Year 5 Curriculum Overview – Drayton CE Junior School
* Reading
Apply knowledge of morphology & etymology when reading new words
Reading & discuss a broad range of genres & texts
Identifying & discussing themes
Make recommendations to others
Learn poetry by heart
Draw inference & make predictions
Discuss authors’ use of language
Retrieve & present information from non-fiction texts.
Formal presentations & debates / English
* Writing
Secure spelling, inc. homophones, prefixes, silent letters, etc.
Use a thesaurus
Legible, fluent handwriting
Plan writing to suit audience & purpose
Develop character, setting and atmosphere in narrative
Use organisational & presentational features
Use consistent appropriate tense
Perform own compositions / * Grammar
Use expanded noun phrases
Use modal & passive verbs
Use relative clauses
Use commas for clauses
Use brackets, dashes & commas for parenthesis
* Speaking & Listening
Give well-structured explanations
Command of Standard English
Consider & evaluate different viewpoints
Use appropriate register / Art & Design
* Georgia O’Keefe
* Delaunay
* Vincent Van Gogh / Computing
* How the internet works
* class comic
* Introduction to spreadsheets
* Scratch projects- design, write and debug programs
* Desktop Publishing
* Sketchup 1, 3D Modelling
* Presentation Media project
* Broadband Detectives – E Safety 3
Design & Technology
* Cam Toys – Understand and use mechanical systems in products
* Levers – use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of products
* Cookery – understand and apply the principles of a healthy and varied diet. Cook savoury dishes and understand seasonality. / Geography
* Mapwork – study Europe. Locate countries/capitals within Europe, Longitude/latitude, Greenwich meridian line, use Google Earth
* Study of European Country – France
environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, distribution of natural resources, land-use patterns
* India
* Number/Calculation
Secure place value to 1,000,000
Use negative whole numbers in context
Use Roman numerals to 1000 (M)
Use standard written methods for all four operations
Confidently add & subtract mentally
Use vocabulary of prime, factor & multiple
Multiply & divide by powers of ten
Use square and cube numbers / Mathematics
* Geometry & Measures
Convert between different units
Calculate perimeter of composite shapes & area of rectangles
Estimate volume & capacity
Identify 3-d shapes
Measure & identify angles
Understand regular polygons
Reflect & translate shapes
* Data
Interpret tables & line graphs
Solve questions about line graphs / * Fractions
Compare & order fractions
Add & subtract fractions with common denominators, with mixed numbers
Multiply fractions by units
Write decimals as fractions
Order & round decimal numbers
Link percentages to fractions & decimals
Modern Languages –
* Number 1-100
* Sleeping Beauty
* Time – o’clock/am/pm
* Music genres/Instruments
* Places in town
* Produce weather report
* using French map / Music
* Keyboard skills – learning to read basic notation and rhythms.
* Indian Music – learning Indian Hastas and moving in time to Indian music
* Performance – rehearsing and performing play
* Singing and Composition – protest songs
* Ukelele – extended from Yr4, learning more chords and new songs. Performing ukuleles in assembly and concert
* Working scientifically – planning different types of scientific enquiry, taking measurements with a range of scientific equipment, recording data/results of increasing complexity, using tests to make predictions, reporting findings from enquiries and identifying scientific evidence to support or refute arguments
* Living Things and their Habitats
* Animals, including humans
* Properties and Changes of Materials
* Earth and Space
* Forces / History
* Vikings and Anglo Saxons
* Aspect or Theme beyond 1066 (Monarchs)
* The Tudors
Physical Education
* Multi-skills
* Gymnastics
* Dance
* Athletics
* Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
* Hockey
* Football
* Handball
* Cricket/Rounders
* Swimming / ReligiousEducation
* Christianity – how and why does a Christian follow Jesus?
* Hinduism – history and key features of Hinduism
* How do different faiths express their beliefs through Art?
Template created by Michael Tidd 2013