our Speech and Language Therapy Team provide evidence-based care that responds to the needs of children and young people experiencingspeech, language and communication difficulties.
Speech and Language Therapists work in partnership with clients, their families, other agencies and professionals to reduce the impact of these difficulties on the their well-being and ability to participate in daily life.
The team work to assess, diagnose, design and deliver care packages to children and young people with speech, language and communication difficulties and tomaximise their potential to communicate.
As part of our service, we have designed a range of training courses which are intended for parents/carers and school staff who work with and support children with speech and language difficulties.
All courses are delivered by qualified and experienced Speech and Language Therapists.
Duration : 2 days
NB: It is necessary to attend both dates
Makaton is far more than a signing system, it is a language development programme which can be totally inclusive. It can be adapted to support all ages.
This 2-day workshop provides an introduction to Makaton for parents/carers, teachers and school support staff who need to use Makaton in everyday situations. It combines a practical approach with theory and technical information. You will learn the signs and symbols for stages1-4 and the additional vocabulary.
School staff who have previously attended this course have put the ideas into action within class in some very innovative ways.
On completion of the workshop attendees receive a Makaton Certificate.
£150.00-Standard Cost of the two-day course.
£75.00-This is a reduced cost for staff working in settings of a child seen by a
named Airedale Speech & Language Therapist.
£25.00-Parents/Carers of a child seen by a named Airedale Speech & Language Therapist.
This fee includes a Makaton Manual.
Refreshments will be provided during the day. However, lunch is NOT provided and we suggest you bring a packed lunch along with you.
If you feel you are eligible for a reduction in cost please speak to the child’s Speech & Language Therapist.
Course Dates
The next Makaton Beginners 2 Day Workshop will take place on:
Tuesday 7th and Tuesday 14th October
Venue:Strong Close Nursery School
Further courses are planned for March and June 2015.
If you would like further information, or are interested in attending a Makaton course, please contact:
Your local Speech & Language Therapist; or
Kath Lawler, Speech & Language Therapy Secretary
Tel: 01535 295652
Elklan has developed a range of accredited training courses for practitioners working with children who have speech, language and communication needs. The courses are aimed primarily at Teaching Assistants but Teachers have also completed and benefited from the course.
Airedale Speech & Language Therapy Service offer the following Elklan course:
Communication Support for Children with Complex NeedsTraining for Teaching Assistants
Relevant to Staff working with complex needs across the age range / This course is designed for staff working to support the development of communication skills for children with complex needs.
The course consists of 10 teaching sessions and assessed practical work by the participants. This work can be on a ‘home tasks’ basis or can be developed into a portfolio at a Level 2 (GCSE equivalent) or Level 3 (A Level or NVQ3 equivalent) accredited by the Open College Network.
The information given during the course is based on “Language Builders” by Liz Elks and Henrietta McLachlan.
Dates: To be arranged on request. For further information on this course please
contact Alison Rohatynskyj on 01535 292821
Other core Elklan courses available are detailed below - these are 10 week accredited courses for Teaching Assistants.
- Speech and language support with under 5's
- Speech and language support in the classroom 5-11's
- Speech and language support for 11-16's
- Speech and language support for verbal children with ASC
More information about these courses is available from:
i)Bradford Schools Online
This site also gives details of Elklan Accredited Communication Friendly Schools
across the Bradford District.
ii)North Yorkshire Schools
These workshops are free of charge and are delivered in a setting, or for a number of settings together, to a group of 8-12 staff. They last approximately 1½ hours (unless otherwise stated) and can be delivered as twilight sessions or as part of a school training day.
These sessions have proved to be extremely popular.
At the end of the Workshop, participants will understand:
The purpose of the programme
Who will benefit
What the programme consists of
How to implement the programme/strategies
How to get started
Staff would be expected to have explored the relevant IDP Resources prior to requesting this training.
Workshops offered are detailed below:
Nº / Course / Content01 / Time to Talk/
Ginger Bear Training / A programme to develop oral language and social interaction skills to children aged 4-6.
This training is based on the Time to Talk programme by Alison Schroeder.
02 / Speaking & Listening Through Narrative
(i)KS1 & KS2
(ii)Narrative Programmes for secondary school aged students / The Narrative Programmes are produced by Black Sheep Press and have proved highly popular with schools.
The programmes target development of core language skills, such as attention, listening, vocabulary, sequencing language through the story-telling format.
Nº / Course / Content
03 / Language Steps / This training is based upon the Language Steps Programme by Amanda Armstrong.
It aims to develop a child’s understanding and use of information carrying words (ICW) and is suitable for younger children with delayed language skills.
04 / Visual Structure / Many children benefit from visual support to help them to understand and make sense of the language they hear, to understand what is going to happen and the sequence of events.
Visual structure may take the form of pictures, symbols, writing or objects, used in a variety of ways to support understanding.
05 / In-School Support for Children who Stammer / This training is based on the DVD produced by the Michael Palin Centre in London - a centre of excellence for supporting children/young people who stammer.
It takes the perspective of the child/young person and gives helpful hints for use in school.
You will be shown how to access a range of advice sheets.
06 / Elklan - Early Years Based Information Carrying Words Pack (EYBIC) / This training is basedon the Elklan EYBIC Word Pack.
The programme aims to develop understanding and use of language in young children, using the principles of information carrying words, and has a particular emphasis on learning core vocabulary.
07 / AAC
(Augmentative and Alternative Communication) / This training is designed to give an overview of both low and high tech communication aids.
It will also provide general strategies for implementation.
Nº / Course / Content
08 / Speech Sound Awareness
and Development / This training is offered to support staff working with children who have specific speech sound difficulties.
A variety of approaches are considered tailored to an individual child’s needs.
09 / Introduction to PECS / This training will give an overview of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) used with children with ASC.
10 / Developing Vocabulary / An overview of strategies to support development of the understanding and use of vocabulary for primary and secondary school students with SLCN.
11 / Developing Social Communication Skills in Primary Schools
Developing Social Communication Skills in Secondary Schools
Duration: 2 hours / An introduction to some of the packages available to develop social communication skills, such as “Talkabout for Children” and “Socially Speaking”.
An introduction to “Talkabout for Teenagers”.
To arrange a Workshop, please speak to:
a)Your local Speech and Language Therapist; or
b)Kath Lawler, Speech & Language Therapy Secretary
Tel: 01535 295652
Speech & Language Therapy 1 Training Workshops 2014-2015