Santa AnaHigh School

520 W. Walnut St.Santa Ana, CA92701

(714) 567-4900

Course: Algebra I Teacher: Ms. Michelson

Semester: Fall 2010 Contact Number: (714) 567–4900 x64470

Classroom: 17-27 E-mail address:

“When students delve deeply into mathematics, they gain not only conceptual understanding of mathematical principles but also knowledge of, and experience with, pure reasoning. One of the most important goals of mathematics is to teach students logical reasoning.”

Course Description:

I am looking forward to having your student in my Algebra I class. This class meets 1 year of Math (10 credits) out of the 3 years (30 credits) of Math required for graduation. Thefollowing are some of the California Math Standards we will be focusing on this year:

5.0 Students solve multi-step problems, including word problems, involving linear equations and linear inequalities in one variable and provide justification for each step.

9.0 Students solve a system of two linear equations in two variables algebraically and are able to interpret the answer graphically. Students are able to solve a system of two linear inequalities in two variables and to sketch the solution sets.

13.0 Students add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational expressions and functions. Students solve both computationally and conceptually challenging problems by using these techniques.

15.0 Students apply algebraic techniques to solve rate problems, work problems, and percent mixture problems.

23.0 Students apply quadratic equations to physical problems, such as the motion of an object under the force of gravity.

24.0 Students use and know simple aspects of a logical argument.

25.0 Students use properties of the number system to judge the validity of results, to justify each step of a procedure, and to prove or disprove statements.


Algebra I by Prentice Hall, 2009 edition. The classroom has a set of textbooks, so students are not required to bring their textbook (the one that has been checked out to them for homework) to class. Students are financially responsible for the care of their home textbooks. If the book is lost or damaged, students will be charged the cost of the textbook, $87, plus a 20% restocking fee. Students arenot to leave books in any classroom nor should they lend their books to another student.

Course Objective:

Algebra I is a rigorous course, and success is dependent on being organized, having self-discipline, and reinforcement from the parents/guardians and teacher. I believe that it is my responsibility, as your child’s teacher, to make the material as comprehensible as possible, encourage them to do their best, and be caring and patient with them. The goal this semester is to develop each student’s reasoning skills by expanding their knowledge of Algebra I, which will be measured with class work, projects, homework, and unit tests. I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year.

Course Content and Expectations:

Students are expected to bring a calculator, paper, graph paper, 2 pencils, a ruler, and a Math notebook/folder to class every day. There will be a total of 11 chapter tests consisting of100 points each and a final exam worth 200 points. Make-up tests for excused absences must be arranged with the teacher and completed within one week of the absence.Make-up tests for unexcused absences will receive a 10% penalty. Failure to make upmissed homework or tests will result in “0” points, which will have a great impact on your grade.

Test Retakes: If a student does poorly or fails a test, he/she will be required to attend one tutoring session before/after school before asking to retake the test. The goal of a retake is to allow students a second opportunity to learn the concepts and improve their grades. Retakes have to be done before the following Chapter test. There will be no retakes for the final.

Homework policy:

Your son/daughter will be assigned homework daily (and due the following day) as a reinforcement for the concepts taught/learned, along with preparing the student for Chapter tests.Each homework assignment is worth 0-10 points.

Late homework is accepted without penalty for students with excusedabsences.Students with unexcused absences must still complete the work in order to receive half credit for the assignment. Students will be given one day for each absent to complete their homework.

10 points:All homework problems have been attempted and work is shown. All work must be legible and done in pencil. One point will be taken off for using pen.

5 points:Most of the problems have been attempted, but some are left blank or if work is not legible/sloppy.

1 point:½ (or less) of the assignment is completed. Students put little/no effort into completing the homework.

Progressive Discipline:

Each student must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. If a student disrupts the teacher’sinstruction or the students’ learning, there will be a consistent enforcement of progressive discipline. Tardiness, not bringing the needed materials to class or talking during instructional time will result in consequences. Every effort will be made to redirect the student to the instructional task to avoid a referral to the Student Relations Office (SRO).

Classroom Rules: The following rules have been devised so that each student has the opportunity to learn and manage his/her success in the classroom.

► Be in your seat before the tardy bell rings, eager to learn.

► Come to class with your textbook, notebook, writing tools and due assignments.

► Participate respectfully with your classmates and teacher in classroom discussions/assignments.

►Communicate any concerns to the teacher before or after class.

Discipline Steps:

►1st infraction: Warning

►2nd infraction: Warning, teleparent message

►3rd infraction: Teacher detention with parent contact

►4th infraction: 1 hour detention after school

►5th infraction and beyond: Referral to SRO and a Saturday detention

Types of Assessment:

  • Classwork: Discussion/participation/practice
  • Daily Homework
  • Tests/Quizzes
  • Final exam

Progress Report: Students will receive a progress report every 6 weeks. Parents can expect to receive progress reports in the mail.

Grading Scale/Policy:

Test/Quizzes 65%




A = 90-100%B= 80-89%C = 70-79%D = 60-69%

Good Citizenship:

Listens, learns, good attitude, punctual, follows directions, works well with others, respects everyone.

We have read and discussed the attached information about this course.

Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature


Please PRINT the following:


Student Name Period


Parent/Guardian name Parent/Guardian name


Home phone # Work phone #


Cell phone #0ther Contact(name/phone #)