MTAC # 117- Origin Containerization Sub-Team (Meeting Notes – 4/9/08)
The meeting opened with a labeling list update from Susan Hawes:
USPS is examining its labeling lists and looking for opportunities to consolidate or eliminate lists to simplify the process for mailers.
USPS is updating L201 to ensure it reflects the current network.
Changes will be published in the June 5 and/or August 14 Postal Bulletin.
A new surface transfer center (STC) list is under development and will be structured like L201. The new STC list is for First-Class Mail and possibly Periodicals.
The team then discussed the following points:
Mailers will enter origin mail at one facility, as they do today.
When preparing pallets, if there are too many trays for a single pallets, remaining trays may be placed on the next pallet. Residual trays in a mailing may be placed on a mixed (working pallet).
Mailers may still use the PostalOne! transportation system to make air separations. Upgrades are needed to allow mailers to produce pallet labels and documentation for air mail. The PostalOne! team is working on these issues.
PostalOne! will need to incorporate the STC separation to interface with mail.dat. Lloyd Moss and Shawn Baldwin will bring back the additional mail.dat specifications updates for STC and Mxd STC containers. Separations for air containers are still not clearly defined or known, but will likely need to also be included. In addition, it isn’t clear how the .xml and other edocumentation methods are updated with the container separations provided.
Sharon asked the team to review the issues and recommendations lists and provide any feedback, changes, or additions to herself and Joel. Joel ran through the issues list and captured a few preliminary changes from the team. These changes will be reflected in the next version, along with an updated recommendations list that incorporates the new origin mail preparation (container levels and minimum volumes).
Sharon reminded the teamthat MTAC #117 Workgroup minutes and information are available at as follows:
- Go to the MTAC Issue Tracking System (MITS) Login
- User name: WG 117/Password: sap567
- Do a search of 117 – and view minutes!
If you are already an MTAC representative,please continue to use your own access information.
Next Team Meetings:
Wednesday, April 16 is CANCELLED.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 (Origin Containerization Sub-Team)
(8:00– 9:30 AM PT /10:00 AM– 11:30 AM CT / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM ET)
Phone Number(s): 800-932-9280Meeting ID: 5596389
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 (WEEK OF MTAC)- Origin Containerization Team
(9:00 AM – 10:30 AM ET (USPS Headquarters – Room 1P-410)
Phone Number(s): To be provided.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008 (WEEK OF MTAC)- Entire MTAC #117 Meeting
(9:00 AM – 11:30 AM ET (USPS Headquarters – Room 1P-410)
Phone Number(s): To be provided.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008 (Origin Containerization Sub-Team)
(8:00 – 9:30 AM PT /10:00 AM – 11:30 AM CT / 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM ET)
Phone Number(s): To be provided. Meeting ID: To be provided.
Thank you for your continued participation and discussion in this sub-team.
– Sharon Harrison & Joel Walker