Dillon School District Four Technology
Weekly Truancy Verification Checklist
Fax to the Technology Office (774-1214) each Thursday
Initials of person completing steps below when completed.
- Students with attendance problems grades PK-5K should be addressed at the school level.
- Please refer to information included on link below in reference to attendance intervention, parents and community services etc.
Truant Level: (Age 6-17) Child accumulates 3consecutive unlawfulabsences or a total of 5unlawful absences and is classified as a “truant.” School officials meet with the parent/guardian to identify the reasons for the child’s absences. School officials develop a written intervention plan in conjunction with the child and parent/guardian to address the child’s continued absence.
Truancy Procedures:
- PowerSchoolDillon Reports>Attendance
- Run Consecutive Days Absent Report (3 Days or more) _____
- When report runs, click on student name and print screen for Attendance Intervention Person to review to begin Truancy Intervention Plan. ____
- PowerSchool>DillonReports>Attendance
- Run Attendance Frequency Report: 5Day minimum> (to get cumulative absences) _____
- Grades 1-12: Choose Daily for all day absence/tardy
- Codes to include: T,A,C,D,E,F,M,U,Z
- Grades 6-12: Choose Meeting for period absence/tardy
- Codes to include: T,A,D,E,F,M,U,Z
- Students with excessive partial day absence/tardy in period attendance are to be considered as potential truant students, but not to be coded with the absence code of “truant” in attendance or incident management truancy.
- Suspensions should not be counted toward truancy.
- When report runs, click on student name and print screen for Attendance Intervention Person to review to continue with Truancy Intervention Plan. ____
- Attendance Intervention Person reviews above reports and will give the Attendance Secretary names of students that need 3 and 5 day attendance letters to be sent to parent/guardian ______
- 3 Day Attendance Letter sent to parent/guardian (unexcused/unverified absences) based upon information received from Attendance Truancy Intervention Person. ____
- Print letter from PowerSchool; Attendance Intervention Report (Letter to be used when the Attendance Intervention Plan needs to be written
- TRU1 Code has been entered in PowerSchool Incident Management once student has reached the Truant Level.______
- Print Letter from PowerSchool; Attendance Report (General letter to be used for potential attendance issues)
- TRU1 Code has been entered in PowerSchool Incident Management once student has reached the Truant Level. _____
- Phone calls made to parent/guardian in regards to 3 and 5 Day unexcused/unverified absences. _____
- The following documentation must be filed in a manila folder for each student:
- Copies of 3 and 5 day letter sent to parent/guardian
- Completed student truancy tracking form
- When Attendance Intervention Person refers students to the Attendance Supervisor, the following information must be attached to the Attendance Referral Form. _____
- Copies of 3 & 5 day attendance letter/phone call sent to parent/guardian (unexcused/unverified absences)
- Dillon Reports>Incident Management: Student Discipline Summary Report
- Current Grades:
- Student Truancy Tracking Form
Habitual Truant Level: (Age 12-17) Child fails to comply with intervention plan and accumulates 2 more unlawful absences. Child is now classified as a “habitual” truant. Intervention activities continue, and school officials may file a truancy petition for court action.
- PowerSchoolDillon Reports>Attendance
- Run Attendance Frequency Report: 5Day minimum> (to get cumulative absences) _____
- Grades 1-12: Choose Daily for all day absence
- Codes to include: T,A,C,D,E,F,L,M,U,Z
- Grades 6-12: Choose Meeting to get period absences/ tardies
- Codes to include: T,A,C,D,E,F,L,M,U,Z
- When report runs, click on student name and print screen for Attendance Intervention Person to review student attendance to file a truancy petition for court action. _____
- Attendance Intervention Person reviews above reports and will give County Attendance Supervisor copies of documents needed to file truancy petition. ______
- Letter(s) printed and TRU1 code has been entered in Incident Management Truancy in PowerSchool. ______
- TRU2 Code has been entered in PowerSchool Incident Management once once student has reached Habitual Truant Level. _____
- Attendance Referral Form ______
- Intervention Plan with result, actions and signatures _____
- Student attendance record _____
- Current year student grades ______
- Copies of conference letters, must make more than one attempt to schedule a conference ______
- Phone log ______
- PowerSchoolDillon Reports>Attendance
- Run Attendance Frequency Report: 5Day minimum> (to get cumulative absences) ______
- Grades 1-12: Choose Daily for all day absence
- Codes to include: T,A,C,D,E,F,L,M,U,Z
- Grades 6-12: Choose Meeting to get period absences/ tardies
- Codes to include: T,A,C,D,E,F,L,M,U,Z
- When report runs, click on student name and print screen for Attendance Intervention Person to review student attendance to file a contempt of court petition with the court. ______
- Attendance Intervention Person reviews above reports and will give County Attendance Supervisor copies of documents needed to file contempt of court petition. ______
- TRU3 Code has been entered in PowerSchool Incident Management once student has reached Chronic Truant Level. _____
Date Attendance Intervention Person Signature
Date Attendance Secretary Signature
Date Principal Signature
Rev. 1/12/20151