January 11, 2016
7:00 pm
INVOCATION: Dan Duringer delivered the invocation.
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Sean Guard called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Present: Brent Boger, Michelle Wagner, Paul Greenlee, Joyce Lindsay, Jennifer McDaniel, Dave Shoemaker, Dan Coursey, and Student Representative Caleb Bischoff
STAFF: David Scott, City Administrator
Don English, City Attorney
Trevor Evers, Public Works Director
Mitch Kneipp, Director of Community Development
Rob Charles, City Engineer
Rose Jewell, Assistant to the Mayor and City Administrator
PRESS: Dawn Feldhaus, Post Record
AUDIENCE: List below represents those who spoke and/or signed in.
Harvey Olson Dan Duringer Larry Keister
Richard Hamby
THE AGENDA: Mayor Guard added the continuation of the transportation discussion from workshop. Councilmember Greenlee added selection of the Mayor ProTem before the transportation discussion. No objections.
COMMENT(S): Harvey Olson congratulated the election winners. He discussed the city’s purchase of property in the downtown, park maintenance, the Angelo proposed property development, and roundabouts.
CONSENT AGENDA: The Council was presented with the following:
A. Special Meeting Minutes of December 21, 2015
B. Accounts Payable Checks 9772-9776 and V17540-V17615, Totaling $1,331,412.99 (checks and amount refers to payroll)
C. Payroll Checks 6843468566 and V258-V265, Totaling $429,666.72 (checks and amount refers to accounts payable)
D. Agenda Bill #01-16 – Authorize the Mayor to Sign: Contractor Agreement – Halme Excavating – W Street Speed bumps – Stiles Rd Drainage Swale – Cemetery Drainage (pulled by Shoemaker)
E. Agenda Bill #02-16 – Authorize the Mayor to Sign: Contractor Agreement – Michael Green Construction – Emergency Demolition of barn
F. Agenda Bill #03-16 – Set Public Hearing: NW Urban Growth Moratorium
Unanimous consent to approve the consent agenda as amended. Councilmember Greenlee.
Councilmember Shoemaker asked that Item D - Agenda Bill #01-16 – Authorize the Mayor to Sign: Contractor Agreement – Halme Excavating – W Street Speed bumps – Stiles Rd Drainage Swale – Cemetery Drainage be pulled from the consent agenda.
Unanimous consent to approve the consent agenda as read with the exception of Item D. Councilmember Greenlee. No objections.
Agenda Bill #01-16 Authorize the Mayor to Sign: Contractor Agreement – Halme Excavating – W Street Speed bumps – Stiles Rd Drainage Swale – Cemetery Drainage – Trevor Evers explained why speed bumps are being proposed.
Motion: To authorize the Mayor to sign the contractor agreement with Halme Excavating Inc. Shoemaker/Greenlee
Motion passed.
Agenda Bill #04-16 Commute Trip Reduction Interlocal Agreement – Mitch Kneipp presented the staff report and recommended action.
Motion: To authorize the Mayor to sign the Commute Trip Reduction Interlocal Agreement and associate work plan. Greenlee/Lindsay
Motion passed. Shoemaker/Coursey voted No. Boger abstained.
Mayor ProTem: Motion: Councilmember Greenlee nominated Councilmember Boger as Mayor ProTem. Councilmember Shoemaker seconded.
Motion: To close the nominations. Greenlee/Shoemaker Motion passed.
Unanimous consent that Councilmember Boger be Mayor ProTem by acclamation. Greenlee No objections.
Mayor Guard noted that the AV equipment is being repaired. Therefore, no video of the meeting will be available.
Workshop cont. Transportation Projects Update (continued from workshop)
Dave Scott conveyed Lone Wolf Investment’s and Pendleton Woolen Mill’s support of for the proposed roundabouts on SR-14.
Bart Gernhart, WDOT, reviewed the roundabout discussion history in Washougal, experience with roundabouts throughout the state, and planned improvements for the SR-14 corridor.
The Council requested additional information regarding roundabouts.
Mayor Guard explained how the discussion on roundabout reemerged, the status of an additional overpass, and car tab fee. He discussed the safety concerns on SR-14 and funding for railroad overpasses.
Dave Scott explained the state legislative current session timeline to request re-appropriation of the allocated funds from the overpass project to the roundabouts.
Councilmember Boger proposed public participation at the January 25th meeting.
Dave Scott asked for direction on the 32nd/Evergreen Project.
Motion: To direct staff to move forward on the 32nd/Evergreen Project. Greenlee/Boger Motion passed.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Harvey Olson asked Council to consider the number and types of accidents since the installation of the existing roundabouts and the current number of fatalities on SR-14.
Richard Hamby spoke in favor of the proposed roundabouts on SR-14, the current roundabouts, and likelihood of future funding.
Larry Keister spoke in support of the roundabouts for the economic benefit to the downtown and the port and encouraged Council’s support.
MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Guard introduced the community survey discussion.
Dave Scott distributed and explained the colored coated version of the 2014 community survey. This item will be included on the next meeting agenda.
Mayor Guard reflected on the recent legislative social.
COMMENTS: Councilmember Wagner announced the next park board meeting on the February 3rd at 3:30. The park water element is being sponsored by Lone Wolf. She clarified that no vote has been taken on the Angelo multi-family development.
Councilmember Greenlee commented on the RTC budget and funding and public process for project ranking. Those interested can go to the RTC website. He announced the Camas-Washougal Chamber Luncheon and Economic Forecast Breakfast.
Councilmember Lindsay commented on the legislative social and the Town Hall Meeting at the library.
Councilmember Shoemaker announced the upcoming Public Safety meeting (tentative date) and commented on the multi-family downtown project.
Councilmember Coursey gave an updated from the recent Port meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion: To adjourn at 8:14 pm.
Mayor – Sean Guard
City Clerk
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