Participants: Ms. Miller, Mrs. Fitts, Ms. Blauwkamp, Mrs. Daughtry, Ms. Rahn, Mr. Molder, Mrs. Diamond, Mrs. Mueller, Mr. Evans, Ms. Lay, Ms. Whitehouse
Date:October 24, 2012
Our Annual Goal: To be determined at our next PLT II meeting
2nd quarter Smart Goal- To be determined at our next PLT II meeting
- Announcements…
- Mrs. Daughtry and Ms. Blauwkamp will be assessing their flex first grade students by giving a running record. Flex students who test at grade level, 5-6, will exit literacy services for the second quarter. Mrs. Daughtry and Ms. Blauwkamp will be gathering data on kindergarten students. After the reading rankings are returned on October 31st they will be assessing kindergarten students who are below Title Ireading standards. Due to the high volume of students, the literacy teachers will need an assessment day after the end of the quarter. The Reedy Creek Title I Plan requires that the long term students will have their benchmark reading assessments completed by the long term literacy teachers.
- On October 26th the Tier II Literacy will have donuts and juice for the long-term pullout students’ families. Cary Academy students have volunteered to translate. After the light breakfast, the literacy teachers will give the parents information regarding the thirty minute lesson and how to support their children’s literacy at home.
II. Kid Talk…
- The team gathered data from the classroom teachers on students who need support in one of the following areas: reading, writing, math, or behavior. The team divided into two groups 3-5 and K-2 to collaborate on strategies to support these students. The K-2 team will continue their session on Thursday, October 25th due to the high need at K and 1st.
III. Planning/ Curriculum…
- Due to the various grade levels taught by the intervention team, planning/curriculum is addressed on an individual student basis during Kid Talk.
IV.Action Steps…
- Tier II teachers will bring the data of all students tested during the week to our next PLT meeting.
- Ms. Miller and Mr. Molter will bring any ESL data gathered during the week.
- The Intervention team will continue to support classroom teachers by using digging deeper assessments and universal assessments to identify students who need additional focused instruction.
***Remember S-M-A-R-T focuses on specific, measurable, achievable goals that are result-oriented and have a particular timeframe!!!
Critical Questions of a Professional Learning Community:
What is it we expect our students to learn?
How will we know when they have learned it?
How will we support them when they don’t learn it?
How will we respond when they already know it?