WLTP DTP Lab Process ICE subgroup
Date / 31.08.2011
Title / Open Issue List (OIL) Lab Process ICE
Working Paper Number / WLTP-DTP-LabProcICE-090

List of mainProposals (P)+ Open Issues (OI)

OK = closed issue = LabProcICE agreement/proposal confirmed by DTP

Measurement/Instruments/Calculations Working Group

issue / Action
OK / starting point: GTR proposal was taken as the basis, all engine/motorcycle test related items were removed and substituted by appropriate R83 sections. Those sections were reviewed for tightening of tolerances and improvement in methodology.
OK / raw exhaust measurement
subgroup does not consider raw exhaust measurements to yield superior results in terms of precision/reproducibility/practicality compared to conventional analysis of diluted exhaust
OK / definition of periodic regeneration copied from R83, §2.20
OK / symbols:
use standard volumetric units and density instead of mass and molar mass, respectively
(common practice, no influence on results)
OK / general test cell equipment added (from R83 Annex 4a §4.6)
OK / Exhaust dilution system copied from R83 text, annex4a, appendix 2
tighten tolerance for total system verification from ±5% to ±2%, allow use of CO2 for total system verification
partial flow dilution:
Time restriction did not allow a specific review of partial flow dilution techniques (e.g. BMD) for the conventional gaseous compounds
However, BMD is yet to be applied/verified to compression ignition vehicles and therefore cannot be considered as a universal technique at this stage.
In addition the partial flow dilution technique would need to be adapted for additional compounds such as carbonyls, NO2 etc. (subject for additional pollutants subgroup)
The partial flow method of PM (and PN) has not been verified against full flow dilution for light duty vehicles and test cycles and is, in any case, in the scope of the PM/PN subgroup.
With the use of a remote mixing chamber, are the provisions for the dilution tunnel still valid? Information from Chris Parkin: yes.
Good engineering judgement shall be used to show prevention of water condensation within the CVS. General guidelines have been expanded.
OK / provisions for bag analysis copied from R83 Annex4a §6.5ff
OK / analyzer calibration copied from R83 Annex4a, appendix 3
batch gas analyzer requirements copied from §1065.205
delete provision on tighter FID methane response for NG fuelled vehicles, instead use methane as span gas or use methane response factor in calculations
delete provision on FID response for propane and nitrogen (not encountered in practice)
tighten tolerance on traceability of ref. gases to ±1%
optional use of proportional ambient sampling allowed
frequency of NOx converter efficiency lowered to 1 month (in line with §1065 and GTR No.4)
OK / Rounding procedure
For information not related to standards report use good engineering judgement.
OK / Calculations copied from R83 Annex 4a §6.6 ff.
General formula for dilution factor (DF) for each reference fuel with an average composition of CxHyOz:
OK / Exhaust after-treatment systems with periodic regeneration
OK / Calibration of the subsonic venturi (SSV) accepted
(OK) / Ultrasonic principle for dilutive flow exhaust measurement added to gtr as an alternative / agreed by DTP, but final cross check by Les Hill with EPA needed
OK / Definition of Connection to Vehicle Exhaust
Be less than 3.6 m long, or less than 6.1 m long if heat insulated. Its internal diameter may not exceed 105 mm; the insulating materials shall have a thickness of at least 25mm and thermal conductivity not exceeding 0.1 W/m*K at 400°C
Confirmed by Japan
OI / equivalency of systems
statistical method to proof equivalency is agreed (GTR)
Who decides on equivalency? Who approves changes/deviations from GTR? Interregional acceptance? / DTP discussion
OI / summary of frequency of calibration/verification of equipment
agreed with discussed amendments see meeting minutes (21./22.02.11)
Proposal prepared by draft group
decided values, except 1.3.3. / JAPAN feedback from discussion with SAE
P / Definition of „vehicle emissions“
+ method for subtraction of pollutant mass in intake air
Strong reservation by US! JAP does not want to close issue, but asked for support data  validation 2 and additional studies? / DTP level
expert exchange JAP+LapProcICE
P, OI / dynamometer
The dynamometer shall consist of a single or twin roller (≥500mm) configuration. If a twin roller configuration is applied it should be permanently coupled.
The dynamometer shall meet the following EPA performance requirements:
States Environmental United Protection Agency, Attachment A, RFP C100081T1, Specifications for Electric Chassis Dynamometers, 1991. The speed of all individual dyno rollers shall be synchronous within 0,16 km/h in a 1-second time average. This has to be checked over all test conditions for new dyno installment and after major repair or maintenance. / Japan:
expert feedback on proposal
reference to EPA to be substituted by specific performance criteria and testing frequency (Phil Price)
OI / definition of PM
matter sampled on the filter at 42-52°C vs. below 52°C / PM/PN subgroup,
to be reviewed after decision on Lab temperature
OI / Definition of the term “hydrocarbon”
non oxidized hydrocarbons (HC): compounds that consist of hydrogen and carbon only
non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC): non-oxidized hydrocarbons minus methane
total hydrocarbons (THC): compounds determined by FID
volatile organic carbon (VOC) ?? / AP Subgroup
OI / NO2 Gases: mixture and tolerances availability has to be checked / AP Subgroup
OI / Proposal for the location of the mixing point (RMT) in the case of OTTO PN/PM measurement / W. Thiel
PM/PN group
OI / Missing Definitions, e.g.:
Test group
Background concentration
Carbon mass flow rate
Positive displacement pump / work on LabProcICE definition list
OI / check symbols and abbreviations / ME draft team

