Appendix A: Summary of Exercise Program

Each participant received an individualized 12-week progressive strength training program, including basic strength, core, balance and flexibility exercises. Participants were told to warm up by doing light to moderate aerobic exercise (walking, cycling etc.) for 5-7 minutes before performing exercises. No further aerobic exercise was prescribed since the focus of the program was improved strength and functioning, not aerobic capacity.

Outside of the once per week exercise class, participants were instructed to perform their basic strength exercises twice per week and their core and balance exercises one per week. During the exercise class, basic strength, core and balance and flexibility exercises were reviewed. Progressions were offered at 4 weeks, 6 weeks and 9 weeks, or when appropriate.

Basic exercise prescription included: 8-10 repetitions, 2-3 sets, rest: 60 seconds between sets. Participants were told to use the Borg Rated Perceived Exertion Scale (0-10) to monitor intensity. All participants were told to work within the moderate to hard range, 3-5/10.

Basic strength exercises included:

  1. Sit to stand, progression: free squat with weights if necessary
  2. Pushup with ball against wall, progression: pushup with ball on floor
  3. Ball wall squat, progression: ball wall squat with weights
  4. Seated row with band, sitting on ball, progression: stronger band
  5. Leg extension seated on ball, progression: additional sets
  6. Lat Pull down using band
  7. Lunges, progression: add weight
  8. Abductor exercise using band
  9. Adductor ball squeeze exercise
  10. Bicep Curl
  11. Triceps extensions with band, progression: tricep dips
  12. Hamstring curl using ball

Core and balance exercises included:

  1. Single leg balance on floor for 60 seconds: progression, stand on foam block
  2. Single leg balance forward bend, opposite arm touches balancing leg
  3. Balance board for 60 seconds
  4. Bird-dog exercise
  5. Front plank
  6. Side planks
  7. Dead-bug exercise
  8. Laying supine, core stabilization while alternating leg extension

Flexibility exercises included:

  1. Hamstring
  2. Quadriceps
  3. Hip flexors
  4. Gluteus group
  5. Chest
  6. Back
  7. Biceps
  8. Triceps
  9. Shoulders
  10. Head and neck stretches