Draft Vulnerable Residents Policy Date: December 2010

1.  Introduction
2.  Definition of vulnerability
3.  Relevant Legislation & Regulation
4.  Lambeth Living approach to vulnerable residents
5.  Staff resources and assistance
6.  Monitoring
7.  Consultation
8.  Equality Impact Assessment
1.0 / Introduction
Lambeth is the largest inner London Borough and it’s the fifth most densely populated authority in the Country.
1.1 / Lambeth remains amongst the most deprived of local authority areas in England within the overall Index of Multiple Deprivation, the Government’s official measure.
The borough is shown (2007) as the 23rd most deprived of all local authorities out of a total of 354 and is within the 20% most deprived local authorities in the country. This level of deprivation indicates high levels of vulnerability within the overall population of Lambeth, often concentrated in social housing. Lambeth has a diverse community with 38% of the population from black and minority ethnic (BME) community. The borough has a young age profile with 45% of its population aged between 20 and 40 and only 9% aged over 65 compared to 18.5% nationally.
Wherever possible, the staff of Lambeth Living will assist vulnerable residents to remain in their homes and live as independently as possible through providing access to a range of support and advice services to meet their needs.
While aimed at reducing the number of vulnerable tenants who abandon or are evicted from their homes this approach will also assist Lambeth Living by reducing tenancy turnover and the costs associated with re-letting properties.
Lambeth Living believes that strong and sustainable communities benefit from the inclusion of all residents, including those who are vulnerable. This policy outlines our approach to dealing with vulnerable residents within all our properties.
2.0 / Definition of vulnerability
2.1 / Lambeth Living defines vulnerable people as those:
“Whose ability to live independently is at risk due to an array of circumstances and needs.”
2.2 / We include in this definition of vulnerability, those people who require additional care and support services both in general needs and specialist housing, regardless of age. We also recognise that vulnerability is not necessarily permanent and that people’s needs change over time.
2.3 / People in the following groups may be considered as vulnerable:
·  frail elderly or older people with support needs;
·  vulnerable young people (including those at risk or leaving care);
·  teenage parents with children;
·  families with one or more children registered on the Child ProtectionRegister;
·  those who have had periods in long stay institutional establishments (e.g. long stay hospitals, prisons, children's homes, care homes etc).
·  mentally disordered offenders;
·  former convicted sex offenders undergoing rehabilitation;
·  some marginalised Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities, particularly residents who do not have English as a first language, as well as refugees;
and people:
·  with a learning disability;
·  with severe physical health problems or disabilities;
·  with visual or hearing impairments;
·  with mental health problems;
·  with HIV/AIDS;
·  with drug or alcohol problems;
·  threatened by domestic violence or other harassment;
·  with a recent history of homelessness and/or sleeping rough.
2.4 / Lambeth Living will work with Lambeth Council and other partners to:
·  Assist people to access and sustain suitable accommodation.
·  Access services such as health services, including mental health, welfare services and/or specific support services such as family support.
3.0 / Relevant Legislation & Regulation
3.1 / ·  Children’s Act 1989 (amended 2005).
·  Children’s Act 2004.
·  Data Protection Act 1998.
·  Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (amended 2005).
·  Housing Acts 1985,1996 and 2004.
·  Human Rights Act 1998.
·  The Mental Capacity Act 2005.
·  Race Relations Act 1976 (amended 2002).
·  Court Pre-Action Protocol
4.0 / Lambeth Living approach to vulnerable residents
4.1 / Lambeth Living has high standards of customer care and will try to be responsive and sensitive to the needs of vulnerable people. Lambeth Living intends to work with partner organisations to provide a co-ordinated approach to vulnerability and with due regard to Lambeth Council’s Safeguarding agenda. Lambeth Living has signed up to a Safeguarding Protocol with Lambeth Council which sets out the principles of safeguarding practice between housing providers and the statutory agencies of Child Social care and Adult Social Care.
4.2 / Financial inclusion: Lambeth Living recognises that many vulnerable people may be trapped in a cycle of poverty and debt which often need a variety of agencies to work together to help people. Lambeth Living will try to establish this multi-agency approach wherever required.
4.3 / Arrears: Vulnerable tenants are particularly liable to get into rent arrears. Lambeth Living will:
·  Make personal contact wherever possible rather than rely on letters.
·  Sign post residents to appropriate advice and/or support agencies.
·  Make sure that staff has followed the requirements of the court known as the Pre-Action Protocol.
·  Take action to evict only as a last resort on the basis that the tenant has failed to rectify any breach of tenancy conditions despite intervention and assistance.
4.4 / Legal action:
4.4.1 / Legal action and eviction must always be seen as the last resort when dealing with breaches of tenancy. Before taking legal action, Lambeth Livings staffmust consider the tenant’s:
·  ability to understand the severity of the situation;
·  their knowledge of the process;
·  awareness of their rights.
4.4.2 / In all cases where possession is being sought because of rent arrearscentral income officers must ensure that they comply with the Pre-action Protocol before issuing proceedings.
4.4.3 / Lambeth Living will ensure that the appropriate department within Adult Social Care (plus where appropriate Children’s Social Care), and the Supply and Demand section are notified whenever vulnerable families and households are identified for eviction.
4.5 / Anti-social Behaviour: some perpetrators of anti-social behaviour may be vulnerable and require support from specialist agencies to help them modify their behaviour.
4.6 / Residents may be made vulnerable through their inability to comprehend information given, verbally or in writing. Lambeth Living will seek to identify and record the communication needs of all residents so that messages are provided in the appropriate language and/or format (e.g. large print, audio, Braille etc.)
·  Adopt a victim centred approach when dealing with reports of harassment, abuse and neglect.
·  Consider the needs of vulnerable residents when developing our policies and service provision.
5.0 / Staff resources and assistance
5.1 / ·  Identify vulnerable residents and ensure appropriate information is recorded on our IT and manual systems to inform.
·  Be aware of the Council’s Safeguarding Vulnerable Customers Protocol
·  Make a referral to the appropriate support and/or advice
5.2 / Staff will work with other agencies to direct residents to other services to access the support to which they are entitled, including the Lambeth SNAP team
5.3 / Lambeth Living will ensure that information appropriate to vulnerable tenants is available and accessible in reception areas in our offices and that staff are able to refer tenants to such sources.
5.4 / Sheltered and housing accommodation have access to terminals that allow tenants to bid for properties. Where necessary staff will assist tenants in making bids so that they can maximise their housing options.
6.0 / Monitoring
6.1 / Monitoring of the application of this policy is the responsibility of all managers.
6.2 / Periodic Quality Audits will be conducted to ensure that the policy is consistently applied across Lambeth Living’s service delivery. The Service Improvement Team will analyse the application of the overall policy for performance and trends and will make recommendations to Service Managers where services could be improved.
7.0 / Consultation
7.1 / The review of this policy was informed by the Tenancy Management Board.
8.0 / Equality Impact Assessment
8.1 / An Equality Impact Assessment will be in January 2011 as part of the EIA programme.


Vulnerability Policy December 2010