Road Load Determination (RLD) Working Group

issue / Action
OK / Separate Annex [9] for RLD
OK / ISO-10521-1 („Road vehicles - Road load -
Part 1: Determination under reference
atmospheric conditions“) and 10521-2 (“Road vehicles - Road load - Part 2: Reproduction on chassis dynamometer”) as basis for harmonization
OK / 3 optional methods:
coastdown, torque meter method, wind-tunnel/chassis-dynamometer.
OK / unspecified alternative methods excluded, maybe introduced on regional level by contracting party
OK / Scope part 2 -This part is applicable to chassis dynamometers that can set road load at a minimum of three speed points
no fixed curve dynos in the GTR
OK / The option of a rolling belt for RLD in connection with wind tunnel testing has been added and the belt system specified
OK / Post production confirmation of road load data to prevent unrepresentative optimisation at type approval, e.g. wheel alignment (“feedback approach”, see LabProcICE-029), no gtr task / further discussion needed on regional level
OK / Permissable coastdown tolerances on the dyno  speeds below 20km/h are excluded (SAE), because difficult to obtain repeatable and accurate road load determinations at low speeds
OK / TU Graz input: averaging forces instead of time intervals
OK /
m is the average of the test vehicle masses at the beginning and end of road load determination, including the driver and instruments, in kilograms (kg)
justification: variation of mass due to fuel consumption
OK / Addition of a braking requirement before pre conditioning to be assessed
Proposal is to apply a braking action before pre-conditioning, from 80 to 20 km/h at moderate deceleration
OK / Tyre pressure proposal based on LabProcICE-053 agreed and included in gtr draft, feedback requirement excluded (certification issue)
OK, (OI) / speed range of coast down measurements: RLD proposal: 120 – 20 km/h
What will be the maximum cycle speed and is this by definition the maximum reference speed? / to be reviewed after max speed decision of DHC
OK / The tyres shall have a tread depth of not less than 60 % of the original tread depth.
justification: 60 % of the original tread depth corresponds roughly to 50% between new and lowest tread depth.
OI / tyre selection criteria
LacProc ICE proposal (based on LabProcICE-064) agreed.
Reference Lab excluded
classes to be reviewed with regard to CO2 impact
ACEA announced alternative proposal / ACEA to provide modified proposal incl. CO2 impact statements  pre-discussion with Chris Parkin
OI / Retain the option to use a table of running resistances.
New table by B. Mercier is accepted, the multiplicative factor of 1.3 remains except if industry can provide justification for a more representative one. / proposal to be finalized in gtr draft after inertia class decision
proposal/reasoning on multiplicative factor to be provided by Bertrand Mercier
OKOI / Vehicle preparation: coast down mode is needed (like dyno mode in LabProcess) e.g for windtunnel/chassis test.
Definition proposal agreed.
provisions to be reviewed by LabProcEV
“The vehicle coast down mode is mandatory if the determination of dyno settings cannot meet the criteria described in chapters and due to non-reproducible parasitic losses, except if the torque metering method is used for road load determination [reference to specific GTR paragraph].
If a vehicle is equipped with a vehicle coast down mode, it shall only be engaged for coast down, both on the road and on the chassis dynamometer. The vehicle coast down mode shall not act as a defeat device.”
Key questions:
Performance requirements?
Mandatory or not?
Adaption to technical progress? / final draft to be checked by LabProcEV
OI / Vehicle selection criteria
Proposal: all additional aerodynamic options expected to be sold for >50% to customers needs to be installed on the coast down vehicle. Aerodynamic design features (wheel rims etc.) are selected based on the expected highest market share. (detailed proposal see gtr draft)
strong JAP reservation!
 Options:
A) sales volume
B) worst case criteria (JAP counterproposal)
C) certification issue
if C) what about other selection criterias? (Tyres, …) / DTP advice on options needed
P / “During the road test, engine hood, sliding roof and all windows shall be closed. While safe operation of the vehicle is guaranteed and if appropriate, the manufacturer may decide upon the position of aerodynamic influencing body parts such as covers of the air ventilation, headlamp covers, retractable spoilers, etc. unless it is obvious that the unfavourable position is representative for normal driving conditions. The configuration shall be recorded in the approval test report and shall be used for any subsequent testing.”
provision for A/C (ISO: switched off) excluded
P, OI / The 60 kg inertia step approach was already proposed to DTP, but the Commission is reluctant because of the CO2 effect of a 60kg increase and continuous CO2 targets for individual manufacturers. Commission and industry will provide justification data for either a step or a continuous inertia.
ICCT provided additional proposal. / DTP level.
OI / a definition of the test weight is required in connection with the discussion of inertia classes
2 proposals in discussion:
- NL (LabProcICE-069)
- JAP (LabProcICE-084) / DTP level
P, OI / provisions for Hybrids
If there are electrical forces, they have to be considered during coast down. Proposal needed to describe the coast down related parameters (software, and no regenerative charging of the battery to guarantee reproducibility). Additional check to measure battery current at constant speeds. / EV subgroup
will inform on these parameters to ensure reproducibility
P,OI / Main part
6.5.4 Dynamometer preparation, if settings are derived from a running resistance table
Consistent with Annex9? Deletion possible? / check for consistency with Annex9 part2
OI / Is the LabProcEV team discussing special road load determination requirements for EVs and can they be extended to conventional vehicles with “special needs”? E.g. maximum speed of 120 km/h applicable? / EV subgroup
(OI) / Calculation of mr (equivalent effective mass of all the wheels and vehicle components rotating with the wheels) may be different for EVs
This is already covered in the current ISO 10521 / needs to be checked by EV subgroup
OI / Alignment of reference ambient conditions with lab?
The test cell and reference temperatures may need to be re-addressed if the emissions test temperature is changed / wait for DTP decision on Test cell temp
OI / Terms and definition / Review and update of LabProcICE-049/50
OI / symbols and abbreviations to be checked / ME draft team

