Use of Alcohol by College Students and How It Affects GPA
- What is your sex? □ Male □ Female
- What is your age? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ Less than 18
□ 18-24
□ 24-30
□ Over 30
- What is your race? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ Caucasian
□ African American
□ Hispanic
□ Other ______
4. Which range is the closest to your yearly income? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ 0-12000
□ 12000-24000
□ 24000-36000
□ 36000-54000
□ 54000 or more Do students have much income? Do you mean their family/parents?
5. How many years have you been attending college? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ Less than 1
□ 1-2
□ 2-4
□ 4 or more
6. What is your grade status? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ Freshman
□ Sophomore
□ Junior
□ Senior
7. Do you have a double major? □ Yes □ No
8. List your major. If you checked yes for the question above, list both majors. ______
9.Do you have a minor? □ Yes □ No
10. List your minor if you checked yes for the question above. ______
11. What is your current GPA? ______
For the numbers 12-25put the number that corresponds to your answer in the space provided.
Always Frequently Sometimes SeldomNever
1 2 3 4 5
Change these all to “I” statements
_____12. Do you drink alcoholic beverages?
_____13. Do you drink alcoholic beverages in a social gathering?
_____14. Do you drink alcoholic beverages in a private gathering?
_____15. Do you drink alcoholic beverages alone?
_____16. Do you drink alcoholic beverages when you are more stressed?
_____17. Do you drink alcoholic beverages on the day you have classes? Do you mean during the day? Evening?
_____18. Do you drink alcoholic beverages on every day of the week?
_____19. Do you drink alcoholic beverages on the weekends?
_____20. Do you attend college parties?
_____21. Do you attend college parties where alcoholic beverages are present?
_____22. Do you attend college parties on weekdays?
_____23. Do you complete assignments on time?
_____24. Do you drink alcoholic beverages while working on your assignments?
_____25. Do you drink alcoholic beverages while studying?
26.How many hours do you study within a week? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ 0-2
□ 2-4
□ 4-6
□ More than 6 Is this a wide enough range?!!
27.Do you drink alcoholic beverages before a class? □ Yes □ No
28. If you answered yes to the previous question, how many hours before a class do you drink alcoholic beverages? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ Less than 1
□ 1-2
□ 2-4
□ More than 4
29.Do you drink alcoholic beverages after a class? □ Yes □ No day class? Night class?
30. If you answered yes to the previous question, how many hours after a class do you drink alcoholic beverages? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ Less than 1
□ 1-2
□ More than 2
31.Do you skip classes? □ Yes □ No
32.How many classes do you skip per month week? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ 0-2
□ 2-4
□ 4-6
□ 6 or more this range is not wide enough
33.How many of the skipped classes above are due to having a hangover? Check the box next to your answer below. None, 10% 25% 75% all
□ All
□ Half
□ Less than half
34. Do youHave you ever attended classes while you have a hangover? □ Yes □ No
How often are you hung over per week?
35.If you answered yes to the previous question, how many times a month week do attend classes with a hangover? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ 1-2
□ 2-4
□ 4-6
□ More than 6
36. How many ounces of alcoholic beverages do you consume in a week? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ 0-8
□ 8-16
□ More than 16
37.Have you failed any classes? □ Yes □ No
38.If you checked yes to the question above, how many classes have you failed? Check the box next to your answer below.
□ 1-2
□ 2-4
□ 4 or moreuse a 5 pt scale.
well done! I made some corrections. Some suggestions: I believe drinking hurts my grades.
While I drink, I drink responsibly. Drinking is a normal part of college life. Drinking does not affect me negatively.
GRADE: 100