Description: Members help facilitate the work of international charity/philanthropic organizations. / Mr. Benson / Thursday Lunch / A308
Accessible Education Association
Description: This club is dedicated to raising awareness of the educational problems worldwide and contributing to students in need. / Mr. Stephenson / Friday Lunch / A316
Amateur Radio Club
Description: Fun Radio Activities. Members use amateur transceivers and repeaters, explore telemetry for quadcopters, satellites, and space exploration, participate in disaster relief radio and high altitude, near space photography and host guest speakers. Visit / Mr. Gibbens / Thursday Lunch / 115
Ambassadors Club
Description: Supporting new Grade 8’s transition to Churchill (open to Grade 9-12 students). / Ms. Ruggeri / Mrs. Springer / Mr. Pears /
Ms. Siedlecki/
Mr. Zerbinos / Once a month or as needed / 118A
Amnesty International Club
Description: Devoted to raising awareness about human rights through letter writing campaigns, making posters and fundraisers. / Ms. Puzio / Tuesday Lunch / 319
Animals Awareness Club (AAC)
Description: Devoted to increasing awareness of animal rights and the ethical treatment of animals through posters, fundraisers and newsletters. / Ms. Puzio (BCSPCA) / Wednesday Lunch / 319
ArtMag! Club
Description: Exciting and interesting opportunities await you in the Artmag! Club. Students participate in producing Churchill's creative magazine, which includes art by Churchill students, photography, articles, related essays, interviews, opinion pieces, as well as layout and computer production, and a lot more! There's something for everyone so bring your ideas and sign up! / Mr. Renk / Tuesday Lunch / 318
Asian Culture Club
Description: A club to promote the Asian culture. / Mr. Tregidgo / Thursday Lunch / 117
Aviation & Aerospace Club
Description: Dedicated to aviation and aerospace engineering.Our current project isthe restoration of a fixed wing, remotely controlled model aircraft. Guest speakers. / Mr. Stephenson/
Mr. Gibbins / Wednesday Lunch / 115 & A316
The Ballroom Club
Description: Members will learn Free Waltz, Cha-Cha, and other ballroom lessons for Social, fun, performing and entertaining pleasure. / Ms. Chalmers/Mr. Pirie / Monday Lunch / Auditorium/200
Room location alternates each week
Baseball Club
Description: To promote awareness of baseball physical fitness, team work, sportsmanship, and leadership at school. / Ms. Yu / Thursday and Friday
Lunch / A215
Be A Hero To A Child in Need, Variety, Children’s Charity of B.C. Club
Description: Sell gold heart pins for the BC Children’s Hospital. Student leaders participate in the yearly province-wide telethon (televised). / Mrs. Springer /
Ms. Ziakos/ Mr. Pears/
Mr. Zerbinos / Campaign runs from January to March / 118A
Because I Am A Girl Club
Description: Members will learn about girls’ human rights and be part of a movement to make a difference in the lives of girls around the world. / Ms. Werner / First and Third Thursday of the month: Lunch / 213
Best Buddies Club
Description: This club consists of Peer Buddies who connect with a Buddy in promoting a sense of belonging and in encouraging them to be connected to the larger community. More info can be found at / Mrs. Courage / Thursday Lunch / 100
Big Bang Science Journal
Description: The latest news in science and technology / Dr. Gabbott / Second week of each month / 319
Board Game Club
Description: Members will gain knowledge about different board games, increase team work ability, learn how to play some common board games, and have fun! / Ms. Fleming / Wednesday Lunch / 118
Canadian Youth for Leadership and Action (CYLA)
Description: This club promotes members inspiring themselves and taking initiative by taking on a cause and making it their own. / Mr. Cougny / Monday Lunch / 215
Cancer Charity Club
Description: The club raises student awareness of cancer research while promoting a healthy, active lifestyle, and fundraising to enhance the lives of those living with cancer. / Mr. Gibbens / Wednesday Lunch / 115
Card Games Club
Description: Provides students with a safe and friendly environment in which they can fuel their creativity with interactive card games. / Mr. Benson / Thursday Lunch / A308
Chess and Go Club
Description: All levels of players meet and play friendly games of Chess and Go. We do compete from time to time in internal and provincial tournaments. / Mr. Chrzastowski / Wednesday, Friday Lunch / 103
Churchill Anime Culture Club
Description: Members focus on every aspect of the Japanese Anime Culture and enjoy discussions about the characters, costumes and storyline. / Ms. Kozuki / Wednesday and Friday Lunch / 203
Churchill Badminton Club
Description: The club will provide a platform for amateur badminton players to improve their techniques and skills of the sport through discussion of strategies and game organization. / Ms. Fleming / Lunch as determined by club members / 118