Lab Process

issue / Action
OK / Reporting requirements [test report, technical documentation….] to be dealt with in regional legislation (certification issue)
OK / 6.5.4 – Driving schedule
ECE R83-06 proposal (§6.1 test cycle)
Take into consideration new CO2 reduction technologies, gearshift GSI, speed time tolerances, phase changes…
OBD issue / DHC matter
OK / § : to add the US additional driving cycle requirement : 86.128-00 § d, 86.115-78 / DHC matter
OK / “dyno operation mode introduced (see gtr draft)
Note: UK, NL had reservations regarding the necessity for provisions to avoid cycle beating and ensure application in ISC programs
 no concrete proposals were made, no other reservations by DTP
OK / 7.1.2 “Type II” test :
-excluded from gtr harmonization
OK / Background concentration
  • ECE R83-06 proposal : PM and PN background

OK / Humidity in test room (p28):
The absolute humidity (Ha) of either the air in the test cell or the intake air of the engine shall be such that:
5.5 ≤ Ha ≤ 12.2 (g H2O/kg dry air)
Add a set point? Not needed if you have a NOx correction factor
OK / The tires shall be of a type specified as original equipment by the vehicle manufacturer. The tyre pressure may be increased by up to 50 per cent above the pressure specified in [X.x.x.] of Annex 9. The actual pressure used shall be recorded in the test report.
OK / Auxiliaries
Definition “auxiliaries” means additional equipment/devices not required for vehicle operation
Auxiliaries shall be switched off/deactivated during dyno operation. Any device that affects the operation on a chassis dyno can be set in a certain condition to ensure a proper operation.
OK / Eco innovations excluded from gtr
OK / definition for ICE in document-049
(OK) / Annex 5
Periodic regeneration devices / Ki
proposal based on R83.06 included in annex 5
Note: complete Annex5 was already agreed by DTP3 (see gtr draft -021), but was lost due to a copy/paste mistake. / final check
by LabProcICE and
PM/PN sub group
OI / preconditioning
Situation: minimum soak time: ECE requirement (at least 6 hours) versus US (at least 12 hours) requirement -- trend to keep «at least 6 hours» with possibility to force cooling in order to optimize the number of tests per day …..
Proposal :
After this preconditioning, and before testing, vehicles shall be kept in a room in which ambient conditions are described in 6.1.2.
Two options :
This conditioning shall be carried out for at least six hours and continue until the engine oil temperature and coolant, if any, are within 298 K ±2 K. At the request of the manufacturer, forced cooling down could be used with open bonnet, appropriate use of cooling fan.
This conditioning shall be carried out at least 12 hours and maximum 36 hours, with closed bonnet in soak area environment without using a fan.
pre-conditioning cycle before test
general preconditioning requirements / DTP level?
Depends on cycle
LabProc draft team
OK (OI) / - Cooling fan specifications
New cooling fan characteristics based on GRPE decision are introduced in GTR draft.
§ A current of air of variable speed shall be blown over the vehicle. The blower speed shall be within the operating range of 10 km/h to at least 100 km/h up to the maximum speed of the test cycle being used.
§ Area: at least 0.3 m2;
(b) Width: at least 0.8 m
§ the cases described above, the cooling fan position, configuration and shall be recorded in the approval test report and shall be used for any subsequent
Delete […] dependend on max speed cycle? Justification: it will be difficult to reproduce the exact same configuration from one lab to the other / max speed to be reviewed after DHC proposal
P / “Type III” test :
