Your Pay / Timesheets/Time Reporting

You are being paid by LUMP SUM so you must complete the Time Report every time you work for UB. Record your start time and end time (including travel time*) every day or evening. You do not need to log in to KRONOS to record your hours.

THIS TIME REPORT IS KEPT IN A BINDER in the UB office so I can find it when I need to record your hours. I will collect it at the end of the semester. Please make sure you sign the form every pay period.

The pay schedule is noted on the time sheet and here. If you don't get paid or if you receive less than (or more than!) you were expecting, please talk to me right away or email 's easier to fix a mistakeimmediately.

Please DO NOT GET BEHIND IN RECORDING YOUR HOURS! If you must, you can email me with your hours and I will enter them for you (but please don't make a habit of this!)

If you are new to the UW-L payroll, the personnel office will not be able to assign you payroll and appointment identification numbers until your paperwork is complete. So please complete your paperwork immediatelyif you haven’t already done so!

RETURNING TUTORS: Contact Info (qualtrics survey), Driver Authorization (update if necessary)

NEW TO UB BUT HAVE WORKED ON CAMPUS LAST YEAR: Items above PLUS Confidentiality Agreement & EO#54

NEW TO UW-L PAYROLL: Items listed above PLUS Human Resources forms completed in 145 Graff Main Hall

*Travel time for out of town tutoring sessions is paid as follows: Holmen and Sparta = 1.5 hours per session; Tomah = 2 hours per session.


Pay Period / Complete pay sheet by Friday / Pay Day (Friday)
9/21/14 - 10/4/14 / 10/3/14 at 10 a.m. / 10/16/14
10/5/14 - 10/18/14 / 10/17/14 at 10 a.m. / 10/30/2014
10/19/14 - 11/01/14 / 10/31/14 at 10 a.m. / 11/16/2014
11/02/14 - 11/15/14 / 11/14/14 at 10 a.m. / 11/26/14
11/16/14 - 11/29/14 / 11/28/14 at 10 a.m. / 12/11/2014
11/30/14- 12/13/14 / 12/12/14 at 10 a.m. / 12/23/2014
12/14/14 - 12/27/14 / 12/26/14 at 10 a.m. / 01/08/2014
12/28/14 - 1/ 10/14 / 1/9/15 at 10 a.m. / 01/22/2015
1/ 11/15 - 1/24/15 / 1/23/15 at 10 a.m. / 02/05/2015

These pay dates are valid only if you have completed and turned in all required payroll information (listed on the other side) and if you record your hours worked in a timely manner in the Upward Bound office.

@REPORTING OF HOURS for 12/01 and beyond WILL BE DELAYED IF YOUR END OF SEMESTER PAPERWORK IS NOT COMPLETE and will not be reported until all summaries and evaluations are complete, signed and turned in to your supervisor and your final meeting with your supervisor is done.

Please talk to me immediately in person or by phone: 608 785-8763 or by email: if you have any questions or concerns!