Churchill Business Newspaper
Description: Members will learn about and promote business knowledge and money managing habits. / Ms. Chan / Thursday Lunch / A114
Churchill Connection Club
Description: Working withstudents from different departments in Churchill, we collaborate with charity and environmental organizations. / Ms. X. Lin / Wednesday Lunch / 105
Churchill E-Sports Club
Description: Churchill E-Sports is the largest high school E-Sports Association in North America with over 100 members. Churchill E-Sports' goal is to make the world of E-sports more seriously recognized, and organize competitive tournaments and fun events. Additionally, it allows gamers to come together and find friends with common interests. / Mr. Olson / Thursday Lunch / 114
Churchill Insight Club
Description: Members fundraise for SEVA Canada which helps restore sight and prevent blindness of people in developing countries. / Ms. Kirmis / Monday Lunch / 305
Churchill Leo Club
Description: This club is a branch of the International Leo Club. Members get involved in community service and give back to their community. / Mr. Benson / Tuesday Lunch / A308
Churchill Mennonite Central Committee Club
Description: Members will fundraise to support people in Kenya in need of food and clean water. / Mr. Shieh / Monday Lunch / A209
Churchill Website Design Club
Description: Members build the Churchill library website and much more. / Ms. Wilson / Friday Lunch / Library
Computer Programming and Computer Science Club
Description: Prepare for computer programming contests, including the Beaver Computing Challenge, Canadian Computing Competition, and the North American Linguistics Olympiad. Learn different languages.Share your coding, website, and gaming insights.Workshops and guest / Mr. Gibbens / Ms. Tang / Monday at lunch –
Canadian Computing Competition (until February, 2016)
Tuesday at lunch –
Logic Puzzles for the Beaver Computing Challenge (until Nov. 10) / 115
Core Club
Description: Club members examine what it means to practice what they believe in which is focusing on helping others less fortunate than themselves through charitable projects. / Ms. Dionne/Ms. Wakabayashi/Ms. Tang / Wednesday Lunch / A006
Cultural Enrichment Club
Description: Celebrating New Year with our English Language Learners (Planning Class Initiative). / Ms. Baron / Ms. Fleming / Mrs. Springer / As needed / 118A
Dance Team - Junior
Description: Students in junior grades who love to dance and are working at refining their craft with the help of alumni, and the Senior Dance Team. / Ms. Chalmers / Monday, Wednesday after school / Auditorium
Dance Team - Senior
Description: Dedicated group of senior students who enjoy dancing and their love of dance. They perform at shows, school events, and compete at local competitions. / Ms. Chalmers / Monday, Wednesday – after school;
Thursday after school / Auditorium
Studio 604
Dance Studio,
Burnaby (Thurs)
Debate Club
Description: Learn logical reasoning, hone your rhetorical prowess; learn about world issues, and, of course, win arguments. / Mr. Hauck / Mondays after school: Club Meeting
Thursdays after school: Club Meeting
Thursdays at Lunch: Senior Debaters
Fridays at Lunch:
Junior Debaters / 211
Description: Members become the SWC branch of an international business club that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, and management. / Ms. Chan / Monday Lunch / A114
Diabetes Awareness Club
Description: Members will have the opportunity to spread awareness about diabetes through fundraising money for the Canadian Diabetes Association. / Ms. Jay / Wednesday Lunch / A216
Dissection Club
Description: A fun but academic club that studies representatives from the animal kingdom (limited membership) / Mr. Shieh / Tuesday after school / Second Floor Super Lab
Dragonboating Club
Description: Dragonboating isracinglarge boats with 16-20 paddlers, a steersman and a drummer.The Dragonboating Club trains to compete in regattas culminating in the Alcan Dragon Boat festival. / Ms. Holdaway / Monday and Thursday:
4:00-5:30pm at False Creek
If meeting at school, by need as directed by Sponsor / 202
Dungeons and Dragons Club
Description: Members will be provided with a full role playing game experience. / Mrs. Courage / Tuesday Lunch / 100
Environment Club
Description: Students interested in sustainability, gardening, outreach and creating change at Churchill. / Ms. Tinka / Ms. Weber / Every Other Wednesday
Lunch / 313
E-Waste Club
Description: Members help reduce and process e-waste within our community. / Mr. Hill / Thursday Lunch / A006
Feminism Club
Description: To create a safe place for anyone who identifies as a feminist or is interested in feminist theory to discuss and dissect various parts of their political identity / Ms. Calder / Tuesday Lunch / Auditorium Foyer