-procedure deleted
-Design requirement added in gtr: the system has to be designed in order to avoid crankcase emissions.
Introduction in gtr of the general prescriptions §5.1 of R83-06
OI / Pre-conditioning (p72) Battery charging
Before the pre-conditioning test cycle the battery should be fully charged. The battery shall not be charged again before the official testing.
SoC monitoring during test according to R101, correction of result depending of delta SoC
delta criteria 1 or 2 % to be decided based on measurement data (e.g. validation 2)
(OI) / 1.1.1.“Ambient condition test” means verifying the average exhaust emissions after a cold start during test carried out at [25°C ±5°C] and [5.5 ≤ H ≤ 12.2 (g H2O/kg dry air)].
P / Test room temperature:§6.1.1 (p28):
Temperature to take into account in the kH
calculation (correction factor for NOx)?
-Average temp before and end of test
-Average of continuous temp during test for each phase
P / definition of set point (see gtr draft)
P / handling 4WD vehicles on 2WD dyno:
certification issue, will be discussed at a later stage
P, OI / 6.1-Test room and soak area (T°C)
Expert recommendation:
25 +/-5°C same requirements as GTR 2 and 4. Lab technical feasibility (soak room).
review of
lab/soak temp requirements / DTP level
OI /
  • Use of multi-mode gearbox
Proposal : Use of EC/ECE regulation
•The testing should be performed only in the default driving mode regarding the transmission possibilities.
•The default mode is the mode the vehicle starts with. All buttons must be deactivated with a new key ignition event on.
•Other modes could be certified on request of the manufacture.
•Emissions standards must be fulfilled in all
new proposal (6th meeting):
GSI should not be considered as a mode of multimode gearbox
Default mode introduced in GTR draft
Open issue:
How do we deal with gear box without default mode (certification issue ?)
Japan, NL: test all modes
Definition proposal: “Multi-mode” means that more than one operating mode is selectable by the driver or automatically set (e.g. sport, eco, urban).
To be completed by E-Lab group (ZEV etc) / DTP level:
Japan, NLcounterproposals for handling of multimode without default
P / Gear Shift Indicator: Definition of appropriate methodology to use it when testing vehicle a definition of GSI is needed
options discussed:
- at the request of the manufacturer instead of fixed gear shift points the GSI points might be used
- test both
- GSI as mode of multimode gearbox
proposal: certification issue / Input of COM needed
(DHC decision on fixed gear shift points needed, review of experts )
(OI) / Number of tests
-need to harmonize the concept of requested number between 1 against 3 (recall : US and Japan perform just 1 test) / to be decided after validation testing
OI / Definitions needed in order to have procedures in line
Fill in a matrix to identify the responsibilities for definitions. Comparison of the US/Japan/EU definitions in order to have a harmonized approach. / DTP / Subgroups / drafting coordinator
OI / Connection to other sub-groups or groups
DHC: tolerances, profile (accelerations, decelerations…)
DTP/PM-PN: Ki determination (loading procedure)
DTP/ Electrified vehicles: procedures in line with ICE as much as possible
DTP/AP: preparation of test / DTP / Subgroupleaders
OI / Tolerance of dyno load setting:
The chassis dynamometer shall be readjusted if the setting error does not satisfy the following criteria:
ε ≤ 2 per cent for v ≥ 50 km/h
ε≤ 3 per cent for 30 km/h ≤ v < 50 km/h
ε≤ 10 per cent for v < 30 km/h
Comments were made, that these tolerances were to tight for different techniques / bring in line with RLD proposal