20060326 Mahaicony, page 1/3
Date: 26 March 2006
Region #4 NDC
Venue: Mahaicony Secondary School
Number of Participants: 19
Facilitators: Andrea Prescott and Velma David
What we can celebrate as positives in Guyana?
People coming together for conversations, planning for development and airing their views in a safe space.
Elements of a vision for Guyana.
National Pride
1. For Guyanese to see ourselves as Guyanese working and building a better future for Guyana
2. To live in peace, love and unity
3. National Service reintroduced in Guyana
Social Inclusion/Cohesion
4. A Guyana with racial harmony, where everyone sees themselves as Guyanese
5. “The Small Man must be truly the Real Man”
Social Issues
6. More recreational and sporting facilities for our youth and adults
Community Development
7. Participation of more youth in our community
8. More respect for the elderly
Law and Order
9. Better security to curb crime, drugs and create a fear free Guyana
10. The Guyanese dollar strengthened
11. Improved standard of living – better wages and salaries
Present local conflicts/area of tension
1. Poor drainage and irrigation facilities in the Mahaicony area.
Social cohesion/inclusion in decision making processes
2. The participants felt that the voices of the people of Strath Campbell were not being heard; and as a result they were being discriminated against
3. Strath Campbell’s Koker currently does not provide any ease to the excessive flooding
4. Noise Nuisance.
Access to Opportunities and Resources
5. There are not an adequate number of jobs available for residents through the N.D.C
6. The youths have no access to sports equipment
Law and Order
7. The secondary school needs additional security (another guard hut to the eastern end of the school); additional male security guards needed; security guards do not feel safe while on duty.
8. There was also one incident of victimization reported of security guard by a Regional Officer.
9. Schools have inadequate and poor facilities, for example the Perth Nursery School and the Mahaicony Primary School do not have a proper toilets and fire extinguishers. There is inadequate seating accommodation at the schools for both teachers and students.
10. Schools are under staffed
11. The President and Ministry of Education have not yet honored their obligations with respect to the supply of teaching tools.
12. The Secondary school roof has been replaced but it has not been close-boarded as before, making it difficult to teach on rainy days and very, very hot when the sun shines. school’s insulation re. exposed continuously.
13. Inadequate security lighting arrangements at schools.
14. Secondary school does not have their own computers
Potential for violent conflict
1. The neglect of the schools and their needs (staffing, toilet facilities, fire extinguishers, maintenance persons, electrical). The Prime Minister and President are yet to honour their commitment.
2. Drainage and irrigation for the whole community and the delay in the rebuilding of a new koker at Strath Campbell.
Concrete commitments and ideas towards overcoming challenges
1. Strath Campbell Koker needs to be rebuilt
2. Residents will clean areas in and around house lots
Public Administration/Community Participation
3. Engineers and contractors should consult and agree with community leaders and elders before going to regional level
4. Residents must be allowed to have a say, be heard – with no compromise and must also be allowed to inspect works that are being carried out within our communities
5. Persons involved in the development activities such as road repairs etc should stop taking bribes and operating in a compromising manner and instead work for the long term benefits of the community
6. The President, Minister of Works, Prime Minister and NDC need to hear and work on the community’s) issues urgently especially Mahaicony and Strath Campbell
7. Companies and personnel doing developmental works and roadway/highways (ECD) should consult and agree on ways they will go about doing their works (GPL, GWI and Public Works Dept., the PM, NDC and heads of companies).
Any other observations/process issues
1. Participants came out late to the meeting
2. More ground work was needed in terms of mobilizing the community
3. Mr. Reece and his assistant communicated well with facilitators and were punctual
4. Participants expect that their issues would be taken to a higher level and be dealt with speedily and seriously and with respect from the Government and that there would be no victimization of community members because of them expressing their views and issues
How participants felt on leaving the meeting – One word.
Good; hopeful; reasonable; excited; great; splendid; pleased; refined; relaxed; encouraged; confident; inclined; happy; and nice.
Persons Elected to Represent this Community at Regional Level
Wynn Roberts – Youth
97 Zeskendren, Mahaicony, E.C.D
221-2201, 641-7953
Janice W. Bowen – Female
Strath Campbell, Mahaicony, E.C.D
621-4160, 621-2209
Orel Rockcliffe – Male
Airy hall, Mahaicony, E.C.D
221-2066, 221-2232
Mr. Mahadeo Bhogedat – H.M
Yorkshire hall, Mahaicony, E.C.D
If Mr. O. Rockcliffe cannot attend on date of meeting his H.M Mr. M. Bhogedat will do so.