Fight Against Poverty Club
Description: Members will encourage people to help everyone around them through service to local charities. / Mr. Benson / Wednesday Lunch / A308
Film Club
Description: Students enthused about producing films will meet weekly to experience the filmmaking process as a collective team and work together to create their own short film. / Mr. Chan / Friday – After School or Preference of Members / A002 (Drama Studio)
Film is NOT Dead Club
Description: The purpose of this club is to expose students to the art of photography by exploring and learning different darkroom techniques. / Ms. Lohr / Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday which are Day 1s each week and sometimes after school / 104
Floorball Club
Description: This club gives students a chance to play a recreational sport and promote an under known sport while helping students stay fit. / Mr. Jefferson / Tuesday and Thursday Lunch / New Gym
Footy Club
Description: Members will watch and discuss the game of soccer throughout the year in a friendly atmosphere for all to enjoy. / Mr. Waraich / Lunch – once a week as determined by members / 300
French Lunch Club
Description: Members will speak and improve their French outside classroom time. / Mr. Cougny / Lunch - Every Day / 215
Grad Council
Description: This council is open to all grads who would like to plan grad events/spirit days/fundraisers. / Ms. McNicoll /
Ms. Wakabayashi / Tuesday Lunch / 218
Greening Classroom Club
Description: To promote a school community garden with native plants. This is in partnership with VSB grounds, Parents Advisory Council and Toyota Canada. / Ms. Jang / Ms. McNicoll / Mr. Tregidgo / Mr. Gibbens / Mrs. Springer / Mr. Olson /
Ms. Tinka//Ms. Tycho / As needed / 118A
Greenpeace Club
Description: This club will become part of a movement to save our planet and to raise awareness for the Arctic, forests, and oceans. / Ms. Smedley / Tuesday after school: 3:15-4:00pm / A211
Health and Fitness Club
Description: The purpose of this club is to promote the benefits of fitness and have fun doing fitness activities. / Mr. Zerbinos/Mr. Coletta / Monday to Friday: Before School, Lunch, and After School / Weightroom
Heart 2 Heart Connection Youth Society
Description: Assist disadvantaged children around the world with better education through fundraising. / Ms. X. Lin / Wednesday Lunch / 105
The Hippopotamus Student Magazine
Description: To promote self, school, community and world awareness for the every day student by using journalism to share school and world news and other interesting information. / Ms. Greskiw / Day 1 Lunch / 201
Homes for Homies (Habitat for Humanity) Club
Description: Members will fundraise for and raise awareness of building affordable housing for low income families in Greater Vancouver. / Mr. Cougny / Wednesday Lunch / 215
Improv Club
Description: Members will engage in fun improvisation games. / Ms. Calder / Thursday Lunch / A002
Indian Umbrella Club
Description: The purpose of this club is to find small, newer, charity organizations in India, and evaluate whether they are credible candidates for the club to raise awareness and funding for those vetted charities. / Ms. Kirmis / Wednesday Lunch / 305
International Student Club
Description:Organize activities forinternational studentsto experience Canadian culture. / Ms. X. Lin / Friday Lunch / 105
Japanese Club
Description: For students interested in learning about Japanese culture and language. / Ms. Wakabayashi / On Thursday or Friday Day 2s: Lunch / 202
Juggling Club
Description: Members will learn to juggle all materials provided. / Mr. Cougny / Wednesday and Friday Lunch / 215 and outside
Junior Jazz Club
Description: This is a club for instrumentalists NEW to Jazz. We will meet twice a week to learn about swing, Latin, bebop music, learn how to solo and be part of a jazz band. If you are hoping to join the senior jazz band next year, get your feet wet here. / Ms. Siedlecki / Tuesday and Thursday Lunch / 008
Keep Vancouver Spectacular Club
Description: Keep our environment clean – in partnership with Vancouver Board of Parks and City Hall. / Mr. Larouche /
Ms. Calder / Mrs. Springer / March to June / 118A
The Key Club
Description: The Key Club is a student-directed service-oriented club that supportsa variety of organization(s) throughout the school year. / Mr. Shieh / Tuesday Lunch / A209
Kindlers Society
Description: This organization aims to rekindle a passion for education and reading through the donation of books in our communities. Members will collect used books around the community to donate to our three (hopefully, more in the future) current recipient schools in both China and Africa, creating English libraries there. / Ms. Jay / Thursday Lunch / A216